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Обложка Репина Л.П. Диалог со временем: Альманах интеллектуальной истории Обложка Репина Л.П. Диалог со временем: Альманах интеллектуальной истории
Id: 83394
1697 р.

Диалог со временем:
Альманах интеллектуальной истории. Вып.24

2008. 416 с.
Белая офсетная бумага
  • Мягкая обложка


Альманах "Диалог со временем" --- научное периодическое издание, специально посвященное проблемам интеллектуальной истории, которая изучает исторические аспекты всех видов творческой деятельности человека, включая ее условия, формы и результаты.

Dialogue with Time. Intellectual History Review.

Dialogue with Time is the first Russian periodical specially intended for consideration of the problems of intellectual history understood as a study of... (Подробнее)



К Юбилею


Хейден Уайт и практика исторических исследований XX века

Цивилизационные представления в историческом контексте


Цивилизационные утопии и образы "иных" цивилизаций


Россия и нигде: географические образы и становление

российской цивилизационной идентичности


Аристотелизм в россиеведении

и поле сакральных смыслов старообрядчества

Интеллектуальные традиции Античности


"Горгий" и гуманизм


Sumbola и sunthemata

в теургическом неоплатонизме Ямвлиха и Прокла


Приглашение историка на пир: исторические фрагменты Посидония

в "Пирующих софистах" Афинея

Из истории исторической мысли


Анализ одного произведения:

Фридрих Энгельс и принципы марксистского историописания

Из истории отечественной историографии


B.И.Герье как историк Великой французской революции


Традиции "йcole russe" в исследованиях советских историков

Приглашение к дискуссии


"Русская Атлантида": к истории одного платоновского мифа


 Интервью с Г.-У.Велером

о "билефельдской школе" и ее представителях (А.А.Турыгин)

Проблемная историография


Искушение квантификации:

проблема антиклерикализма тюдоровского общества

в британской историографии 1970 – начала 1990-х годов


Ревизионистское направление в современной британской

историографии религиозной реформации в Англии

История через личность


К интеллектуальной биографии Эрнста Юнгера


Владимир Мономах и христианство

Исторические заметки


К вопросу о формировании стереотипа "норманна"

(на материале "Анналов королевства франков")


Концепция партийно-политической оппозиции в трудах Дэвида Юма


Общественное служение русского монашества


M.A.Kukartseva Hayden White and the practice of historical research in the 20th century

The article presents an intellectual biography which traces the career of the well-known scholar and thinker. The author analyses the influence of various concepts and life circumstances on the shaping of White's views. Some conclusions on the nature and the aims of contemporary historical knowledge are presented.

V.M.Khachaturyan Civilization Utopias and images of 'alien' civilizations

The article studies the ideas of Danilevsky, a well-known Russian philosopher of the 19th c. who adopted the concept of cultural and historical types. The author concludes that Danilevsky's ideas were contradictory as he tried to reconcile his Slavophil sympathies with imperialist views on Russia's political interests.

D.N.Zamyatin Russia and nowhere: geographical images and the identity of Russian civilization

The article studies the views of a Russian philosopher Piotr Chaadaev on his country's historical destiny and its place in the world. Chaadaev emphasized the idea of Russia's space as both positive and negative factor that impeded Russia's historical progress in comparison to Western Europe.

O.D.Shemyakina Aristotelianism in Russian studies and the field of sacral meanings of Old Believers

The article deals with some aspects of Russian spiritual tradition, namely, with the culture of the Old Believers in the 18-19th cc. The author rejects postulations by a number of Western historians of Russia who stressed backwardness of Old Believers' culture, and its archaic attitude to written word and text. The article shows that polemical works by Old Believers (18th c.) adopted rational discourse that enabled them to re-interpret the text of the Scripture. It the same time the culture of Old Believers preserved traditional popular views and practices. It could be viewed as a model of Russian culture that combines different forms and meanings, both indigenous and accepted from other cultural traditions.

A.V.Seregin 'Gorgias' and Humanism

The author studies elements of Plato's ethics and interprets his 'idea of injustice' as well as the notions of 'good', 'evil', 'happiness' and 'unhappiness'. It is argued that Plato's notions differed from the later Early Modern definitions that are more familiar to modern reader. According to Plato, just behaviour did not imply taking the interests of others into account, and moral virtues were not connected with humanistic altruism.

A.V.Khazina Historians invited to a feast: historical fragments by Posidonius in 'Deipnosophistae' by Athenaeus

The article tackles the fragments from the "Histories" by Posidonius of Apamea cited by Athenaeus in The Deipnosophists (The sophists at dinner) and united by the theme of feasting customs of various ethnic groups. It was the philosophical concept rather than the detailed household depiction that underlay the narrative principles of these historical and ethnographic sketches of Posidonius, the Stoic. Telling about the feasts of the barbarian people, Posidonius was mentally crossing the borders of the sacral and the profane. The description of the "alien" led to the spaces of the profane, and at the same time the alien's "sacral" revealed its presence within this profane, and to interpret it the author could only draw upon the Greek-Roman cultural code that he was familiar with. Posidonius did not avoid the "rigour of Aristotle" in perception of barbarians. Nevertheless, he gave the neutral description of the alien's customs and represented barbarians as the people endowed both with virtues and defects. Thereby he showed the deployment of the moral laws subordinating all nations through a lively fabric of the history.

S.B.Krikh An analysis of one text: Friedrich Engels and the principles of Marxist history writing

The article analyses one of the most influential Marxist text – 'The Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State'. The author arrives at a number of conclusions on Marxist philosophy of history, its strengths and limitations as well as its logical consequences.

T.N.Ivanova W.I.Guerrier as a historian of the French Revolution

The author studies the works by a well-known Russian historian of the late 19th – early 20th cc. It is shown that Guerrier was a pioneer in studying the French Revolution – the field that had been avoided and neglected by other Russian scholars.

O.I.Zezegova Traditions of the "ecole russe" in writings by Soviet historians

The article present biographies of two Soviet historians, V.Biryukovich and N.Sokolov who were to bring traditions of prerevolutionary Russian historical scholarship (for instance, the schools of Guerrier and Kareev) into Soviet period. The author gives a detailed description of the scholars' careers, their high point and problems.

Yu. N.Litvinenko 'Russian Athlantis': on the history of a Platonic myth

The author studies the evolution of the Athlantis myth in Russian thought of the 18th – 20th cc. The myth is compared to the Russian legend of Kitezh city. The article presents a classification of different approaches in Russian 'Athlantis studies' that are viewed in the context of political and philosophical thought of a period.

L.V.Sofronova The temptation of quantification: the problem of anti-clericalism in the Tudor society in the British historiography of 1970-90s

The article deals with revisionist approach to (English Reformation and its causes. Revisionists used quantitative methods in order to question widely accepted idea of popular anticlericalism that had caused the Reformation in England. They argued convincingly that the Reformation was introduced from above, and the majority of parishioners remained faithful to Catholicism.

V.N.Erokhin Revisionists in recent British historiography of the religious Reformation in England

The article demonstrates how the traditional approach to the history of English Reformation represented by A.G.Dickens was replaced by the more nuanced vision free of preconceptions. The author demonstrates that C.A.Haigh and other historians re-interpret the importance of English Catholicism, the influence of Protestant ideas, the correlation between Protestantism and the religious reforms of the late 15th – 16th cc, he also analyses the ways revisionists formulate questions and the concepts they use.

V.V.Puzanov Vladimir Monomakh and Christianity

The article deals with the attitude of the Prince Vladimir Monomach and his circles to the norms of bevahiour prescribed by Christian morals. It is shown that events of the Prince's life influenced his religiosity.

O.V.Kharitonova 'Public service' of Russian monks

The article deals with the theme of the service of Russian saints to the society, that provoked serious debates in the late 19th – early 20th cc. The author shows different approaches to the ideals of monasticism and asceticism viewed from the perspective of Church history and the role of the Church in shaping and defending the Russian state.

Требования к рукописям, представляемым к публикации в журнале "Диалог со временем"
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  • В конце статьи / публикации должна быть помещена следующая информация: фамилия, имя, отчество автора; краткие сведения об авторе (ученая степень, звание, место работы, должность, эл. адрес для связи); аннотация к статье на русском и английском языках (не более 1 тыс. знаков).
  • Объем текста статьи не должен превышать 1,5 авт. л. (1 лист – 40 тыс. зн.); статьи и публикации – 2,5 авторских листа.
  • Рукописи принимаются в электронном виде, в формате Word (с расширением .doc). Текст необходимо печатать с полуторным межстрочным интервалом. Основной шрифт – Times New Roman (при необходимости использования других шрифтом следует обратиться в Редакцию). Размер шрифта: заголовок статьи, Ф.И.О. автора – 14, подзаголовки, аннотация, текст – 11; сноски – 9,5. Отступ абзаца – 0,8 см. Все страницы должны быть пронумерованы (сверху, в правом угле страницы).
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    Электронный адрес Редакции журнала: dialtime@gmail.ru