19.9 EUR
216 pp. (Spanish).
En el libro que sometemos al juicio del lector, su autor, el Doctor en Ciencias Biológicas B. F. Serguiéev, da a conocer en una forma amena los principales aspectos y problemas con que se enfrenta actualmente la ciencia del cerebro, así como los métodos de investigación que la misma utiliza para el estudio... (More) ![]()
21.9 EUR
304 pp. (English).
What are the problems and dilemmas that confront man in the age of science? Will he be able to control the rapid course of scientific and technological progress or will he become a victim of scientistic manipulations? How does science relate to humanistic principles. The author examines the problems... (More) ![]()
69.9 EUR
304 pp. (English).
The mechanical roles of tendon and muscle contractile elements are often considered independently of each other, but functionally these elements are closely integrated. The authors tried to present the material in the most accessible form, as they always do in their works, actually... (More) ![]()
26.9 EUR
200 pp. (English).
This work is aimed at performing two main functions. First, it is a brief guidebook on population structures and intercellular communication in microbial populations. This guidebook is mainly intended for students (bachelors and especially masters) majoring in immunology. Therefore, special attention... (More) ![]()
Rare book.
828 pp. (English).
First published 1970. Printings: 1975, 1977, 1982, 1985, 1989 (More) |