URSS.ru Editorial URSS, Moscú. Librería on-line
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Venikov V.A. Professor, D. Sc. (Tech.), RSFSR Distinguished Scientist, Lenin Prize Winner.
Introduction to energy technology
304 pp. (English).
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Dubrovsky V.B., Lavdansky P.A., Neshumov F.S., Ponomarev Yu.V., Kirillov A.P., Konviz V.S.
Construction of nuclear power plants.
280 pp. (English).
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29.9 EUR

332 pp. (English). The book is new but the effect of the years is evident. The state is rated 9+ (out of 10): Text and cover: 9,5; Dust cover: 9,25.
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Limits of Development: Migration

Climatology: Global Warming

Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy: Prions

The Cultural Emergency: Information and Communications -- Environment

Cosmic Objects

Aids and Infectious Diseases: Ethics and Medicine

Water and Pollution

Permanent Monitoring Panel Meetings... (Información más detallada)

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Ed.: Argonne National Laboratory, United States Atomic Energy Commission.
Reactor Physics Constants. Изд. 2
852 pp. (English). Second-hand book. The general state is rated 9 (out of 10): Text: 9+; Cover: 9. The effect of the years is evident. The book may have a cancelled stamp of already not existing library.
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Gerasimov V., Monakhov A.
Nuclear engineering materials.
312 pp. (English). The book is new but the effect of the years is evident. The state is rated 9+ (out of 10): Text and cover: 9+; Dust cover: 9.
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This is a college textbook. The book discusses the requirements imposed on reactor materials. It characterizes coolants and discusses irradiation-produced changes taking place therein. The book examines the properties of structural and nuclear fuel materials and the manner in which they are influenced... (Información más detallada)

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152 pp. (Hindi).
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628 pp. (Arabian). The book is new but the effect of the years is evident. The state is rated 8.95 (out of 10). The state of the dustcovers of the books is rated 6.5.
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352 pp. (Russian). Libros usados. Estado: 4+.
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Рассматриваются температурные напряжения, которые создаются в детали, если затруднена свободная деформация этой детали или ее частей в соответствии с изменением температуры, с учетом возникающих инженерных задач. Ряд разделов посвящен прочности и устойчивости при воздействии температуры... (Información más detallada)

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480 pp. (French). Second-hand book. It looks as new.The state is rated 9 (out of 10). The state of the dustcovers of the books is rated 7.
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204 pp. (English).
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200 pp. (English).
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618 pp. (English). Libros usados. Estado: 4+.
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Haack W., Grammeltvedt A., Stummel F.
Codes for Reactor Computations
540 pp. (English). Libros usados. Estado: 4+.
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460 pp. (Arabian).
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128 pp. (Telug).
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152 pp. (Marathi).
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208 pp. (Marathi).
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208 pp. (Laotian).
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440 pp. (English). Second-hand book. The general state is rated 8 (out of 10): Text: 9; Cover: 7. The book has a cancelled stamp of already not existing library.
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