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Series "Relata Refero (Unconventional Approaches to Scientific Issues)"

Series "Relata Refero (Unconventional Approaches to Scientific Issues)" (6)
Информация / Заказ
1399 р.

2003. 248 с.
  • Твердый переплет

Will our Universe expand forever, or there is a Big Crunch coming up? How can the rate of the Universe expansion be measured in a laboratory? How does the boundary of space look?

How can Mach's principle be verified experimentally? How many stars are needed in order for the law of inertia to hold?... (Подробнее)

Информация / Заказ
436 р.

2016. 112 с.
  • Мягкая обложка

Лейбниц провозгласил необходимость создания новой философии, в которой роль фундамента играет идея всеобщей гармонии. Прообраз такого метода он видел в методе математическом, который сам по себе не является универсальным, но может служить образцом, позволяя обобщить алгоритм. В книге предлагается... (Подробнее)

Информация / Заказ
1106 р.

2010. 208 с.
  • Мягкая обложка

Fundamental and derived physical quantities are geometrized on the basis of the hypothesis of global stationary state of our Universe. A new (L) system of physical quantities based on a single quantity (length) is created and developed. Numerical values of seven base units as well as fundamental physical... (Подробнее)

Информация / Заказ
869 р.

Yanchilin V.L.
Quantum nonlocality
2010. 120 с.
  • Мягкая обложка

How one electron can be in two remote areas simultaneously? How can we “cook up” a quantum state? What is described by wave function and when its reduction takes place? How long is a quantum jump and is it a reversible process? How does quantum nonlocality work? Traditional textbooks on quantum mechanics... (Подробнее)

Информация / Заказ
869 р.

2008. 120 с.
  • Мягкая обложка

This book presents key ideas of quantum mechanics. The paradoxes of the quantum world are explained with examples of dispute between Einstein and Bohr. A collection of simple drawings illustrates the key concepts: wave/particle dualism, non-locality, and quantum jumps.

The foundations of quantum physics... (Подробнее)

Информация / Заказ
899 р.

2012. 112 с.
  • Мягкая обложка

It is shown in the book that by attributing the properties of superfluid 3He-B to physical vacuum one can describe the following physical phenomena: the emission, absorption and propagation of light, the wave properties of matter, the interaction of quantum particles with electric fields, superconductivity,... (Подробнее)