URSS.ru Online Bookstore. Editorial URSS Publishers. Moscow

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24.9 EUR

670 pp. (Russian).
  • Hardcover

В книгу включены избранные научные работы академика Е.С. Фрадкина, выполненные им в Физическом институте им. П.Н. Лебедева РАН в 1949-1999 гг. Широта научных интересов Е.С. Фрадкина и его эрудиция позволили ему внести фундаментальный вклад во многие разделы теоретической физики: теорию квантовых... (More)

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29.9 EUR

Landau L.D.#НобелевскийЛауреат, Kitaigorodski A.I.
Física para todos. Moléculas
226 pp. (Spanish).
  • Hardcover
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16.9 EUR

URSS. 216 pp. (English).
  • Paperback

This book describes the postulates (principles) of Energy Theory, which state the following. The Universe, in all of its parts ranging from the minimal to the maximal, is constantly pulsating, compressing energy in some parts and accordingly rarefying it in others. The Universe is to be considered... (More)

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15.9 EUR

Yanchilin V.L.
Quantum nonlocality
URSS. 120 pp. (English).
  • Paperback

How one electron can be in two remote areas simultaneously? How can we “cook up” a quantum state? What is described by wave function and when its reduction takes place? How long is a quantum jump and is it a reversible process? How does quantum nonlocality work? Traditional textbooks on quantum mechanics... (More)

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15.9 EUR

URSS. 120 pp. (English).
  • Paperback

This book presents key ideas of quantum mechanics. The paradoxes of the quantum world are explained with examples of dispute between Einstein and Bohr. A collection of simple drawings illustrates the key concepts: wave/particle dualism, non-locality, and quantum jumps.

The foundations of quantum physics... (More)

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15.9 EUR

186 pp. (German).
  • Hardcover

Dieses ungewdhnliche Buch uber die Physik bietet uberraschende Aus-blicke auf eine an sich schwer verstandliche Wissenschaft. Arkadi Migdal erhielt fur sein Buch den Preis "Beste popularwissenschaftliche Publikation der Sowjetunion 1983". Es ist ein alter Hut, daB man als Laie die Physiker nicht allein... (More)

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99.9 EUR

616 pp. (Spanish). The book is new but the effect of the years is evident. The state is rated 9 (out of 10): Text and cover: 9; Dust cover: 7.
  • Hardcover
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39.9 EUR

280 pp. (English).
  • Hardcover

L. V. Vilkov, Doctor in Chemistry, graduated from the Department of Chemistry, Moscow State University, in 1953. He took his Candidate degree in 1957, and the degree of Doctor in 1969. One of the pioneers of gas phase electron diffraction in the USSR and the head of the University diffraction team engaged... (More)

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Rare book.

388 pp. (English). Second hand book. The state is rated 8.5 (out of 10).
  • Paperback
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49.9 EUR

URSS. 360 pp. (Spanish).

En esta obra se exponen los fundamentos de la teoría de los grupos finitos e infinitos. El uso de la teoría de las representaciones de grupos se ilustra tomando como ejemplo diversas aplicaciones y cuestiones referentes a la mecánica cuántica: teoría de los átomos, química cuántica, teoría del estado... (More)

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9.9 EUR

Landau L.D.#НобелевскийЛауреат, Kitaigorodsky A.I.
Physics for Everyone. Molecules. Book 2
245 pp. (English).
  • Hardcover
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Rare book.

300 pp. (English). Second-hand. Condition: 4+.
  • Hardcover
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Rare book.

Grechko L.G., Sugakov VI., Tomasevich O.F., Fedorchenko A.M.
Problems in theoretical physics.
450 pp. (English). Second-hand. Condition: 5.
  • Hardcover

This book is a collection of problems covering mechanics, electrodynamics, nonrelativistic quantum mechanics, statistical physics and thermodynamics. Each section opens with a brief outline of the main laws and relationships used to solve the problems. Also information about the needed mathematical apparatus... (More)

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26.9 EUR

URSS. 216 pp. (English).
  • Hardcover

In the monograph, an attempt is made to substantiate the existence of the world etheric medium, from the equations of which the basic laws and equations of classical theoretical physics, the equations of elementary structural units of matter, the basic properties of atomic nuclei and atoms of chemical... (More)

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12.9 EUR

URSS. 112 pp. (English).
  • Paperback

It is shown in the book that by attributing the properties of superfluid 3He-B to physical vacuum one can describe the following physical phenomena: the emission, absorption and propagation of light, the wave properties of matter, the interaction of quantum particles with electric fields, superconductivity,... (More)

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Rare book.

640 pp. (French). Second-hand book. The general state is rated 9 (out of 10): Text: 9+; Cover: 9+; Dust cover: 6+. The effect of the years is evident. The book may have a cancelled stamp of already not existing library.
  • Hardcover
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Rare book.

Landau L.#НобелевскийЛауреат, Kitaigorodski A.
La physique a la portee de tous. Livre 2: Molécules
264 pp. (French).
  • Paperback
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49.9 EUR

344 pp. (Spanish). The book is new but the effect of the years is evident. The state is rated 9 (out of 10): Text and cover: 9; Dust cover: 8.
  • Hardcover
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Rare book.

594 pp. (English).
  • Paperback
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Rare book.

Bendow B., Birman J.L., Agranovich V.M.
Theory of Light Scattering in Condensed Matter.
564 pp. (English).
  • Hardcover
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Advance order is required  Rare book.

394 pp. (French).
  • Paperback
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Rare book.

216 pp. (German).
  • Hardcover
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Advance order is required  Rare book.

Sokolov A., Ternov I., Zhukovskii V., Borisov A.
Quantum electrodynamics.
336 pp. (English). The book is new but the effect of the years is evident. The state is rated 9+ (out of 10): Text and cover: 9+; Dust cover: 8+.
  • Hardcover

The book contains a systematic presentation of the basics of the classical and quantum theories of fields. It thoroughly treats the question of symmetry groups, with the property of gauge symmetry used to describe the electromagnetic field and Yang-Mills fields. Quantization of the electromagnetic field... (More)

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Rare book.

408 pp. (Spanish).
  • Hardcover
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32.9 EUR

344 pp. (English). Second-hand book. The general state is rated 9 (out of 10): Text: 9+; Cover: 9; Dust cover: 8+. The effect of the years is evident.
  • Hardcover
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Rare book.

364 pp. (English).
  • Hardcover
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Rare book.

Tikhonov A.N., Goncharsky A.V.
Ill-Posed Problems in the Natural Sciences
344 pp. (English). Used book: scored 4+ of 5.
  • Paperback
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288 pp. (Russian). Paperback. 15.9 EUR New!

Особенности 20-го выпуска:

- исправили предыдущие ошибки

- Добавлены разновидности в раздел разновидностей юбилейных монет СССР

- В раздел 50 копеек 2006-2015 добавлены немагнитные 50 копеек

10 копеек 2005 М (ввел доп. разворот)

- Добавлена информация о 1 рубле 2010 СПМД немагнитный... (More)

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1722 pp. (English). Hardcover. 76.9 EUR


Volume I: General, Extremal States of Matter, Astrophysics, High-Energy Physics, External Fields in Quantum Theory.

Volume II: Quantum Field Theory. Superstrings and Duality. Brane World and Quantum Gravity.


K.Alkalaev (Lebedev... (More)

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URSS. 504 pp. (Spanish). Paperback. 32.9 EUR

Estamos tan habituados a que la ciencia describa la realidad mediante ecuaciones de asombrosa eficacia que raramente nos detenemos a pensar en la gentileza que demuestra el mundo prestándose a ello. ¿Por qué la naturaleza obedece reglas matemáticas tan magníficamente precisas?... (More)

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URSS. 248 pp. (English). Hardcover. 23.9 EUR

Will our Universe expand forever, or there is a Big Crunch coming up? How can the rate of the Universe expansion be measured in a laboratory? How does the boundary of space look?

How can Mach's principle be verified experimentally? How many stars are needed in order for the law of inertia to hold?... (More)

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574 pp. (English). Hardcover. 41.9 EUR

From Brian Greene, one of the world's leading physicists, comes a grand tour of the universe that makes us look at reality in a completely different way.

Space and time form the very fabric of the cosmos. Yet they remain among the most mysterious of concepts. Is space an entity? Why does time have a... (More)

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Sokolov A.A, Ternov I.M., Zhukovski V.Ch. Quantum Mechanics
URSS. 496 pp. (English). Hardcover. 25.9 EUR

This book is based on a series of lectures delivered by the authors at the Moscow State University over many years. It provides a systematic analysis of the theoretical concepts of quantum mechanics and some of its applications.

This book has been divided into three parts. The first part describes... (More)

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Kolokolov I.V., Kuznetsov E.A., Milshtein A.I., Podivilov E.V., Chernij A.I., Shapiro D.A., Shapiro E.G. Problemas resueltos de métodos matemáticos de la física
URSS. 384 pp. (Spanish). Paperback. 29.9 EUR

El presente manual de problemas es el resultado de 15 años de trabajo con una nueva metodología de enseñanza de los métodos matemáticos de la física en la facultad de física de la Universidad Estatal de Novosibirsk. Este libro incluye más de 350 problemas resueltos y propuestos de ecuaciones en derivadas... (More)

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URSS. 248 pp. (English). Paperback. 26.9 EUR

This book provides a comprehensive exposition of completely integrable, partially integrable and superintegrable Hamiltonian systems in a general setting of invariant submanifolds which need not be compact. In particular, this is the case of non-autonomous integrable Hamiltonian systems and integrable... (More)

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344 pp. (English). Hardcover. 29.9 EUR

Quantum Theory. Origins and Growth (Elyashevich M.A.).

The origins and Development of Modern Atomistics (Trifonov D.N.).

State-of-the-Art in "New Atom" Research (Goldanskii V.I. and Shantarovich V.P.).

Quantum Electronics (Letokhov V.S.).

Nonlinear Physics. Stochasticity and Structures (Gaponov-Grekhov... (More)

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URSS. 440 pp. (English). Hardcover. 49.9 EUR

The present textbook deals with physical foundations of nanotechnologies. The book consists of three quite independent chapters. The first chapter is devoted to the plasma state of matter, its fundamental physical phenomena, their laws and regularities. The fundamental ideas related to physics micro-... (More)