URSS.ru Online Bookstore. Editorial URSS Publishers. Moscow
Cover Шейнман О.К. (Sheinman O.K.) Основы теории представлений. (Basic Representation Theory: In English) Cover Шейнман О.К. (Sheinman O.K.) Основы теории представлений. (Basic Representation Theory: In English)
Id: 276462
9.9 EUR

Основы теории представлений.
(Basic Representation Theory: In English). Изд. 5, стер.

48 pp. (English).
White offset paper


Group symmetry is one of the most fundamental geometrical properties of the real world. It suffices to say that three of the four fundamental types of physical interactions (namely, electromagnetic, weak, and strong) are controlled by symmetries of the first three special unitary groups: U(1), SU(2), and SU(3), respectively. The representation theory of these groups and of some related structures will be considered in the proposed course. (More)