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Cover -- The USSR Academy of Medical Sciences Cover -- The USSR Academy of Medical Sciences
Id: 119995
69.9 EUR

The USSR Academy of Medical Sciences

248 pp. (English). Second-hand. Condition: 5-.
  • Hardcover
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The Academy, Headquarters of Soviet Medical Science....................... 9

How the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences was set up............... 12

Sessions of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences..................... 34

Planning and Coordination of Medico-Biological Studies................ 36

International Links.................................................... 39

Scientists of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences Awarded International Honorary Prizes and Titles or Foreign Academies of Medical Societies in 1961-1981................... 43

Name Prizes of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences................. 43

The Department of Clinical Medicine........................................ 45

The USSR Cardiology Research Centre................................. 49

The USSR Oncology Research Centre.................................. 60

The USSR Surgery Research Centre........... 67

The USSR Research Centre of Mental Health............................ 72

The Order of the Red Banner of Labour Institute of Obstetrics and

Gynaecology......................................................... 79

The Institute of Gerontology........................................... 82

The Institute of Medical Radiology..................................... 85

The Institute of Neurology............................................. 88

The Order of the Red Banner of Labour Institute of Neurosurgery

named after N.N. Burdenko............................................ 91

The Order of Lenin and Order of the Red Banner of Labour Institute of

Paediatrics............................................................ 94

The Institute of Rheumatology......................................... 98

The A.N. Bakulev Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery................... 101

The A. V. Vishnevsky Institute of Surgery............................... 104

The Department of Medico-Biological Sciences.............................. 109

The Institute of Biological and Medical Chemistry....................... 113

The Institute of Human Morphology.................................... 116

The Institute of General Pathology and Pathological Physiology.......... 119

The P.K. Anokhin Institute of Normal Physiology....................... 121

The Institute of Pharmacology......................................... 123

The Institute of Medical Genetics...................................... 126

The Institute of Medical Enzymology................................... 129

The Order of the Red Banner of Labour Institute of Experimental

Medicine............................................................. 131

The Order of the Red Banner of Labour Institute of Experimental

Pathology and Therapy................................................ 135

The Institute of Experimental Endocrinology and Chemistry of Hormones............................................................... 140

The Laboratory of General Reanimatology.............................. 143

The Laboratory of Experimental Biological Models...................... 145

The Department of Hygiene, Microbiology and Epidemiology

(HME Branch)........................................................... 147

The Order of the Red Banner of Labour Institute of Epidemiology

and Microbiology named after Honorary Academician N.F. Gamaleya..................... 151

The D.I. Ivanovsky Institute of Virology................................ 154

The Institute of Immunology........................................... 157

The Institute of Poliomyelitis and Virus Encephalitis.................... 159

The Order of the Red Banner of Labour Institute of Hygiene of Labour and Occupational Diseases........................................ 162

The Order of the Red Banner of Labour Research Institute of General and Communal Hygiene named after A.N. Sysin................... 165

The Institute of Nutrition.......................................... 168

The Institute on Investigation of New Antibiotics........................ 173

The Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences.............. 175

The Institute of Clinical and Experimental Medicine..................... 179

The Institute of Physiology............................................ 180

The Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Respiration................ 182

The Institute of Medical Problems of the North.......................... 183

The, Institute of Complex Problems of Hygiene and Occupational

Diseases.............................................................. 184

The Vladivostok Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology............. 186

The Institute of Clinical Immunology................................... 187

The Institute of Therapy............................................... 188

The Laboratory of Polar Medicine...................................... 189

The Administrative Structure of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of

Medical Sciences.......................................................... 191

The Scientific Coordination Department................................ 192

The Scientific Engineering Council.................................... 193

The Department of International Scientific Relations.................... 193

The Laboratory of the Problems of Managing Medical Scientific

Investigations........................................................ 194

The Secretariat....................................................... 194

The Editorial and Publishing Council................................... 195

The Administrative and Finance Subdivisions.......................... 195

The Office............................................................ 197

The Personnel Department............................................ 197

The Scientific Archives............................................... 198

Institutions of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Medical

Sciences.................................................................. 199

The Chief Editorial Board of the "Big Medical Encyclopaedia"........... 200

Journals of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences..................... 205

The Chair of Philosophy............................................... 207

The Chair of the West European Languages............................. 207

The Department of Scientific and Experimental Medical

Cinematography...................................................... 208

The Central Design Bureau with an Experimental Plant................. 208

The Fundamental Library............................................. 209

The Medical School................................................... 210

Nurseries of Laboratory Animals....................................... 210

Industrial Enterprises of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences........ 212

Members (Academicians) and Corresponding Members of the USSR AMS

Winners of the Lenin Prize................................................. 213

Members (Academicians) and Corresponding Members of the USSR AMS,

Winners of the USSR State Prize............................................ 215

Membership of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences...................... 217

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