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Cover Shimukovich P.N. Solutions Do Exist for Every Problem! A systematic presentation of TRIZ-ideas Cover Shimukovich P.N. Solutions Do Exist for Every Problem! A systematic presentation of TRIZ-ideas
Id: 247704
39.9 EUR

Solutions Do Exist for Every Problem! A systematic presentation of TRIZ-ideas

URSS. 362 pp. (English). ISBN 978-5-9710-6264-6.
White offset paper


The book highlights the systems process of problem-solving. All its stages have been subjected to research — from fixation of a problematic situation up to obtaining a final solution. The focus is on the formation of alternatives — the central issue of this process. The approach presented in the book provides clearly defined structure of the problem and a particular variant of its systematic review: a systems analysis of the problematic situation and ...(More)the underlying object; systems representation of the subject working with this situation; systems description of the subject-object interaction. Much of the presented information is based on the author’s development. In particular, the following features are proposed: a general scheme for identifying the problem and its solutions; a way to expand the list of alternative solutions based on working with meanings; recommendations for problem-solving aimed to transform the classical linear algorithm into a variative one, and more.

The book is intended for a wide readership. It will be useful for professionals involved in problem-solving, for students dealing with educational problems and preparing for future professional activities, as well as for anyone who is aware of the problems and is ready to make their lives and activities more effective through problem-solving.

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Table of Contents About the author

Table of Contents
Chapter 1. WHAT IS A PROBLEM?13
1.1. Identification of a Problem13
1.2. Classification of Problems18
2.1. The Classic Problem-Solving Approach27
2.1.1. One-Step Problem-Solving Methods27
2.1.2. Two-Step Problem-Solving Methods28
2.1.3. Three-Step Problem-Solving Methods30
2.1.4. Four-Step Problem-Solving Methods31
2.1.5. Five-Step Problem-Solving Methods32
2.1.6. Multistep Problem-Solving Methods33
2.1.7. Is the Objective Achieved Using Algorithms?40
2.2. Thinking and Classical Problem-Solving Methods41
2.3. A Systems Approach to Problem-Solving46
3.1. The Integrity Property of Systems in Systems Thinking55
3.2. Some Key Properties of Systems Thinking61
3.2.1. E. V. Ksenchuk on the Properties of Systems Thinking62
3.2.2. P. Senge on the Properties of Systems Thinking62
3.2.3. D. Meadows on the Properties of Systems Thinking65
3.2.4. J. Gharajedaghi on the Properties of Systems Thinking67
3.2.5. J. O’Connor and I. McDermott on the Properties of Systems Thinking69
3.3. Interim Conclusions70
3.4. Is it Possible to Develop the System Paradigm?78
3.5. How to Improve Problem-Solving?84
4.1. An Example of a Paradigm85
4.2. Definition of a Paradigm86
4.3. Paradigms and Mental Models87
4.4. Characteristics of the Paradigm88
4.5. The System Paradigm of Problem-Solving88
4.6. How to Shift to the System Paradigm?90
4.7. Interim Conclusions91
5.1. General Information92
5.2. Mental Models: Objective and Subjective95
5.3. Mental Models and Problem-Solving110
5.4. Psychological Inertia Removal113
5.5. From Psychological Inertia to Meanings116
5.6. E. de Bono’s Thinking Hats118
5.7. J. Adam’s Approach119
5.8. Other Options for Empathy120
5.9. Whether Approaches are Consistent?121
5.10. Meanings, Where are You?122
5.11. Reflexemas as a Tool for Meanings Formation126
7.1. The Substance of the Method141
7.2. What to Consider a System When Solving Problems?148
7.3. Description of the Contents of the System Aspects164
7.3.1. The Content of Systemic Actions within the Objective Aspect164
7.3.2. The Content of Systemic Actions within the Elemental Aspect173
7.3.3. The Content of Systemic Actions within the Structural Aspect187
7.3.4. The Content of Systemic Actions within the Functional Aspect197
7.3.5. The Content of SystemicActions within the Resourcing Aspect203
7.3.6. The Content of Systemic Actions within the Integrating Aspect214
7.3.7. The Content of Systemic Actions within the Communicational Aspect218
7.3.8. The Content of Systemic Actions within the Historical Aspect221
7.3.9. The Content of Systemic Actions within the Managerial Aspect237
7.3.10. The Content of Systemic Actions within the Informational Aspect247
8.1. Hypothesis and Scientific Problems266
8.2. Hypothesis and Problem in a Broad Sense270
8.3. Hypothesis in the Problem-Solving Process270
8.4. Stages of Scientific Research and Problem-Solving273
8.5. The Place of Research Stages in the Problem-Solving Process276
10.1. What Algorithm is Needed for Problem-Solving?288
10.2. Recommendations for the Systems Problem-Solving294
11.1. Problem-Solving in Technical Systems297
11.2. Problem-Solving in Organizational and Managerial Systems319
11.3. Problem-Solving in Organizational and Technical Systems342

About the author
photoShimukovich Petr Nikolaevich
Doctor of Technical Science, the inventor. Over 30 years of his life were devoted to research, teaching and practical application of methods of engineering creativity, mainly the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ). Based on many years of experience in teaching and researching in higher education, consulting and training the specialists of modern market companies, as well as design, technical and administrative work in companies of various industries, he formed his own original position on the theory and the practice of creative problem-solving. The author of books on this topic issued by the URSS publishing group: “Informational Method of Creativity: Information, Language, Semiotics, TRIZ in the Service of Innovations”; “TRIZ-contradictions in Innovative Solutions: the PN-method”; “Solutions Do Exist for Every Problem! A Systematic Presentation of TRIZ-ideas”; “The Motivation for Creativity: The Origins of Successful Innovations”; “TRIZ-ideas in the Systems Presentation. Practice”.
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