URSS.ru Online Bookstore. Editorial URSS Publishers. Moscow
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26.9 EUR

216 pp. (English).
  • Hardcover

In the monograph, an attempt is made to substantiate the existence of the world etheric medium, from the equations of which the basic laws and equations of classical theoretical physics, the equations of elementary structural units of matter, the basic properties of atomic nuclei and atoms of chemical... (More)

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12.9 EUR

64 pp. (English).
  • Paperback

The nature of light being a subject of intensive research and speculation over the centuries still remains a "dark" issue of the modern physics. It has been established that light transfers energy from the source to the receiver by discrete portions, the quanta. However, there is no unified point of... (More)

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14.9 EUR

152 pp. (English).
  • Paperback

The endless and mysterious history of origin and development of celestial bodies, the evolution of the Solar System, comets, asteroids, terrestrial and giant planets, small bodies and enigmatic planet rings --- all these are the material on which a number of cosmogonical hypotheses are built.

The author... (More)

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19.9 EUR

344 pp. (English).
  • Hardcover

Field Physics is the next generation physics. Modern science mostly describes the nature of events without looking at the reasons why they happen, i.e. it answers the question how rather than why.

For the first time, within the scope of Field Physics, we can look beyond the modern paradigm and understand... (More)

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15.9 EUR

Boldyreva L.B., Sotina N.B.
Physicists in parapsychology
112 pp. (English).
  • Paperback

This is a collection of articles describing the results of experimental studies of some phenomena of parapsychology. Theoretical approaches based on the model of superfluid physical vacuum to explanation of the phenomena are presented. (More)

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39.9 EUR

312 pp. (English).
  • Hardcover

The monograph contains the results of the program of the geometrization of the equations of physics advanced by Einstein at the beginning of the 20th century and developed by the author who gives the idea of the universal principle of relativity and the theory of physical vacuum and analyses theoretical... (More)

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3.9 EUR

12 pp. (English). Second-hand. Condition: 5-.
  • Paperback

In the brochure the solution of a very old problem, which is known as the Mach principle, is stated. A new model of space-time where the values of the speed of light and Plank constant depend on the gravitational potential created by the whole mass of the Universe at a given point in space is proposed.... (More)

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12.9 EUR

Borissova L.B., Rabounski D.D.
Particles here and beyond the mirror.
84 pp. (English).
  • Paperback

This book looks at motion of particles using mathematical methods of physical observable values in General Relativity. It is shown that aside for mass-bearing particles and light-like particles "zero-particles" can exist in fully degenerated space-time (zero-space). For a regular observer zero-particles... (More)

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14.9 EUR

Borissova L.B., Rabounski D.D.
Fields, Vacuum, and the mirror Universe
272 pp. (English).
  • Paperback

The book builds theory of motion of charged particles with spin in four-dimensional pseudo-Riemannian space. The theory employs the mathematical apparatus of chronometric invariants by A.L. Zelmanov (physical observable values in the General Theory of Relativity). Numerous special effects in electrodynamics,... (More)

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29.9 EUR

320 pp. (English).
  • Hardcover

Here is presented the relativity theory of real non-inertial reference frames generalizing special relativity — the relativity theory of inertial and, in the general case, abstract reference frames. As an elementary real reference frame there is considered a material particle with four orthonormal vectors... (More)

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12.9 EUR

60 pp. (English).
  • Paperback

Современная печатная книга (More)

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16.9 EUR

208 pp. (English).
  • Paperback

Fundamental and derived physical quantities are geometrized on the basis of the hypothesis of global stationary state of our Universe. A new (L) system of physical quantities based on a single quantity (length) is created and developed. Numerical values of seven base units as well as fundamental physical... (More)

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16.9 EUR

216 pp. (English).
  • Paperback

This book describes the postulates (principles) of Energy Theory, which state the following. The Universe, in all of its parts ranging from the minimal to the maximal, is constantly pulsating, compressing energy in some parts and accordingly rarefying it in others. The Universe is to be considered... (More)

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15.9 EUR

Yanchilin V.L.
Quantum nonlocality
120 pp. (English).
  • Paperback

How one electron can be in two remote areas simultaneously? How can we “cook up” a quantum state? What is described by wave function and when its reduction takes place? How long is a quantum jump and is it a reversible process? How does quantum nonlocality work? Traditional textbooks on quantum mechanics... (More)

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15.9 EUR

120 pp. (English).
  • Paperback

This book presents key ideas of quantum mechanics. The paradoxes of the quantum world are explained with examples of dispute between Einstein and Bohr. A collection of simple drawings illustrates the key concepts: wave/particle dualism, non-locality, and quantum jumps.

The foundations of quantum physics... (More)

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21.9 EUR

304 pp. (English).
  • Paperback

In the monograph it is justified the calculation approach of electromagnetic and gravitational interactions of moving bodies, in which the space, time and mass do not depend on the movement. The main concepts of mechanics are analysed and determined. From the experimental laws the main electrodynamic... (More)

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Rare book.

260 pp. (English).
  • Paperback
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Rare book.

74 pp. (English).
  • Paperback

The present book contains the results of the research of a circular and vortical motion of electromagnetic waves under various conditions of their distribution.

First numerical experiments are carried out in immobile dielectric wave-guides. Then circular waves have been analyzed in the mobile and... (More)

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13.9 EUR

112 pp. (English).
  • Paperback

It is shown in the book that by attributing the properties of superfluid 3He-B to physical vacuum one can describe the following physical phenomena: the emission, absorption and propagation of light, the wave properties of matter, the interaction of quantum particles with electric fields, superconductivity,... (More)

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Rare book.

354 pp. (English). The book is new. The state is rated 9 (out of 10).
  • Hardcover

t is shown in the book that the main laws of nature in the records by Coulomb, New­ton, Maxwell, quantum mechanics and theory of relativity contain graves defects un­noticed by physicists for centuries. After their removal the mathematical apparatus of physics changes and the new amazing, united, electric... (More)

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Rare book.

128 pp. (English). Second-hand.
  • Hardcover

В книге рассматривается сущность теории электромагнитного поля Максвелла и физические представления М.Фарадея и Д.К.Максвелла в свете современных взглядов на строение материи и способов учета конечной скорости распространения электромагнитных волн в пространстве. При помощи классических теорий... (More)

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143 pp. (English).
  • Paperback

Planetary science of the Solar System to date retains a number of the obscurities and puzzles on the properties and the origins of its some objects. Author's findings on this point are the essence of this brief book. It constitutes collected recent manuscripts of author as well as some appropriate fragments... (More)

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In press

504 pp. (English).
  • Hardcover

This book revealed and demonstrated latent or evident errors in the mathematical constructions of the general and special theories of relativity, quantum mechanics, and surface tensions in condensed bodies. This required examination of a wide range of questions concerning the essence of magnetism, effects... (More)

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