History of political thought (17)
Marxism 82
8.9 EUR
532 pp. (Russian).
Данная книга представляет собой коллекцию научных трудов, посвящённых изучению Русской Революции 1917 года и отражающих современные дискуссии в этой области при мультидисциплинарном подходе (история, филология, политология, социология, культурология и т. д.). Сборник разделен на четыре части,... (More)
15.9 EUR
200 pp. (Russian).
В предлагаемой монографии предпринимается попытка творческого продолжения коммуникативной теории разума Юргена Хабермаса. За основу берутся три идеи: формально-прагматический анализ языка, перспективы общественной рационализации в эпоху модерна и взаимоотношения между системой и жизненным миром... (More)
27.9 EUR
200 pp. (English).
This book is devoted to a comprehensive study of radical mass forms of social protest, as an independent phenomenon with its own laws, and technologies for managing this phenomenon in the political struggle. This phenomenon is formed by a whole range of types of social protest and confrontation in society:... (More)
39.9 EUR
288 pp. (English).
This book synthesizes for the first time ever the information from various Soviet archives (military, governmental, economic, public, etc.) about the creation and development of chemical weapons in the Soviet Union, and provides data about the wide-ranging and secret preparation of USSR for an offensive... (More)
39.9 EUR
400 pp. (English).
This book synthesizes for the first time ever the information from various Soviet archives (military, governmental, economic, public, etc.) about the creation and development of chemical weapons in the Soviet Union, and provides data about the wide-ranging and secret preparation of USSR for an offensive... (More)
39.9 EUR
288 pp. (English).
This book is the first to summarize materials on Soviet biological weapons, the history of the Soviet Union’s secret preparation for offensive biological warfare against an unspecified enemy, and the grave consequences suffered by this country as a result of the entire thoughtless endeavour. The book... (More) |