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Обложка Leschenko A.P. The fundamental structural mechanics of elastic systems: Oscillations and flutter Обложка Leschenko A.P. The fundamental structural mechanics of elastic systems: Oscillations and flutter
Id: 33493
1599 р.

The fundamental structural mechanics of elastic systems:
Oscillations and flutter

2006. 224 с.
Белая офсетная бумага
  • Мягкая обложка


A.P.Leschenko has offered a completely new approach to structural mechanics, which allowed for a unique technique for structural engineering to be developed. This new method is based on the following three discoveries made by the author:

--- Phenomenon of separating torsional strains of elastic bars;

--- Specific law of analogy in stability and oscillation of elastic systems;

--- Principle of force factors pairing in structural mechanics.

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Introduction and a brief historical review
Conventional symbols used in the book
Chapter 1.Description of the author's invention
 1.1.Calculation method to control catastrophic destruction
 1.2.Description of invention
  1.2.1.Object – phenomenon
  1.2.3.Justification of invention
  1.2.4.Formula of invention
 1.3.Description of invention
  1.3.1.Object – law
  1.3.3.Justification of invention
  1.3.4.Formula of invention
 1.4.Description of invention
  1.4.1.Object – law
  1.4.3.Justification of invention
  1.4.4.Formula of invention
Chapter 2.The analogy method in oscillations of thin-walled constructions (a general linear theory of oscillations)
 2.1.On some properties of constructions. A load coefficient. Statement of the problem on thin-walled bar oscillations
 2.2.Classification of loads and symbols in the theory of oscillations
 2.3.Possible forms of free oscillations of a thin-walled bar
 2.4.Solution of differential equations of a bar's free oscillations
 2.5.Criterions of dynamical balance, stability and instability in oscillations. A concept of analogy in a form of free oscillations
 2.6.The theorem on analogy at elastic systems' oscillations
 2.7.A qualitative method of solution of some equations of bars' free oscillations
 2.8.The method of analogy in calculations on beam's oscillations loaded in the middle of the span with concentrated load
 2.9.The analogy method in calculations on the oscillation of the pillar loaded by the load of eccentric compression
 2.10.Experimental basis of the analogy method in oscillations of thin-walled constructions
 2.11.The analogy method in calculations on oscillations of the beam loaded with the load evenly distributed along the span length
 2.12.The analogy method in calculations of the beam's oscillations loaded by concentrated moments on supports
 2.13.The analogy method in calculations on oscillations of thin-walled plates and gentle cylindrical shells
Chapter 3.Application of the analogy method in calculations on oscillations of construction elements of bridges and aircrafts
 3.2.Calculation of a frame/beam bridge's span structure on oscillations
 3.3.A calculation of a carrier-rocket body on oscillations
 3.4.The calculations of aircraft construction elements on oscillations
Chapter 4.The flutter theory as a particular case of general linear theory of oscillations
 4.1.Introduction and analysis of modern concepts of the flutter theory
 4.2.On some properties of consructions
 4.3.Derivation of flutter's differential equations and their solutions
 4.4.The flutter of the beam loaded by a concentrated load in the middle of a span
 4.5.The flutter of the post loaded by the load of eccentric compression
 4.6.Experimental basis of the flutter theory
 4.7.The flutter of the beam loaded with the load evenly distributed along the span's length
 4.8.The flutter of the beam loaded by concentrated moments on supports
 4.9.The flutter of thin plates and gentle cylindrical shells
Chapter 5.Aircrafts' flutter
 5.1.Calculation of a carrier-rocket's body on flutter
 5.2.Calculation on flutter of an aircraft's construction elements

Introduction and a brief historical review

The theory of oscillation processes is the field of the science associated with mathematics, mechanics and general physics.

I.Newton, L.Eiler, LaGrange and other classics of mechanics laid the basement of a modern theory of mechanical oscillations.

Khristian Huigens, the well-known Holland scientist and the watchmaker (1629–1695) contributed greatly into the theory of oscillation. He created izochronic cycloidal pendulum and was the first to observe selfsynchronization of associated oscillating systems.

J.Y.Strett (Lord Raley, 1842–1919) a British scientist created a systematic teaching on oscillation forms about their attenuation in the XIX century. he investigated a problem on plates' and sheaths' vibration in details.

At the same time A.Poincarre (1854–1912) for the first time proposed an idea of a qualitative analysis of oscillating systems using depiction of motion at a phase plane and related this depiction to the facts of periodical and nonperiodical motions, stability and so on.

He merited also a mathematical analysis of complex linear oscillations which he conceived in the form of a great number of ordinary linear oscillations.

The soviet scientists L.I.Mandelshtam (1879–1944), N.D.Papaleksi (1880–1947), A.A.Andropov (1901–1952), N.M.Krylov (1879–1955), N.N.Bogolyubov, Yu. A.Mitroopolsky, A.N.Krylov, V.V.Bolotin, I.I.Blechman, Yu. I.Neimark, Ya. G.Panovko, G.F.Ganiyev and others contributed greatly in creation of modern methods of theoretical analysis of oscillating systems.

Two directions may be singled out in the present science on oscillations:

1. Development of theory, schematization of real objects, creation ofidealized models using the laws of mechanics and mathematical apparatus;

2. Application of instruments for measurement of the values characterizing actual motion of one or another object. Experimental grounding of the theory by vibrodiagnostical methods.

The author carried out his investigations by these two directions.

He passed from the development of the linear theory of stability that has been covered in the previous books to elaboration of the linear theory of oscillations built on an idea of analogy in a form of free oscillations of constructions.

Varying a load, specifying the concepts of dynamical stability and instability taking into account the load's effect by introducing the coefficient of the load, the author offers new scientific results which agree well with the experiment.

About the author
Prof. Alexander Petrovich Leschenko was born in 1939. He has got PhD degree in Civil Engineering.

Prof. Leschenko has 3 Certificates on his discoveries in the field of Structural Mechanics:

1) Certificate DO N 000008 on discovery Principle of pairing of force factors;

2) Certificate DO N 000006 on discovery Phenomena of separating torsional strains of elastic bars;

3) Certificate DO N 000007 on discovery Specific analogy law in stability and oscillation of an elastic system;

and 2 patents on his inventions:

1) Patent N 2150098 of 27.05.2000 on invention Testing method for buckling failure of metal constructions;

2) Patent N 542435 of 21.09.1978 on invention Breakdown controller of pile driver.

His current research concerns various aspects of Civil Engeneering and Structural Mechanics.

The publication list comprises the following books:

– Structural mechanics of thin-walled structures (in Russian), Moscow, Stroyizdat, 1989;

– New principles in structural mechanics of thin-walled structures (in Russian), Moscow, Stroyizdat, 1995;

– Fundamental structural mechanics of elastic systems (in Russian), Taganrog, Sphinx, 2003.