URSS.ru Online Bookstore. Editorial URSS Publishers. Moscow
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26.9 EUR

Baskákov S.I.
Teoría de circuitos
320 pp. (Spanish).
  • Paperback

En el presente libro se expone sistemáticamente el material del curso "Fundamentos de la teoría de circuitos"; se estudian los métodos de análisis de los regímenes armónicos estacionarios de los circuitos lineales, la teoría de los cuadripolos, las características de los filtros, los fundamentos de la... (More)

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Ivanov-Smolenski A.V.
Máquinas eléctricas. 3 tomos
1200 pp. (Spanish).
  • Hardcover
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23.9 EUR

Venikov V.A. Professor, D. Sc. (Tech.), RSFSR Distinguished Scientist, Lenin Prize Winner.
Introduction to energy technology
304 pp. (English).
  • Hardcover
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472 pp. (Spanish).
  • Hardcover
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440 pp. (Spanish).
  • Hardcover
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29.9 EUR

Vladimirov Yu.S.
Classical Gravity Theory
224 pp. (English).
  • Hardcover

The book is a course of lectures on classical gravity theory (general relativity). The first part presents basic notions, content and main consequences of general relativity (GR). In the second part reference-frame theory and monad approach are considered to comprehend GR thoroughly. The monad approach... (More)

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29.9 EUR

Bardzokas D.I., Kydryavtsev B.A., Senik N.A.
Wave Propagation in Electromagnetoelastic Media
304 pp. (English).
  • Paperback

The book focuses on the main characteristics of coupled electromagnetoelastic waves, surface Rayleigh waves in piezoelectric and magnetoelastic media, Lamb waves and shear waves in piezoelectrics. The authors discuss the criteria of dielectric and piezoelectric breakdown. All topics of the book receive... (More)

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29.9 EUR

336 pp. (English).
  • Paperback

The book offers a modern description of the mathematical methods required for solving a wide class of problems in the theory of elasticity, heat conductivity, thermo- and electroelasticity for composites of regular structure.

It will be of use for professionals working in the fields of mechanics... (More)

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39.9 EUR

214 pp. (English).
  • Hardcover
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  • Hardcover
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39.9 EUR

378 pp. (Spanish).
  • Hardcover
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592 pp. (Spanish).
  • Hardcover
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704 pp. (Spanish). Second-hand book. The state is rated 8.5 (out of 10). The state of the dustcovers of the books is rated 7. The book has a small cancelled stamp of already not existing library.
  • Hardcover
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240 pp. (English).
  • Hardcover
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69.9 EUR

544 pp. (English).
  • Hardcover

The monography offers a detailed analysis of the methods for constructing mathematical models of transient non-isothermal flows of gas mixtures, multicomponent fluids, and gas–liquid fluids through systems of long branched pipelines including annular sections. To enhance the presentation clarity,... (More)

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69.9 EUR

304 pp. (Portuguese).
  • Hardcover
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Kasatkine A. Pérékaline M.
Cours d'électrotechnique
682 pp. (French).
  • Hardcover
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Drugov L., Ignatievsky E., Sorokin V., Korneichev A.
Auxiliary equipment of thermal electric power stations
202 pp. (English).
  • Hardcover
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410 pp. (English). The book is new but the effect of the years is evident. The state is rated 8.95 (out of 10).
  • Hardcover
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Leznov S., Taits A.
Power station electrician
520 pp. (English).
  • Hardcover
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512 pp. (Spanish).
  • Hardcover
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298 pp. (Spanish).
  • Hardcover
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248 pp. (French).
  • Hardcover
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Advance order is required  Rare book.

Anisimova N.D., Venikov V.A., Ezhkov V.V., Zhukov L.A., Fiodorov D.A., Fokin Yu.A. Bajo la redaccion del doctor en ciencias tecnicas V.A. Venikov, laureado con el Premio Lenin.
Calculos y analisis de regimenes de trabajo de redes electricas.
380 pp. (Spanish).
  • Hardcover

142 problemas detalladamente resueltos. (More)

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296 pp. (Spanish).
  • Hardcover
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Venikov V.A. (General Editor) Professor, D. Sc. (Tech.), RSFSR Distinguished Scientist, Lenin Prize Winner.
Electric power systems. Automatic power system control.
448 pp. (English).
  • Hardcover
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Dubrovsky V.B., Lavdansky P.A., Neshumov F.S., Ponomarev Yu.V., Kirillov A.P., Konviz V.S.
Construction of nuclear power plants.
280 pp. (English).
  • Hardcover
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432 pp. (English).
  • Hardcover
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360 pp. (English).
  • Hardcover
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Rudomino B., Remzhin Yu.
Steam power plant piping desing.
272 pp. (English). The book is new but the effect of the years is evident. The state is rated 9+ (out of 10).
  • Hardcover