URSS.ru Editorial URSS, Moscú. Librería on-line
Libros raros (entre 1920 y 1935) (1468)
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(German). Durchschnittlicher Zustand: Bücher aus aufgelösten Bibliotheken sind längst ausgemustert, es gibt Bibliotheksstempel, einige Umschläge wurden ersetzt, einige Bücher weisen leichte Beschädigungen auf.
Состояние среднее: книги из расформированных библиотек, уже давно списаны, имеются штампы библиотек, некоторые обложки заменены, имеются незначительные повреждения некоторых книг.
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450 pp. (French). Libros usados.
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206 pp. (French). Second-hand book. Encyclopedical format (245mm x 315mm). Condition: 3+ (on a five-point scale) // Букинист. Энциклопедический формат (205мм x 265мм). Состояние: 3+ // In 4°, legatura edit. in T.Tela con titoli oro al dorso e al piatto, pp. 205 + 25 tavv. più volte ripieg. f.t. Integrazione al margine sup. dell'occhietto e front.
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209p. + XXV planche (Información más detallada)

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842 pp. (English). Libros usados. Estado: 3.
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484 pp. (English). Libros usados. Estado: 4+.
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96 pp. (English). Second-hand book. The general state is rated 7 (out of 10): Text and cover: 8+ & 7-. The effect of the years is evident. The book may have a cancelled stamp of already not existing library.
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202 pp. (German). Second-hand book. The general state is rated 6 (out of 10): Text and cover: 7.75 and 6.75); The effect of the years is evident. The book may have a stamp of already not existing library.
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Phelps R.W., Lake F.W.
Petroleum Engineering. 1st edition
592 pp. (English). Second-hand book. The general state is rated 8.75 (out of 10): Text: 9.25; Cover: 8.50. The book has a stamp of already not existing library.
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1816 pp. (English). Second-hand book. The general state is rated 8.75 (out of 10): Text: 9; Cover: 8. The effect of the years is evident.
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660 pp. (English). Libros usados. Estado: 4.
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244 pp. (English). Libros usados.
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384 pp. (Spanish). Libros usados. Estado: 4.
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1088 pp. (German). Libros usados. Estado: 4.
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Ballard Philip Boswood.
Thought and language.
304 pp. (English).
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878 pp. (Vietnamese). Libros usados. Estado: 4+.
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520 pp. (English). Second-hand book. The general state is rated 5 (out of 10): Text: 8.75; Cover: 4. The effect of the years is evident. The book has a cancelled stamp of already not existing library.
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256 pp. (German). Libros usados. Estado: 4. Блок текста: 4+. Обложка: 4.
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672 pp. (German). Libros usados. Estado: 5-.
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Энциклопедия элементарной математики. Том 3: Прикладная элементарная математика. Часть 3.2: Начертательная геометрия, графическая статика, теория вероятностей, политическая арифметика и астрономия. (Información más detallada)

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Golubov S. // Голубов С.
Bagrattion // Багратион. (In English)
264 pp. (English). Libros usados. Estado: 4+.
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496 pp. (English). Libros usados. Estado: 4+. Потертости.
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Aisberg E., Gilloux H., Soreau R.
Manuel technique de la radio
244 pp. (French). Second-hand book. The effect of the years is evident. The general state is rated 7 (out of 10): Text: 8 (out of 10); Cover is not original. Hard cover handmade, worn.
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Schneider W.A., Ham L.B.
Experimental physics for colleges
272 pp. (English). Second-hand book. The general state is rated 6 (out of 10). The book has a cancelled stamp of already not existing library.
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228 pp. (English). Second-hand book. The general state is rated 7.5 (out of 10): Text: 9; Cover: 7. The effect of the years is evident. The book has some cancelled stamps of already not existing library.
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Hawkes H.E.
Higher Algebra
228 pp. (English). Second-hand book. The general state is rated 8.5 (out of 10): Text: 8.85; Cover: 8.5 (there are some notes on the flyleaf).
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Sherman H.C.
Food Products
674 pp. (English).
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Agricola Georgius (Агрикола Георгий).
De Re Metallica. Auflage 2
564 pp. (German). Libros usados. Estado: 3-.
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De re metallica libri XII (Vom Bergkwerck XII Bücher) ist ein 1556 in lateinischer Sprache erschienenes Buch von Georgius Agricola (Georg Bauer) über die zur damaligen Zeit bekannten Bergbau- und Erkundungsmethoden.

Book cataloguing the state of the art of mining, refining, and smelting metals, published... (Información más detallada)