The present study is an attempt to formulate the notion of quantum causal nearness of possible local events in the virtual word described by a specially organized complex of physical quantum fields assumed to be primary. The fundamental element of extension, or the space-time "cell", is described in the model by the equation of a commutator algebra closed at two such "nearest" local complexes. The corresponding causal relationship is visually interpreted as a light line closed as a "figure-of-eight" loop. The symmetry of this local construction under -reflection allows representation of a -reversible flow of local time by a discrete chain of local -reflections instead of a continuous time shift. The fundamental causal interval thus constructed is then an indivisible time step of such symmetric time. The structural charge symmetry group in such a model turns out to be fixed as group with non-standard representations of fermion and scalar fields. It is assumed that fields of geometric type in the model can appear as effective fields-connectednesses owing to the model covariance supergroup localization in the global algebraic space-time network of "linked" chains. Under certain conditions this argument allows us to interpret the superinvariant expression, quadratic in the found complex of physical fields, as a renormalized approximate Lagrangian averaged over geometric fields and corresponding to sub-Planck energies. The degree of model reality could in principle be verified by calculating the low-energy limit of such a Lagrangian scheme. The work was concluded thanks to the boundless devotion and tolerance of my wife, I. V. Karpenko. I would like to express sincere gratitude to my friends and colleagues P. Singh, R. N. Faustov, V. O. Galkin, R. F. Polishchuk, and G. A. Vilkovyskii for their permanent support. I am grateful to M. Tsaplina for the English translation of the book. G. Stavraki
Moscow, 8 June 2008.
George L. STAVRAKI The author is a theoretical physicist, a research worker of the Computation Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In 1966, in his talk at the International High-Energy Physics School (Yalta) he suggested the possibility of a joint description of boson and fermion degrees of freedom of quantum fields within the framework of a unified closed algebra and was the first to define the concept of Lie superalgebras (referred to as K-algebras) and to construct an example of a simple Lie superalgebra. In 1990 the "Theoretical and mathematical physics" journal published his first version of the operator-field model of space-time as a virtual causal structure. In 2003, in the note in "Concise encyclopedia of supersymmetry" (Cluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht) he suggested the introduction of the concept of quantum causal light-like nearness in space-time and in 2006 realized it (in his work published in "Gravitation and Cosmology") using a special construction within the framework of quantum field theory. The present book offers the extended version of the construction. Stavraki George L. Theoretical physicist, currently researcher, Federal Research Center “Computer Science and Control”, Russian Academy of Sciences. In 1966 his report on the International school on high energy physics (Yalta) suggested the possibility of local descriptions of a system of interacting boson and fermion fields within the framework of a unified closed algebra that generalizes the canonical commutation relations, and was the first to define the concept of Lie superalgebras (referred to as K-algebras) and to construct an example of a simple Lie superalgebra. In 1990 the “Theoretical and mathematical physics” journal published his first version of the operator-field model of space-time as a virtual causal structure. In 2009 he published a book, “Model of Space-Time as a Field Noncommutative Causal Structure” (M.: URSS) detailing the construction of the model and giving consequences that determine the characteristics of the group charge of its basic fields.