URSS.ru Editorial URSS, Moscú. Librería on-line
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216 pp. (Spanish).
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A menudo pensamos que la vista nos engaña. Pero ¿es realmente así? Resulta que no.

Entonces, ¿por qué nuestra percepción es afectada por las ilusiones ópticas? ¿Cómo ellas surgen? Esta obra responde a estas preguntas de una manera comprensible y amena.

El libro comienza con una breve reseña histórica.... (Información más detallada)

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19.9 EUR

216 pp. (Spanish).
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En el libro que sometemos al juicio del lector, su autor, el Doctor en Ciencias Biológicas B. F. Serguiéev, da a conocer en una forma amena los principales aspectos y problemas con que se enfrenta actualmente la ciencia del cerebro, así como los métodos de investigación que la misma utiliza para el estudio... (Información más detallada)

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15.9 EUR

296 pp. (Spanish).
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920 pp. (English). Second-hand book. It looks as new, but the effect of the years is evident. The general state is rated 9 (out of 10): Text: 9+; Cover: 9;.
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...an intense, in-depth examination of the relationship bet ween neuroanatomy and associated behavior, personality, thin king, psychosis, and emotions.


"Excellent... Comprehensive... Exceptional... Enthusiastically recommended!" -- Health Science Review Journal, 1997

"First rate... Among... (Información más detallada)

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15.9 EUR

Boldyreva L.B., Sotina N.B.
Physicists in parapsychology
112 pp. (English).
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This is a collection of articles describing the results of experimental studies of some phenomena of parapsychology. Theoretical approaches based on the model of superfluid physical vacuum to explanation of the phenomena are presented. (Información más detallada)

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Kerbikov O.V., Korkina M.V., Nadzharov R.A., Snezhnevsky A.V.
472 pp. (Vietnamese).
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Korkina M., Tsivilko M., Kossova E.
Leçons practiques de psychiatrie
200 pp. (French). Second-hand book.
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384 pp. (Tamil).
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568 pp. (English). Second-hand book. The general state is rated 9 (out of 10): Text: 9+; Cover: 9+; Dust cover: 8+.
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Hemispheric specialization is involved in every aspect of sensory, cognitive, and motor systems integration. Study of the corpus callosum, the bands of tissue uniting the brain's two hemispheres, is central to understanding neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, and behavior. It also brings the tools of hemispheric... (Información más detallada)

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462 pp. (Russian). Libros usados. Estado: 4+.
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Настоящая коллективная монография отражает разработку проблемы бессознательного на основе международного сотрудничества ученых. В издании представлено обобщенное изложение материалов Тбилисского международного симпозиума по проблеме неосозноваемой психической деятельности.

В четвертом томе... (Información más detallada)

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Haines Duane E., Lancon John A.
Review of Neuroscience
220 pp. (English). Libros usados. Estado: 5-.
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This review tool presents over 850 USMLE-style questions and answers, following the same chapter organization as Fundamental Neuroscience, 2nd Edition. All questions are followed by a brief rationale for the correct answer with page references to the parent text. Many "fact recall" questions are included,... (Información más detallada)

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Damasio Hanna., Damasio Antonio R.
Lesion Analysis in Neuropsychology
236 pp. (English). Libros usados. Estado: 5-.
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Knowledge about brain neuroanatomy has played a major role in elucidating the brain mechanisms underlying psychological processes. Nowhere has the role been stronger than in the study of the relation between specific areas of brain damage and changes in perception, memory, and language. This book is... (Información más detallada)

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Louzoun C., Stylianidis S.
La nouvelle psychiatrie italienne
72 pp. (French).
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Chaumon F., Vacher N.
Psychiatrie et justice
110 pp. (French).
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Portnov A., Fedotov D.
370 pp. (English).
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234 pp. (English).
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310 pp. (French).
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1080 pp. (Russian).
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Настоящая книга представляет собой сборник 39 оригинальных работ, отражающих результаты проведенных в последние 10 лет научных исследований отдела терапии психических заболеваний Московского НИИ психиатрии Минздравсоцразвития РФ. Освещаются теоретические и практические аспекты применения новых медикаментозных... (Información más detallada)