URSS.ru Online Bookstore. Editorial URSS Publishers. Moscow

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15.9 EUR

URSS. 432 pp. (Russian).

Основу сборника составили материалы проведенной в Москве в июне 2007 г. Международной конференции «Новые методы в исследованиях художественного творчества», посвященной 70-летию со дня рождения и 10-летию со дня кончины Г.А.Голицына (1937–1997) --- основателя современного информационного... (More)

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19.9 EUR

URSS. 200 pp. (Spanish).
  • Paperback

En este libro se estudia el teorema de Hall sobre sistemas de representantes distintos (este resultado permite resolver el problema de los matrimonios). Se exponen también otros resultados equivalentes al teorema de Hall: los teoremas de Menger, Dilworth, Kőnig---Egerváry y Ford---Fulkerson. Se demuestra... (More)

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39.9 EUR

URSS. 512 pp. (English).
  • Hardcover

This publication contains selected works of an outstanding scientist, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Stanislav Vasilyevich Emelyanov and gives a fairly complete impression of his work on control theory, mathematical systems theory and other related issues.

The publication includes... (More)

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21.9 EUR

URSS. 240 pp. (Spanish).
  • Paperback

Este libro está compuesto por 25 colecciones de seis problemas de diferentes ramas de la matemática (álgebra, geometría, análisis matemático, ecuaciones diferenciales, teoría de probabilidades, combinatoria, teoría de grafos, teoría de números) y de diferentes niveles de dificultad, que van desde problemas... (More)

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320 pp. (English).
  • Paperback

The present monograph considers some macrohistorical trends along with the aspects of globalization. Macrohistory is history on the large scale that tells the story of the entire world or of some major dimensions of historical process. For the present study three aspects of macrohistory have been chosen.... (More)

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Advance order is required  23.9 EUR

Grinin L., Herrmann P., Korotayev A., Tausch A. (Ed.).
History and mathematics: Processes and Models of Global Dynamics
296 pp. (English).
  • Paperback

A more and more important role is played by new directions in historical research that study long-term dynamic processes and quantitative changes. This kind of history can hardly develop without the application of mathematical methods. The history is studied more and more as a system of various processes,... (More)

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Grinin L., Ilyin I., Korotayev A. (Ed.).
Globalistics and Globalization Studies
400 pp. (English).
  • Paperback

Today globalization can be treated as the most important global process. It is a multi-faceted phenomenon and in every country it has its own image. One can get a truly objective picture of the rapidly changing and integrating world only through a synthesis of all those particular visions. In the present... (More)

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39.9 EUR

Grinin L., Korotayev A., Carneiro R.L., Spier F. (Ed.).
Evolution: Cosmic, Biological, and Social
296 pp. (English).
  • Paperback

The almanac is helpful for those who study interdisciplinary macroproblems as well as for specialists working within specific trends, and also for those who to a greater or lesser extent are interested in the evolutionary problems of astrophysics, geology, biology, history, anthropology, linguistics;... (More)

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39.9 EUR

Grinin L., Korotayev A., Rodrigue B.H. (Ed.).
Evolution: A Big History Perspective
296 pp. (English).
  • Paperback

This issue of the almanac aims at filling the gap in the mega-evolutionary research. The Editors believe that the present Almanac, which brings together scientists working in different areas of the vast evolutionary field, will hopefully make a contribution to this process.The contributions to this volume... (More)

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39.9 EUR

220 pp. (English).
  • Hardcover

Fundamental Problems of Mathematical Modeling. Numerical Methods. Applied Problems (Mathematical Simulation of Transfer Processes and Phase Transformations). (More)

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Advance order is required  Rare book.

92 pp. (Russian).
  • Paperback

Учебное пособие посвящено применению теоретико-игрового метода к анализу международных отношений и внутриполитических процессов. Приводятся основные классические игры, используемые при анализе международных соглашений, указаны возможности и ограничения применения теоретико-игрового подхода в моделировании... (More)

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Advance order is required  Rare book.

316 pp. (English). Second-hand. Condition: 4+.
  • Paperback
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Advance order is required  Rare book.

212 pp. (English).
  • Hardcover
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Advance order is required  Rare book.

140 pp. (English). Second-hand. Condition: 4+.
  • Hardcover
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Advance order is required  Rare book.

244 pp. (English). Second-hand. Condition: 4+.
  • Hardcover
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Advance order is required  Rare book.

152 pp. (English).
  • Paperback
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17.9 EUR

Grinin L., Munck V.C.de, Korotayev A. (Ed.).
History and mathematics: Analyzing and Modeling Global Development
URSS. 184 pp. (English).
  • Paperback

This almanac initiates a series of edited volumes dedicated to various aspects of the application of mathematical methods to the study of history and society. It comprises articles that apply mathematical methods to the study of various epochs and scales: from deep historical reconstruction to the pressing... (More)

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23.9 EUR

Turchin P., Grinin L., Munck V.C.de, Korotayev A. (Ed.).
History and mathematics: Historical Dynamics and Development of Complex Societies
URSS. 216 pp. (English).
  • Paperback

The times of “Pure History” when historians were only interested in the deeds of kings and heroes passed long ago. A more and more important role is played by new directions in historical research that study long-term dynamic processes and quantitative changes. This kind of history can hardly develop... (More)

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13.9 EUR

URSS. 160 pp. (English).
  • Paperback

Human society is a complex nonequilibrium system that changes and develops constantly. Complexity, multivariability, and contradictions of social evolution lead researchers to a logical conclusion that any simplification, reduction, or neglect of the multiplicity of factors leads inevitably to the multiplication... (More)

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13.9 EUR

URSS. 176 pp. (English).

Human society is a complex nonequilibrium system that changes and develops constantly. Complexity, multivariability, and contradictions of social evolution lead researchers to a logical conclusion that any simplification, reduction, or neglect of the multiplicity of factors leads inevitably to the multiplication... (More)

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14.9 EUR

URSS. 128 pp. (English).
  • Paperback

Human society is a complex nonequilibrium system that changes and develops constantly. Complexity, multivariability, and contradictoriness of social evolution lead researchers to a logical conclusion that any simplification, reduction, or neglect of the multiplicity of factors leads inevitably to the... (More)

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Rare book.

Kallio M., Andersson A.E., Seppala R., Morgan A. (Ed.).
Systems Analysis in Forestry and Forest Industries
498 pp. (English). Second-hand book. The general state is rated 9.25 (out of 10): Text and cover: 9.25.
  • Hardcover

Studies in the Management Sciences. Vol. 21 (More)

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Rare book.

488 pp. (Arabian).
  • Hardcover
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29.9 EUR

URSS. 336 pp. (English).
  • Paperback

The book offers a modern description of the mathematical methods required for solving a wide class of problems in the theory of elasticity, heat conductivity, thermo- and electroelasticity for composites of regular structure.

It will be of use for professionals working in the fields of mechanics... (More)

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Rare book.

44 pp. (English).
  • Paperback
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6.9 EUR

(English). Second-hand.
  • Paperback
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Rare book.

150 pp. (English).
  • Paperback

Editor in chief Evdokimov V.F., An International Jornal of Electrical, Electronic and other Physical Systems. Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (More)

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Rare book.

320 pp. (English).
  • Hardcover
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19.9 EUR

360 pp. (English).
  • Paperback
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288 pp. (Russian). Paperback. 15.9 EUR New!

Особенности 20-го выпуска:

- исправили предыдущие ошибки

- Добавлены разновидности в раздел разновидностей юбилейных монет СССР

- В раздел 50 копеек 2006-2015 добавлены немагнитные 50 копеек

10 копеек 2005 М (ввел доп. разворот)

- Добавлена информация о 1 рубле 2010 СПМД немагнитный... (More)

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896 pp. (Russian). Hardcover. 43.9 EUR

Полный сборник афоризмов в билингве малоизвестного в России глубокого мыслителя и изысканного писателя из Колумбии Николаса Гомеса Давиды (1913—1994) на тему истории, религии, культуры, политики, литературы.


Escolios a un texto implícito, 2 volúmenes.... (More)

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URSS. 128 pp. (Russian). Paperback. 12.9 EUR

Это рассказы о любви, нежности, желании и страсти, которая бывает и возвышенной, и цинично-жестокой.

В них абсурд и гротеск чередуются с методичной рассудочностью, милосердием и муками совести.

Их персонажи – человеческие, слишком человеческие, - однажды встречаются, проживают кусок... (More)

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URSS. 224 pp. (Spanish). Paperback. 19.9 EUR

La presente edición de la obra Matemática en el tablero de ajedrez, del conocido ajedrecista y escritor Yevgueni Guik, consta de tres tomos, a lo largo de los cuales se describen diversos puntos de contacto entre estas dos actividades del intelecto humano. Se resuelven diversos tipos de problemas matemáticos... (More)

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URSS. 144 pp. (Spanish). Paperback. 12.9 EUR

En el libro se describe de manera accesible y amena un sistema de ejercicios para el rejuvenecimiento facial. Los ejercicios se ilustran mediante fotografías que facilitan la comprensión del texto y permiten realizar individualmente la gimnasia. Los resultados alcanzados tras la realización del curso... (More)

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URSS. 136 pp. (Spanish). Paperback. 12.9 EUR

En el libro se presenta de una manera clara y amena un sistema de ejercicios que contribuyen al rejuvenecimiento del rostro sin necesidad de recurrir a una intervención quirúrgica. El sistema es accesible a todos, no exige gastos materiales complementarios y es extraordinariamente efectivo. Todo el que... (More)

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URSS. 136 pp. (Spanish). Paperback. 12.9 EUR

En el libro se presenta de una manera clara y amena un sistema de ejercicios que contribuyen al rejuvenecimiento del rostro sin necesidad de recurrir a una intervención quirúrgica. El sistema es accesible a todos, no exige gastos materiales complementarios y es extraordinariamente efectivo. Todo el que... (More)

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URSS. 504 pp. (Spanish). Paperback. 32.9 EUR

Estamos tan habituados a que la ciencia describa la realidad mediante ecuaciones de asombrosa eficacia que raramente nos detenemos a pensar en la gentileza que demuestra el mundo prestándose a ello. ¿Por qué la naturaleza obedece reglas matemáticas tan magníficamente precisas?... (More)

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URSS. 144 pp. (Spanish). Paperback. 12.9 EUR

En el libro se describe de manera accesible y amena un sistema de ejercicios para el rejuvenecimiento facial. Los ejercicios se ilustran mediante fotografías que facilitan la comprensión del texto y permiten realizar individualmente la gimnasia. Los resultados alcanzados tras la realización del curso... (More)

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URSS. 80 pp. (Russian). Paperback. 5.9 EUR

Коллекция забавных историй и легенд, шуточных дефиниций и остроумных высказываний химиков и о химиках. (More)