URSS.ru Editorial URSS, Moscú. Librería on-line
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19.9 EUR

216 pp. (Spanish).
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En el libro que sometemos al juicio del lector, su autor, el Doctor en Ciencias Biológicas B. F. Serguiéev, da a conocer en una forma amena los principales aspectos y problemas con que se enfrenta actualmente la ciencia del cerebro, así como los métodos de investigación que la misma utiliza para el estudio... (Información más detallada)

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15.9 EUR

350 pp. (Spanish).
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19.9 EUR

312 pp. (Spanish).
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15.9 EUR

296 pp. (Spanish).
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19.9 EUR

268 pp. (Portuguese).
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384 pp. (Tamil).
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348 pp. (English). Libros usados. Estado: 4+. Энциклопедический формат (205мм x 265мм).
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172 pp. (English).
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214 pp. (English).
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Ed.: Barlow H.B., Fatt P.
Vertebrate Photoreception
380 pp. (English).
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24 EUR

258 pp. (Spanish).
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Morozov G., Romasenko V.
Nervous and psychic diseases.
240 pp. (English).
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Nesterov A.I.
180 pp. (Spanish).
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216 pp. (French).
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98 pp. (English).
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Teleshevskaya M.
184 pp. (English).
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Gazzaniga Michael S., Ivry Richard B., Mangun G. R.
Cognitive Neuroscience: The Biology of the Mind [Unabridged]. Ed.2
782 pp. (English). Libros usados. Estado: 5-.
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The second edition of "Cognitive Neuroscience" strengthens the text's interdisciplinary approach to understanding how the human mind works by introducing over 400 new citations and two new chapters. This volume also features increased coverage of computational modelling, discussions of prominent methodological... (Información más detallada)

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Lezak Muriel D., Howieson Diane B., Loring David W., Hannay Julia H.
//Neuropsychological Assessment
1030 pp. (English). Энциклопедический формат (220мм x 290мм).
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Well-known as the "bible" in its field, this text/reference has been thoroughly revised and updated by a team of internationally recognized and clinically experienced neuropsychologists. Drawing on their diverse interests, they provide authoritative, broad-based, and in-depth coverage of current research... (Información más detallada)

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224 pp. (English).
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Cortexin – Five years in neurological practice in Russia.

The book presents the reports of the leading Russian experts in neurology.

The results of Cortexin medicine clinical effectiveness studies in treatment of various

diseases and pathological states of central nervous system have been discussed.

It... (Información más detallada)

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288 pp. (French). The book is new but the effect of the years is evident. The state is rated 9 (out of 10): Text (9++) and cover(8+).
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