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Ред. Spitzy К.H., Brunner R.
Biochemistry of antibiotics. Symposium V. Vol.5
1959. 240 с.
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Einleitende Worte von R. Brunner ....... xi

The Classification of Actinomycetes with Special Reference to Antibiotic

Production .......... 1

Selman A. Waksman Discussion .......... 18

Natural Substances in Relation to Germination ..... 20 Chr. Van Sumere and L. Massart

Coumarins... (Подробнее)

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1959. 252 с.
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Preface by L, Levenbook ........ xii

Eroffnung des Symposiums (with English translation) . . xv

a. butenandt

The Chemistry of Host Specificity of Phytophagous Insects . 1

G. Fraenkel

Discussion .......... 13

Biochemical Aspects of Insect Poisons . . . ... (Подробнее)

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1959. 260 с.
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Preface by Walter J. Xtckerson ....... xi

I. Biochemical Control of Differentiation in Isolated Cellular Systems

The Growth Requirements and Metabolic Activities of Human and

Animal Cells in Culture ...... .1

Harry Eagle

Discussion . . . . .... (Подробнее)

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1959. 294 с.
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Introduction by Erich Mosettig.......xi

Plant Steroids and Related Substances ...... 1

Carl Djerassi

C„rSteroide des Pflanzenreiches . . . . . . .21

Rudolf Tschesche Modern Methods of Isolation and Determination of Individual Corticosteroids ... (Подробнее)

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1959. 324 с.
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Vorwort. F. Brucke

Ionic Movements in Cell Membranes in Relation to the Activity of the Nervous System .......

Hans H. Ussing Discussion ........

Metabolism and Activity in Giant Axons .... R. D. Keynes Discussion ........

Molecular Forces Controlling Ion Movements during Nerve Activity... (Подробнее)

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Ред. Broda E., Frischniggemeyer W.
Biochemistry of viruses. Symposium VII. Vol.7
1959. 256 с.
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Foreword by W. Frisch-Niggemeyer ...... xi

Biosynthese des Tabakmosaikvirus ...... 1

Gerhard Schramm The Structural Basis of the Activity of Tobacco Mosaic Virus . . 9

H. Fraenkel-Conrat and В. Singer The Biochemical Basis of Tobacco Mosaic Virus Infeetivity ... (Подробнее)

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Ред. Kratzl K., Billek G.
Biochemistry of wood. Symposium II. Vol.2
1959. 286 с.
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Yorwort von K. Kratzl ........ xi

Conifer Chemistry and Taxonomy of Conifers ..... 1 II. Erdtman

Discussion .......... 27

(her die Biogenese der Terpenc und Terpenoide .... 29 W. Sandermann

Terpenc Formation in Pine ........ 48

R. G. Stanley

Die Biosynthese... (Подробнее)

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1959. 254 с.
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Vorwort: E. Detjtsch ......... xiii

Antihemophilic Factor (AHF): Some Aspects of its Biochemistry . . 1 К. M. Brlnkhous and Robert H. Wagner

Discussion .......... 12

Fixed Levels of Antihaemophilic Globulin in Health and Disease . . 17

F. Nour-Eldin

Chemistry... (Подробнее)

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1958. 206 с.
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Introduction by M. L. Wolfrom.....

Hemicelluloses ........

R. L. Whistler with J. L. Sannella Discussion ........

Seaweed Polysaccharides ......

С. Araki

Plant Gums .........

E. L. Hirst

All Polysaccharides are Immunologically Specific M. Heidelberger

Uber die biologische Bedeutung... (Подробнее)

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Ред. Chantrenne H., Dodgson K.S., Hayaishj O., Krebs H.A., Snell E.Е., Stumpf P.K., G.T-oennies.
Colloquia. Vol.13
1959. 252 с.
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Colloquium A

Metabolism of Sulphur


The Late Professor Claude Fromageot, A Tribute. 3 В. Spencer

Influence de quelques Vitamines et Hormones sur le Metabolisme du Soufre . . . . . . . . . . . .5

Fernande Chatagner Discussion ............. (Подробнее)

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1959. 260 с.
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Vorwort—O. Kratky.........xi

The Three-dimensional Representation of the Myoglobin Molecule at a

Resolution of 6 A . . 1

J. С. Kendrew

Discussion .......... 6

Optical Rotation and the Structure of Polypeptides and Proteins . 8 Paul Doty

Discussion . . . . . ... (Подробнее)

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Ред. Neurath H., Tuppy H.
Proteins.Symposium VIII. Vol.8
1959. 258 с.
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The Three-dimensional Representation of the Myoglobin Molecule at

a Resolution of 6 A . . . . . . . . . 1

J. С. Kendrew

Discussion .......... 6

Optical Rotation and the Structure of Polypeptides and Proteins . 8 Paul Doty

Discussion... (Подробнее)

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Ред. Auerswald W.Hoffmann О. -ostenhof.
Transactions of the plenary sessions. Vol.14
1959. 300 с.
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Vorwort—Preface—Avant-propos by W. Auerswald and O. Hoffmann-

Ostenhof .........1

Eroffnungssitzung—Opening Session—Seance d'ouverture ... 3 F. Brucke, M. Florkin, O. Loewi, С. F. Cori, F. Jonas, H. Drimmel and A. Scharf

SchluBsitzung—Closing Session—Seance de Cloture . ... (Подробнее)

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Ред. Umbreit W., Molitor H.
Vitamin metabolism. Symposium XI. Vol.11
1959. 374 с.
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Introductory Remarks by Hans Molitor ...... xiii

The Biosynthesis of l-Ascorbic Acid in Plants and Animals ... 1 L. W. Mapson

Discussion . . . . . . . . . .16

The Biosynthesis and Degradation of Riboflavin . . . . .19... (Подробнее)