URSS.ru Editorial URSS, Moscú. Librería on-line
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69.9 EUR

752 pp. (French).
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Cet ouvrage est le sixiàme tome du cours de «Physique théorique» universellement connu des grands physiciens soviétiques Lev Landau, Prix Lénine et Nobel, et Evguéni Lifchitz, Prix Lénine et Lomonossov.

Ce tome traite de la mécanique des fluides, c'est-а-dire de la théorie du mouvement des liquides... (Información más detallada)

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29.9 EUR

312 pp. (English).
  • Rústica

This book presents a new numerical method of conformal mapping (the RT-algorithm) based on the R and T procedures. Solutions are given for arbitrary simply connected and doubly connected domains with piecewise - smooth contours. The continuum mechanics, including hydrodynamics, electrodynamics and elasticity... (Información más detallada)

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Rabinóvich E.Z.
320 pp. (Spanish). The book is new but the effect of the years is evident. The state is rated 9+ (out of 10): Text and cover: 9+; Dust cover: 8+.
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19.9 EUR

600 pp. (English).
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310 pp. (English).
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Dodge R.A., Thompson M.J.
Fluid mechanics
496 pp. (English).
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364 pp. (German). Libros usados. Estado: 4+.
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364 pp. (German).
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588 pp. (English).
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