URSS.ru Online Bookstore. Editorial URSS Publishers. Moscow
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21.9 EUR

304 pp. (English). The book is new but the effect of the years is evident. The state is rated 9- (out of 10).
  • Hardcover
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13.9 EUR

256 pp. (Russian).
  • Paperback

Настоящий словарь отражает современный уровень знаний, накопленных разработчиками в области теории и практики создания и эксплуатации морского минного оружия. Работа содержит более 1100 статей, в краткой форме раскрывающих значение основных терминов, категорий и понятий миностроения, а также... (More)

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16.9 EUR

400 pp. (Russian).
  • Paperback

Словарь состоит из двух частей (англо-русской и русско-английской) и содержит в сумме около 400 страниц (включая списки английских и русских сокращений), свыше 100 000 слов, более 5 000 статей, включающих порядка 50 000 терминов. Основными источниками для создания словаря явились: многолетний опыт... (More)

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704 pp. (Spanish).
  • Hardcover
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29.9 EUR

200 pp. (English).
  • Paperback

Some non-traditional phenomenological approaches and methods are suggested for reconstruction of the analytical structure of observed processes and signals. These are, in particular, a family of methods for revealing latent periodicities, further generalization of the classic weighted least-squares method,... (More)

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2192 pp. (Russian). Second-hand. Condition: 4+.
  • Hardcover

Т. 1: Рычажные механизмы, 608 с., 1970

Т. 2: Рычажные механизмы, 1008 с., 1971

Т. 3: Зубчатые механизмы, 576 с., 1973 (More)

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69.9 EUR

544 pp. (English).
  • Hardcover

The monography offers a detailed analysis of the methods for constructing mathematical models of transient non-isothermal flows of gas mixtures, multicomponent fluids, and gas–liquid fluids through systems of long branched pipelines including annular sections. To enhance the presentation clarity,... (More)

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34.9 EUR

174 pp. (English).
  • Hardcover

A new approach to the theory of the small-scale dissipative turbulence based on non-equilibrium thermodynamics,

continuum-mechanics and the statistical physics is developed in the monograph. The classical expression for the macroscopic kinetic energy of a small fl uid particle in classical non-equilibrium... (More)

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620 pp. (English). The book is new but the effect of the years is evident. The state is rated 8.75 (out of 10). The state of the dustcovers of the books is rated 7.
  • Hardcover
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Rare book.

378 pp. (English). The book is new but the effect of the years is evident. The state is rated 9 (out of 10): Text and cover: 9+; Dust cover: 8+.
  • Hardcover
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498 pp. (English).
  • Hardcover
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L'association de l'auteur.
Un sovietique dans l'espacei
96 pp. (French).
  • Paperback
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Ed.: Glushkov G.I.
Airport engineering.
  • Hardcover
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576 pp. (French).
  • Hardcover
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29.9 EUR

Ed.: Velikhov V., Sagdeev A., Kokoshin A.
Weaponry in space: the dillema of security.
152 pp. (English). The book is new but the effect of the years is evident. The state is rated 9- (out of 10).
  • Hardcover

Современная печатная книга (More)

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29.9 EUR

192 pp. (English).
  • Hardcover
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656 pp. (Spanish).
  • Hardcover
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15.9 EUR

196 pp. (English).
  • Paperback
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Lukin R., Gasparyants G., Rodionov V.
Automobile chassis design and calculations.
408 pp. (English). The book is new but the effect of the years is evident. The state is rated 9+ (out of 10): Text and cover: 9+; Dust cover: 8.
  • Hardcover
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340 pp. (Spanish).
  • Hardcover
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39.9 EUR

336 pp. (French).
  • Hardcover
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480 pp. (Spanish).
  • Hardcover
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248 pp. (English).
  • Paperback
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15.9 EUR

300 pp. (Spanish).
  • Hardcover
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240 pp. (English). Second-hand book. It looks as new, but the effect of the years is evident. The state is rated 8.75 (out of 10). The book has a small cancelled stamp of already not existing library.
  • Hardcover
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Rare book.

748 pp. (English).
  • Hardcover
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39.9 EUR

Tsiolkovsky K.E.
Selected Works
336 pp. (English). Second-hand. Condition: 4+.

In this edition the principal works of K.E.Tsiolkovsky dealing with rocketry and the theory of interplanetary communications were published. These writings had brought him the priority as the founder of theoretical cosmonautics. The article by academician S.P.Korolyov "On the Practical Significance of... (More)

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192 pp. (English).
  • Hardcover
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Kolesnikov Yu.V., Giazkov Yu.N.
A spaceship in orbit.
224 pp. (English). Second-hand book. The general state is rated 9 (out of 10). Уменьшенный формат (115мм x 165мм).//.
  • Paperback
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Rare book.

Avduyevsky V.S., Grishin S.D., Leskov L.V.
Scientific Foundations of Space Manufacturing.
176 pp. (English).
  • Paperback