URSS.ru Editorial URSS, Moscú. Librería on-line
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24.9 EUR

84 pp. (Russian).
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Труды центрального аэро гидродинамического института им. Жуковского. Выпуск 2691.

Представлены результаты экспериментального исследования взаимодействия звука с дозвуковыми и сверхзвуковыми турбулентными струями. На приводимых в альбоме теневых фотографиях рассматривается широкий круг вопросов,... (Información más detallada)

25.9 EUR

Rabinóvich E.Z.
320 pp. (Spanish).
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Kremenetski N.N., Chterenlikht D.Y., Alichey V.M., Iakovlevа L.V.
Hidráulica. Aplicaçoes da mecánica dos fluidos na agricultura
360 pp. (Portuguese).
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Kréménetski N., Schtérenliht D., Alychev Y., Yakovléva L.
326 pp. (French). The book is new but the effect of the years is evident. The state is rated 8.75 (out of 10): Text: 9.5; Dustcovers: 7.5.
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69.9 EUR

544 pp. (English).
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The monography offers a detailed analysis of the methods for constructing mathematical models of transient non-isothermal flows of gas mixtures, multicomponent fluids, and gas–liquid fluids through systems of long branched pipelines including annular sections. To enhance the presentation clarity,... (Información más detallada)

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34.9 EUR

174 pp. (English).
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A new approach to the theory of the small-scale dissipative turbulence based on non-equilibrium thermodynamics,

continuum-mechanics and the statistical physics is developed in the monograph. The classical expression for the macroscopic kinetic energy of a small fl uid particle in classical non-equilibrium... (Información más detallada)

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410 pp. (English). The book is new but the effect of the years is evident. The state is rated 8.95 (out of 10).
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232 pp. (French). The book is new but the effect of the years is evident. The state is rated 8.85 (out of 10): Text: 9.5; Dustcovers: 6.
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330 pp. (Spanish).
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Chernyak O.V., Rybchinskaya G.B.
Basic hydraulics and heat engineering.
274 pp. (English).
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314 pp. (Vietnamese). Libros usados. Estado: 5-.
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426 pp. (English). Libros usados.
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208 pp. (English).
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The formulation of the static problems of hydroelasticity is based on hydrostatics and the static theory of elasticity, the strength of materials, and plate and shell theory. The greatest interest is the interaction of a fluid with thin-walled structures such as a rod, membrane, plate, or shell. In the... (Información más detallada)

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580 pp. (Russian). Libros usados. Estado: 4+.
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Словарь содержит около 22000 слов и 97 технических схем с описанием и переводом на русский язык. (Información más detallada)

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750 pp. (English).
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966 pp. (English). Libros usados. Энциклопедический формат (205мм x 265мм).
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80 pp. (Russian). Libros usados. Estado: 4+.
  • Rústica
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132 pp. (English). Libros usados. Second hand book but it looks as new. The state is rated 8.5 (out of 10). There is canceled library stamp / Букинист. Энциклопедический формат (205мм x 265мм).
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Compressible fluid


B. w/lMRIE

B.Sc.(Eng), M.Sc, C.Eng., M.I.Mech.E., M.lnst.M.C. Lecturer, Department of Engineering, University of Leeds



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600 pp. (English). Libros usados. Second hand. The state is rated 8 (from 10)/Б4.
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534 pp. (English). Libros usados. Estado: 4. Second hand book. The state is rated 8 (out of 10). The book has a small cancelled stamp of already not existing library.
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506 pp. (English). Second-hand book. The state is rated 8.75 (out of 10). The state of the dustcovers of the books is rated 8. The book has a small cancelled stamp of already not existing library.
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1362 pp. (English). Libros usados.
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Nekrasov B., Fabrikant N., Kochergin A.
Problems in hydraulics.
194 pp. (English).
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Dodge R.A., Thompson M.J.
Fluid mechanics
496 pp. (English).
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146 pp. (English). Libros usados. Estado: 4+.
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  • Rústica
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308 pp. (English).
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Forchheimer Philipp.
568 pp. (German). Libros usados.
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Basniev K.S., Dmitriev N.M., Chilingar G.V.
Mechanics of fluid (gas-oil-water) flow
568 pp. (English).
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The movement of fluids (water/oil/gas) in various media (channels, pipelines, fractured and fractured-porous subsurface formations) is described mathematically in this book. The writers used the unified systematic approach based on the continuity and conservation laws of continuum mechanics. The topics... (Información más detallada)