URSS.ru Editorial URSS, Moscú. Librería on-line
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Bruk V.A., Garshenin V.V., Kurnosov A.I.
Semiconductor technology.
336 pp. (English).
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476 pp. (Spanish).
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288 pp. (English).
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This book contains 12 review articles reflecting the present status of the physics and technology of semiconductor heterostructures. The problems discussed in these articles are of prime importance in the development of microelectronics, optoelectronics, and integrated optics, as well as of the photoelectric... (Información más detallada)

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32.9 EUR

320 pp. (Spanish).
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Stupelman V., Filaretov G.
Semiconductor devices.
274 pp. (English).

The book discusses the principles of most widely used semiconductor devices and physical processes determining their characteristics. The coverage also includes the design, electric parameters and fields of application of semiconductors. Much consideration is given to the design features and principles... (Información más detallada)

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49.9 EUR

288 pp. (English).
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Prof. SMIRNOV, L. S., D. Sc. (Physics and Mathematics) A specialist in physics of semiconductors and dielectrics was among the pioneers of a new and promising field, that of radiation physics and technology. Since 1954, he has been actively working in research of radiation effects in semiconductors.... (Información más detallada)

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648 pp. (English).
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19.9 EUR

242 pp. (English). The book is new but the effect of the years is evident. The state is rated 9+ (out of 10): Text and cover: 9+.
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Moss T.S., Burrell G.J., Ellis B.
Semiconductor Opto-Electronics
442 pp. (English).
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696 pp. (English).
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752 pp. (English).
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964 pp. (German). Second hand. The state is rated 5 (out of 10)//Б5//Внешний вид книги несет на себе следы времени (с 1910 г.). Блок текста в хорошем состоянии (7); передняя крышка переплета оторвана и приложена к книге. Есть погашенная печать расформированной библиотеки.
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270 pp. (English).
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558 pp. (English).
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390 pp. (English). Libros usados. Estado: 4+.
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Martin H.-J.
Die Ferroelektrika
552 pp. (German).
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212 pp. (English).
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Baranski P., Klotchkov V., Potykévitch I.
Electronique des semiconducteurs
527 pp. (French).
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Baranski P., Klotchkov V., Potykévitch I.
Electronique des semiconducteurs
671 pp. (French).
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Bogdankévitch O., Darznek S., Elisséev P.
Les lasers а semiconducteurs
448 pp. (French).
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Ce livre, écrit par d'éminents spécialistes soviétiques de l'électronique quantique des semi-conducteurs, est la premiàre monographie consacrée exclusivement aux lasers а semiconducteurs; les générateurs quantiques de rayonnement optique cohérent а semi-conducteurs, а la fois compacts et efficaces, offrent... (Información más detallada)

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338 pp. (English).
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84 pp. (French).
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84 pp. (French).
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274 pp. (English).
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392 pp. (English).
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The book contains a theory of and experimental data on the semiconducting compounds of transition and rare-earth elements. Peculiar to magnetic semiconductors is the extremely strong influence exercised by their magnetic properties on their electrical and optical properties, and vice versa, the conduction... (Información más detallada)