INTRODUCTION 1. METHODOLOGICAL SUPPORT OF THE ZONAL FORECASTING 1.1. Zonal oil and gas potential forecast in an aquatory environment 1.2. Study of the proved oil- and gas-accumulation zones 2. SOME SPECIFICS IN STRUCTURE, EVOLUTION AND OIL AND GAS OCCURRENCES OF THE CONTINENTAL MARGINS 2.1. The doctrine of continental margins 2.2. Continental margin structure and evolution 2.3. Oil and gas occurrences of the continental margins 3. ZONAL HYDROCARBON ACCUMULATIONS IN THE SUBSURFACE OF THE PACIFIC GROUP CONTINENTAL MARGINS 3.1. Oil- and gas-accumulation zones subsurface the island arc margins 3.2. Oil- and gas-accumulation zones over the Pacific margins of North and South America 4. ZONAL HYDROCARBON ACCUMULATIONS IN THE SUBSURFACE OF ATLANTIC GROUP CONTINENTAL MARGINS 4.1. Oil- and gas-accumulation zones at the rift (preceding) stage of continental margin evolution 4.2. Early- and syn-oceanic continental margin evolution stage. Oil- and gasaccumulation zones 4.3. Transitional (Mediterranean) continental margin evolution stage. Oil- and gas-accumulation zones 5. GENERAL PATTERNS IN FORMATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF OILAND GAS-ACCUMULATION ZONES IN SUBSURFACE THE CONTINENTAL MARGINS 5.1. Parameters and general characteristics of oil- and gas-accumulation zones 5.2. Specifics of the spatial distribution 5.3. Hydrocarbon concentration zone phase specialization 5.4. Most important factors in the formation and distribution of oil and gas accumulation zones 6. ZONAL OIL AND GAS POTENTIAL FORECAST FOR THE RUSSIA’S OFFSHORE AREAS. INITIAL RESULTS 6.1. Offshore extension of the Timan-Pechora Province 6.2. Kara Sea 6.3. NE Sakhalin Shelf (North Sakhalin oil and gas basin) Conclusions Literature |