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Cover � Moscow Journal of Combinatorics and Number Theory. 2011 Cover � Moscow Journal of Combinatorics and Number Theory. 2011
Id: 159732
39.9 EUR

Moscow Journal of Combinatorics and Number Theory.
2011. Vol.1. Iss.4

URSS. 112 pp. (English). ISBN 978-5-453-00028-9.
White offset paper
  • Paperback


The aim of this journal is to publish original, high-quality research articles from a broad range of interests within combinatorics, number theory and allied areas. One volume of four issues is published annually.

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Ryan Broderick (Evanston), Lior Fishman (Denton), Asaf Reich (Waltham)
Intrinsic Approximation on Cantor-like Sets, a Problem of Mahler Файл в формате Adobe PDF
 Keywords: Dirichlet's approximation theorem, intrinsic, approximation, Cantor sets
 AMS Subject Classification: 11K60, 11J83 (Primary), 28A80 (Secondary)
Andrey Illarionov (Khabarovsk)
On the Asymptotic Distribution of Integer Matrices Файл в формате Adobe PDF
 Keywords: distribution of integer matrices, local minimum, multidimensional continued fraction, average length of continued fraction
 AMS Subject Classification: 11J71, 11J70
Kohji Matsumoto (Nagoya), Hirofumi Tsumura (Tokyo)
Sum formulas for double polylogarithms with a shifting parameter and their derivatives Файл в формате Adobe PDF
 Keywords: double zeta values, double polylogarithms, double L-values, sum formulas
 AMS Subject Classification: 11M32, 11M41
Alexandr Polyanskii (Moscow)
On the irrationality measure of certain numbers Файл в формате Adobe PDF
Davide Schipani (Zurich)
Sufficient and equivalent criteria for the Riemann Hypothesis Файл в формате Adobe PDF
 Keywords: zeta function, Riemann hypothesis, sufficient conditions, equivalent criteria
 AMS Subject Classification: 11M06, 11M26
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- исправили предыдущие ошибки

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Полный сборник афоризмов в билингве малоизвестного в России глубокого мыслителя и изысканного писателя из Колумбии Николаса Гомеса Давиды (1913—1994) на тему истории, религии, культуры, политики, литературы.


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De forma viva y amena, el autor expone una diversa información sobre el héroe del libro, la famosa constante matemática que aparece en los lugares más inesperados, obteniendo de este modo una especie de "pequeña enciclopedia" del número pi. La parte principal del libro es de carácter recreativo,... (More)

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