URSS.ru Online Bookstore. Editorial URSS Publishers. Moscow

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426 pp. (English). Second-hand.
  • Hardcover

Vtcyanics (More)

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23.9 EUR

URSS. 168 pp. (English).
  • Paperback

Diagrammatic methods are applied to strongly interacting electron systems. Several problems are studied in the atomic representation. It is assumed that electron-electron interaction in an atom is stronger that the interaction between electrons belonging to different atoms. The theory of high-temperature... (More)

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Advance order is required  Rare book.

Roberts J.K., Miller A.R.
Heat and thermodynamics. 5th ed.
620 pp. (English).
  • Hardcover
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Advance order is required  Rare book.

152 pp. (Slovak).
  • Hardcover
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Rare book.

976 pp. (English). Second-hand book. It looks as new. The state is rated 9.35 (out of 10). The state of the dustcovers of the books is rated 8.5.
  • Hardcover
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Rare book.

352 pp. (Russian). Second-hand. Condition: 4+.
  • Hardcover

Рассматриваются температурные напряжения, которые создаются в детали, если затруднена свободная деформация этой детали или ее частей в соответствии с изменением температуры, с учетом возникающих инженерных задач. Ряд разделов посвящен прочности и устойчивости при воздействии температуры... (More)

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Rare book.

Kuznetsov P.I., Stratonovich R.L., Tikhonov V.I.
Non-Linear Transformations of Stochastic Processes
516 pp. (English). Second-hand book from the Academician Yu.V. Prokhorov's personal library (with his stamp). The general state is rated 9 (out of 10): Text: 9+; Cover: 9+; Dust cover: 8+. The effect of the years is evident. The book has a cancelled stamp of already not existing library.
  • Hardcover
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14.9 EUR

URSS. 136 pp. (Spanish).
  • Paperback

En este libro se analizan tanto los momentos de confusión que fueron originados por los fundadores mismos de la termodinámica (Clausius, Thomson, Planck, Nernst, Wien, Helmholtz) como los errores típicos que suelen aparecer en monografías y en muchos libros de texto de la actualidad. En general, estas... (More)

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Rare book.

240 pp. (German).
  • Hardcover
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Rare book.

382 pp. (Russian). Second-hand. Condition: 4+.

Книга посвящена систематическому изложению современной теории фазовых переходов. В ней изложены теоретические представления, необходимые для описания взаимодействующих критических флуктуации (гипотеза подобия, алгебра флуктуирующих величин, конформная инвариантность, ренормгруппа). Теория применяется... (More)

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19.9 EUR

URSS. 200 pp. (Spanish).
  • Paperback

En este libro se examinan en forma de preguntas y respuestas los temas tradicionales relacionados con la definición de los conceptos básicos, la formulación de los postulados y el análisis de las regularidades del desarrollo de los procesos en los sistemas termodinámicos homogéneos, discontinuos y continuos.... (More)

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Advance order is required  Rare book.

Goldston R.J., Rutherford P.H.
Introduction to Plasma Physics
510 pp. (English). Second-hand book. It looks as new, but the effect of the years is evident. The state is rated 9.25 (out of 10).
  • Paperback

With installation disk only for Macintosh version (More)

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29.9 EUR

240 pp. (English).
  • Hardcover
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29.9 EUR

URSS. 320 pp. (Spanish).
  • Paperback

El presente libro es una introducción a la dinámica no-lineal, la sinergética y otros campos de la ciencia no-lineal. En él se tienden puentes entre las asignaturas tradicionales de las ciencias naturales, los cursos de matemática y los problemas fundamentales que actualmente despiertan el interés de... (More)

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Advance order is required  Rare book.

326 pp. (English).
  • Paperback
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Advance order is required  Rare book.

184 pp. (Vietnamese).
  • Paperback
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Rare book.

210 pp. (Arabian). The book is new but the effect of the years is evident. The state is rated 9+ (out of 10).
  • Paperback
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Rare book.

432 pp. (Vietnamese). Second-hand book. It looks as new, but the effect of the years is evident. The state is rated 8.75 (out of 10). The state of the dustcovers of the books is rated 8. The book may have a small cancelled stamp of already not existing library.
  • Hardcover
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Advance order is required  Rare book.

122 pp. (English).
  • Paperback

Lectures by J.G. Sinai held in Warsaw, Spring, 1969 (More)

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Rare book.

450 pp. (French). Second-hand.
  • Paperback
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Advance order is required  Rare book.

156 pp. (French).
  • Hardcover
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Rare book.

260 pp. (English).
  • Paperback
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Rare book.

Cherkinsky J.S.
General thermodynamics.
514 pp. (English).
  • Paperback
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Rare book.

236 pp. (English).
  • Hardcover
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Rare book.

592 pp. (English).
  • Hardcover
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Advance order is required  Rare book.

58 pp. (English).
  • Paperback
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Advance order is required  Rare book.

Landau L.#НобелевскийЛауреат, Lifsic E.M.
Elméleti Fizika. Kinetikus Fizika. T.X
576 pp. Second-hand book. It looks as new, but the effect of the years is evident. The general state is rated 9.35 (out of 10): Text: 9.75; Cover: 9.25; Dust cover: 8.
  • Hardcover
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Rare book.

280 pp. (Russian). Second-hand. Condition: 4+.
  • Hardcover
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19.9 EUR

URSS. 216 pp. (English).
  • Paperback

The Proceedings of Institute for Systems Analysis of Russian Academy of Sciences (ISA RAS) presents some new theoretical results in the fields of macrosystem analysis, mathematical modeling, deterministic and stochastic dynamics, numerical methods, optimization and games.

This scientific journal also... (More)

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288 pp. (Russian). Paperback. 15.9 EUR New!

Особенности 20-го выпуска:

- исправили предыдущие ошибки

- Добавлены разновидности в раздел разновидностей юбилейных монет СССР

- В раздел 50 копеек 2006-2015 добавлены немагнитные 50 копеек

10 копеек 2005 М (ввел доп. разворот)

- Добавлена информация о 1 рубле 2010 СПМД немагнитный... (More)

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URSS. 240 pp. (Spanish). Paperback. 23.9 EUR

El presente libro está dedicado al análisis de varios problemas fundamentales de la biofísica. El nivel de exposición del material no requiere conocimientos especiales de biología y física. Se han incluido los conceptos fundamentales de los campos de la física, biofísica y bioquímica directamente relacionados... (More)

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URSS. 148 pp. (English). Paperback. 19.9 EUR

The Proceeding of ISA RAS presents some new theoretical results in the fields of macrosystem analysis, mathematical modelling, deterministic and stochastic dynamics, numerical methods, optimization, and games.

The book also contains articles dedicated to the solution of some applied problems in economic,... (More)

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1722 pp. (English). Hardcover. 76.9 EUR


Volume I: General, Extremal States of Matter, Astrophysics, High-Energy Physics, External Fields in Quantum Theory.

Volume II: Quantum Field Theory. Superstrings and Duality. Brane World and Quantum Gravity.


K.Alkalaev (Lebedev... (More)

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URSS. 416 pp. (English). Paperback. 32.9 EUR

The aim of this book is to add certain new topics to the material of the famous textbook "Statistical physics" by L.D.Landau and E.M.Lifshitz.

High-temperature corrections to the thermodynamic potential are calculated by employing ring diagrams and also by expanding in powers of the gas parameter.

The... (More)

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344 pp. (English). Hardcover. 29.9 EUR

Quantum Theory. Origins and Growth (Elyashevich M.A.).

The origins and Development of Modern Atomistics (Trifonov D.N.).

State-of-the-Art in "New Atom" Research (Goldanskii V.I. and Shantarovich V.P.).

Quantum Electronics (Letokhov V.S.).

Nonlinear Physics. Stochasticity and Structures (Gaponov-Grekhov... (More)

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2810 pp. (English). Hardcover. 139.9 EUR

The world's first collection of fundamental scientific papers of Einstein.

Volume 1: Works on theory of relativity, 1905-1920.

Volume 2: Works on theory of relativity, 1921-1955.

Volume 3: Works on the kinetic theory, radiation theory and the foundations of quantum mechanics, 1901-1955.

Volume... (More)

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1352 pp. (French). Hardcover. Advance order is required  299 EUR

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URSS. 136 pp. (Spanish). Paperback. 14.9 EUR

En este libro se analizan tanto los momentos de confusión que fueron originados por los fundadores mismos de la termodinámica (Clausius, Thomson, Planck, Nernst, Wien, Helmholtz) como los errores típicos que suelen aparecer en monografías y en muchos libros de texto de la actualidad. En general, estas... (More)

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URSS. 272 pp. (Spanish). Paperback. 26.9 EUR

El libro que el lector tiene en sus manos es el primer tomo de la obra «LA FÍSICA en el cambio de milenio»

En el primer capítulo se estudian los principales conceptos de una nueva ciencia interdisciplinaria: LA FÍSICA DE LOS SISTEMAS ABIERTOS. Las bases para el surgimiento de la física de sistemas abiertos... (More)