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Cover Popkov Yu.S. Dynamics of Non-homogeneous Systems Cover Popkov Yu.S. Dynamics of Non-homogeneous Systems
Id: 2954
19.9 EUR

Dynamics of Non-homogeneous Systems Vol.5

URSS. 184 pp. (English). ISBN 5-8360-0284-3.
White offset paper
  • Paperback


The Proceeding of ISA RAS presents some new theoretical results in the fields of macrosystem analysis, mathematical modelling, deterministic and stochastic dynamics, numerical methods, optimization, and games.

The book also contains articles dedicated to the solution of some applied problems in economic, technical, and biological systems, where the results of the mentioned fields can be used.

Read more about this title:

I. Optimiza tion and Games
Evtushenko Yu. G., Golikov A. I. Parametric Linear Programming Problems
Kopylov S. A. An Approximate Method of Problems of Optimal Feedback System Synthesis Solving
Ko ska M. Optimal Control in Credit–Deposit Policy of a Bank
Propoi A. I. Stability Problem and Lyapunov Functions
Smoljakov E. R. Equilibria for Set-value Non-cooperative Games
II. Computa tional Methods
Bakushinsky A.B., Kokurin M.Yu. Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Convergence of Methods for Solving Ill-posed Operator Equations. I
Figura A. Optimal Control of Currency DEBT
Novikov E. A., Kontareva L. N., Solomatina L. E. The Explicit Methods: Algorithms with Stability Control
Novikov E. A., Solomatina L. E. The Explicit Methods: Integration Algorithms with Accuracy Control
III. System  Modelling
Afanasiev A. P., Albertian A. M., Alguliev R. M., Belevtsev A.A., Imelbayev Sh.S., Rappoport A.M. Methods of Security Control in Information and Telecommunication Distributed Systems
Imelbaev Sh. S., Lyapin R. R., Chernysh K. V. On Periodic Trajectories in Stochastic Systems with Loop Structure
Khobotov E. N. Dynamic Models in Reengeeniring Problems of Manufacturing Systems
Smoljakov A. R. Generation of Dissipative Structures in Nonequilibrium Technological Processes Comminution of Mineral Raw Material
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