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Cover Anne Jones Counselling adolescents school and after Cover Anne Jones Counselling adolescents school and after
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Counselling adolescents school and after 2 ed.

228 pp. (English). ISBN 0-85038-759-0. Second-hand. Condition: 4+.
  • Paperback


Counselling in British schools has been established since 1965 but its relevance to the needs of the 16-18 year old in transition from school to work has only recently become apparent. On most, if not all, of the fast developing prevocational courses and youth training schemes, counselling and guidance of both groups and individuals is not only considered desirable but is actually written into the courses as an essential and timetabled component. Anne ...(More)Jones' book was written originally in the context of a comprehensive school providing a personal counselling service within a pastoral care system. Its relevance and usefulness within this framework, both for counsellors and for tutors wanting to develop their counselling skills, are as great as ever. However, this updated edition of the book includes considerable new material related to counselling and guidance in prevocational courses and youth training schemes. Therefore, tutors on prevocational courses of whatever kind who are themselves seeking guidance on how to set about their counselling task, should find this book of practical help.

Counselling Adolescents: School and After defines counselling and the skills and qualities required for effective counselling and group work. It then goes on to give examples of case histories, showing the way counselling can help young people cope with the transition to adult life. The relationship between counselling, careers guidance, pastoral care, the curriculum and approaches to management are also discussed. This book is an extensively revised and updated edition of the author's earlier book, Counselling Adolescents in School.

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Acknowledgements Introduction

Chapter 1 Counselling and young people: what now?

Counselling and pastoral care; Counselling and careers

Chapter 2 The advent of the counsellor

Guidance services in British schools The form tutor

Chapter 3 What is counselling?

Theories of counselling; The elements in a counselling relationship; Testing; The counselling interview; What does counselling achieve?

Chapter 4 Establishing a counselling service

The organization of the school; Aims and principles; Role limitations; Reaching our clients; The structuring of the groups; The autobiographical note; The standard interview; Individual problems; Relationships between the school staff and the counsellor; The organization of staff/counsellor relationships in the school; Counselling and school records; Criticism of staff and school organization; Staff group discussions; The counsellor's role in school policy; Conclusion

Chapter 5 The adolescent world

Parents; Siblings; Grandparents; Friends; Sparetime activities; Ambitions; Adolescent moods and general comments; Group discussion of these points; Questions about sex; Individuals; Communication; Confidentiality; A friendly adult; support; conclusion

Chapter 6 Action

Social services; Helping the parents; conclusion; Outside bodies; Parents; Interviews with parents; Other agencies; Referrals; The counsellor as go-between; The careers service; The head, the counsellor and the community; The counsellor's problem

Chapter 7 The counsellor as educator

Counselling and teaching; Counsellors and teachers; The welfare team; Authority, role diffusion and boundaries: some dangers; Theory into practice; Integration of pastoral and academic; Preventive work in lower school; Alternative provision in lower school; The appointment of counsellors; The welfare team; Group work for staff; in-service training; support from the psychiatric services; The in-service training role of the deputy head; Counselling and administration; A counselling approach to headship; The single-parent child in the inner-city school; Pastoral care: myth, mystique, mistake or misunderstanding

Chapter 8 New training initiatives

What are the aims of the school?; The school-to-work course; The rationale; Overall aim: meeting students' needs; Integration, support, negotiation, and progression; Evaluation; The course in detail; Overall view of the course; what we learned; The effects on the rest of the sixth-form curriculum

Chapter 9 Young people's responses

The school-to-work students; The trainees

Prostscript Appendix Bibliography Index

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