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Cover Sedov L.I. Similarity and Dimension Methods in Mechanics Cover Sedov L.I. Similarity and Dimension Methods in Mechanics
Id: 108173
119.9 EUR

Similarity and Dimension Methods in Mechanics

424 pp. (English). Second-hand. Condition: 4+. Second hand book. It looks as new, but the effect of the years is evident. The state is rated 8.5 (out of 10). В суперобложке.
  • Hardcover
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Foreword to the First Russian Edition Foreword to the Third Russian Edition Foreword to the Sixth Russian Edition Foreword to the Eighth Russian Edition Foreword to the Ninth Russian Edition

CHAPTER I. General Dimensions Theory

§ 1. Introduction

§ 2. Dimensional and Dimensionless Quantities

§ 3. Fundamental and Derived Units of Measurement

§ 4. Dimensions Formulas

§ 5. On Newton's Second Law

§ 6. Nature of the Functional Relations Between Physical Quantities

§ 7. Parameters Defining a Class of Phenomena References

CHAPTER II. Similarity, Modelling, and Various Examples of the Application of Dimensional Analysis

§ 1. Motion of a Simple Pendulum

§ 2. Flow of a Heavy Fluid Through a Spillway

§ 3. Fluid Motion in Pipes

§ 4. Motion of a Body in a Fluid

§ 5. Heat Transfer from a Body in a Fluid Flow

§ 6. Dynamic Similarity and Modelling of Phenomena

§ 7. Steady Motion of a Solid Body in a Compressible Fluid

§ 8. Unsteady Motion in a Fluid

§ 9. Ship Motion

§ 10. Planing over the Water Surface

§ 11. Impact on Water

§ 12. Entry of a Cone and a Wedge at Constant Speed into a Fluid

§ 13. Small-Amplitude Waves on the Surface of an Incompressible Fluid

§ 14. Three-Dimensional Self-Similar Motions of Continuous Media References

CHAPTER III. Applications to the Theory of Motion of a Viscous Fluid and to the Theory of Turbulence

§ 1. Diffusion of Vorticity in a Viscous Fluid

§ 2. Exact Solutions of the Equations of Motion of a Viscous Incompressible Fluid

§ 3. Boundary Layer in the Flow of a Viscous Fluid Past a Flat Plate

§ 4. Isotropic Turbulent Motion of an Incompressible Fluid

§ 5. Steady Turbulent Motion References

CHAPTER IV. One-Dimensional Unsteady Motion of a Gas

§ 1. Self-Similar Motion of Spherical, Cylindrical, and Plane

Waves in a Gas

§ 2. Ordinary Differential Equations and the Shock Conditions for

Self-Similar Motions

§ 3. Algebraic Integrals for Self-Similar Motion

§ 4. Motions which Are Self-Similar in the Limit

§ 5. Investigation of the Family of Integral Curves in the (z, F)


§ 6. The Piston Problem

§ 7. Problem of Implosion and Explosion at a Point

§ 8. Spherical Detonation

§ 9. Flame Propagation

§ 10. Collapse of an Arbitrarv Discontinuity in a Combustible


§ 11. Problem of a Strong Explosion

§ 12. Point Explosion with Counterpressure Taken into Account

§ 13. On Modelling and on Formulas for the Peak Pressure and

Impulse of Explosions § 14. Problem of a Strong Explosion in a Medium with a Variable


§ 15. Unsteady Motion of a Gas when the Velocity is Proportional to

the Distance from the Centre of Symmetry

§ 16. On the General Theory of One-Dimensional Motion of a Gas

§ 17. Asymptotic Laws of Shock Wave Damping References

CHAPTER V. Introduction to the Theory of Gas Engines

§ 1. On Averaging of Nonuniform Gas Flows in Ducts

§ 2. Similarity Conditions and Abstract Parameters Determining

the Characteristics of Compressors

§ 3. On Flight Efficiency of an Ideal Propeller and an Ideal Air

Breathing Jet Engine References

CHAPTER VI. Applications to Astrophysical Problems

§ 1. Some Observational Results

§ 2. On the Equations of Equilibrium and Motion of a Gaseous Mass Simulating a Star

§ 3. Theoretical Formulas Relating Luminosity with Mass, and Radius with Mass

§ 4. Some Simple Solutions of the System of Equations of Stellar Equilibrium

§ 5. On the Relation Between the Period of Variation of the Brightness and the Average Density for Cepheids

§ 6. On the Theory of the Flare-ups of Novae and Supernovae

References Name Index Subject Index

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