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Cover Mazayshvili K., Stoyko Yu. Endovenous Laser Ablation: А Fifteen-Year Experience and More Than 10,000 Procedures Cover Mazayshvili K., Stoyko Yu. Endovenous Laser Ablation: А Fifteen-Year Experience and More Than 10,000 Procedures
Id: 279286
59.9 EUR

Endovenous Laser Ablation:
А Fifteen-Year Experience and More Than 10,000 Procedures

URSS. 194 pp. (English). ISBN 978-5-396-01099-4.
  • Hardcover


This monograph summarises a fifteen-year experience using endovenous laser ablation (EVLA) and is based on data from more than 10,000 patients with varicose veins who were treated with EVLA in the clinics of the National Pirogov Medical and Surgical Centre and Vein Centres “Antireflux” (Russia).

This monograph outlines the fundamentals of EVLA from several different perspectives. The developmental history of EVLA from the viewpoint of the innovation ...(More)life cycle is reviewed, and concepts that underlie the aetiology and pathogenesis of varicose transformation are presented. Experimental, ultrasound, and morphological data that reflect EVLA’s mechanism of action are obtained using mathematical modelling of the processes occurring in the vein. A detailed description is provided of the anatomical variants of varicose transformation, and the justification behind the use of certain strategies and techniques for using EVLA on various pools of the venous system of the lower extremities is explained. Finally, a detailed analysis of the risks and complications associated with EVLA is provided based on long-term results obtained from a vast body of clinical trials. For practitioners, the appendix offers references to regulatory documents describing the operating rules for EVLA equipment, instructions for use of the laser devices, information about the medical documents required when working with laser devices as well as instructions for the administration of first aid in case of laser-related injury.

This monograph is not only intended for phlebologists and vascular surgeons, but also for general surgeons, physicians specializing in ultrasound and X-ray endovascular diagnostics, and medical students.

Table of contents
Table of contents3
Foreword to the English Edition (Nick Morrison)5
Foreword to the English Edition (Mustafa Sirlak)7
Preface to the Russian Edition (Alexander I. Kiriyenko)8
Chapter 1. Fundamentals of EVLA10
1. Light, colour and chromophores10
2. Laser radiation units used in the clinic14
3. Three phases of the EVLA mechanism15
4. The main objective of endovenous  thermal ablation is to irreversibly destroy the collagen in the venous wall23
5. Optical properties of venous complex tissues31
6. Mathematical modelling of EVLA34
7. Causes and conditions for the formation of venous wall perforations during EVLA39
Chapter 2. Development of the EVLA method within the context of the innovation life cycle49
Chapter 3. Aetiology and pathogenesis of varicose transformation of lower extremity veins59
Chapter 4. Treatment of the varicose vein with EVLA72
1. Indications and contraindications for EVLA72
2. EVLA technique75
3. EVLA strategies for different variants of reflux spreading93
Chapter 5. Mistakes, dangers and complications during EVLA121
Chapter 6. Long-term EVLA results160

Foreword to the English Edition

Dear Readers,

As Immediate Past-President of the International Union of Phlebology (UIP) I take this opportunity to introduce this monograph, Endovenous laser ablation. А fifteen-year experience and more than 10,000 procedures, on behalf of the National Pirogov Medical and Surgical Centre and Vein Centres Antireflux, a very important partner within the UIP community.

The leadership of the National Pirogov Medical and Surgical Centre and Vein Centres Antireflux have produced a truly outstanding manuscript regarding endovenous laser ablation, one which should become an indispensable tool for all those practicing in the field of venous medicine, both in Russia and indeed around the world. This work is not only welcomed but deeply appreciated by the international venous community.

For any practitioner just beginning an interest in the modern treatment of venous disease, this monograph should be indispensable. But also, for the surgeon experienced in all modalities of venous disease therapy who possesses the scientific curiosity about the origins of laser ablation, the physics involved, and the practical cellular effects of a laser ablation, here is thorough treatise well worth the effort to read and understand it. Beginning with the effects of laser on human tissue, carried through both a factual and theoretical discussion of surgical modalities and the therapeutic decision process, the benefits and risks of laser venous therapy — all presented in a brilliant and understandable style. As a bonus, there is a discussion of the evolution of a newly introduced treatment modality that is unlike anything I have read.

I was initially asked to write the foreword for this work, and expected to read through the table of contents, lightly browse through the text, and produce a foreword. Instead, I was so engrossed in the information presented that I carefully read through the entire manuscript. Consequently, it is a great honor to recognize the work involved in the production of this text and my congratulations to the authors for their tremendous efforts to elevate knowledge in the field of venous medicine.

With great respect,

Nick Morrison,


Immediate Past-President,

International Union of Phlebology

Foreword to the English Edition

Endovenous techniques such as endovenous laser therapy are leading the treatment of varicose veins. The substantial efficacy of endovenous laser therapy has been confirmed in numerous studies resulting in more physicians performing this operation.

There was a need for a book devoted to the topic of endovenous laser ablation. There was only a small number of textbooks of endovascular laser ablation. I am delighted to be asked to write the foreword for this new book on this subject. I read the final manuscript submitted for publication and was impressed.

The chapters on fundamentals, development of the EVLA method, aetiology and pathogenesis of varicose transformation of veins and the technique give outstanding information to the reader.

I strongly believe that cooperation with clinicians, scientists and industries in the field of venous disease will lead new innovations in venous care. This book can help equip them to deliver their work to more patients and takes its place as one of the most comprehensive yet readable books on the subject.

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Sirlak,

Secretary General of The Society

of Turkish Vascular and Endovascular Surgery,

Professor of Cardiovascular Surgery,

Ankara University School of Medicine

Preface to the Russian Edition

Time passes quickly. It seems that only yesterday the entire surgical community, especially the group actively involved in treating patients with disorders of the venous system, was buzzing like a worried hive. This was due to the emergence of new surgical technologies that shook previously considered unshakable postulates, necessitating the abandonment of techniques that seemed ideal. I am referring to the introduction of thermal ablation of the trunk veins in general and laser ablation in particular, which is the main content of the book that you are now holding in your hands. Many experts approached the new methods with skepticism, and many others even with hostility. Surgeons are conservative people who do not take easily to rapid and radical changes. Nonetheless, with the passing of time, what seemed revolutionary yesterday is considered routine today. Laser ablation is now performed in almost every surgical department where appropriate equipment is available. Life has put things in perspective, and a technique that is good and effective has made its way into the hearts of surgeons.

Who knows how much longer and thornier the path of laser ablation into Russian everyday practice might have been, if not for the efforts of those who pioneered this method. The authors of this book were enthusiasts who were able to first master this technique independently, then convince and teach others in addition to providing overwhelming evidence of the benefits of this technique to win over the skeptics. The National Pirogov Medical Surgical Centre has become the epicentre of the introduction of new endovenous technologies, and as such, has allowed the methods to find a niche within our arsenal. Undoubtedly, many remember the monograph that emerged from the same clinic more than 10 years ago. At that time, it was the first and only work in our country devoted to endovasal laser ablation, highlighting its importance, even though the technology was still in its early stages. Today, with nearly two decades of experience, the authors offer not simply a thorough description of this method, but a type of philosophy of laser obliteration. Philosophy is that part of medicine, which, when mastered, allows the physician to become like God. While this may sound like grandiose speech, it is precisely why books like these that provide a wealth of both technical and clinical information, are highly valued during a time period that is so uniquely focused on practicality.

Alexander I. Kiriyenko,

Honorary President of the Phlebologists

Association of Russia,

M. D., Professor, Academician

of the Russian Academy of Sciences

About the authors
photoK. Mazayshvili
Dr. Sci. (Med.). Professor. Professor of Surgery (Surgut State University). Founder of Vein Centres and Deep Learning Workshop “Antireflux” (Surgut, Russia). EduPhlebology.com, admin@antireflux.ru
photoYu. Stoyko
Dr. Sci. (Med.). Professor. Honorary President of the Phlebologists Association of Russia. Chief Surgeon of National Pirogov Medical and Surgical Centre (Moscow, Russia).
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