URSS.ru Online Bookstore. Editorial URSS Publishers. Moscow
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29.9 EUR

256 pp. (English).
  • Hardcover

The book presents a general view of a large number of issues that touch upon the problems of behavior, perception and thinking modeling. Along with general questions, it considers the models of goal directed behavior, perception “with understanding” and active neural brain mechanisms. These models are... (More)

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29.9 EUR

304 pp. (English).
  • Hardcover

The book discusses a new direction of investigation, namely the modeling of cognitive evolution, meaning the evolution of the cognitive abilities of biological organisms.

Human thinking is the result of this evolution. The philosophical foundations for studies of cognitive evolution are characterized.

Backgrounds... (More)

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Advance order is required  Rare book.

344 pp. (French).
  • Hardcover
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Advance order is required  Rare book.

592 pp. (English). Second-hand. Condition: 4.
  • Hardcover

Trilingua English, Russian, German.

Данная книга является популяризированной версией теории интеллектуальной возможности развития параллельной искусственной эволюции личностного интеллекта, сформированного человеком в процессорном микрокомпьютере. Прогноз действительно глобальных изменений вследствие... (More)