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Обложка Шаховский В.И. // Shakhovsky V.I. Стилистика английского языка // English Stylistics Обложка Шаховский В.И. // Shakhovsky V.I. Стилистика английского языка // English Stylistics
Id: 249356
18.9 EUR

Стилистика английского языка // English Stylistics Изд. 2, стереотип.

URSS. 2019. 232 с. ISBN 978-5-9710-6418-3.
Типографская бумага


В данном учебном пособии представлен курс лекций и семинарских занятий по стилистике английского языка. Обобщив многолетний опыт преподавания курса по стилистике английского языка в Волгоградском государственном педагогическом университете, автор рассматривает ряд общепринятых категорий лингвостилистики и теории функциональных стилей, а также предлагает собственный взгляд на понятия эмотивности, коннотации, их категоризацию и стилистическое выражение ...(Подробнее)в слове и тексте.

Пособие рекомендуется для студентов и преподавателей факультетов лингвистики, а также лиц, интересующихся проблемами современной стилистики.

Подробная информация:
Оглавление Introduction Об авторе

I. Lectures
1.Stylistics as a Branch of Linguistics
 The Subject of Stylistics
 Linguistic Functions and Stylistics
 Language-as-System vs Langauge-in-Action
 Expressive Means and Stylistic Devices
 Norm as Standard of Fluctuation
 Individual and Functional Styles
 Links of Stylistics with other Branches of Linguistics
2.Stylistics of the Lexical Meaning
 Word Meaning as Linguistic Phenomenon
 Definition of Word Meaning
3.Stylistics of Connotation: Approaches and Types
 Connotation in Stylistics
 The Evaluative Component of Lexical Meaning
 Stylistic Components of Connotation
 Contextual Connotations
 The Latest Conception of Connotation
4.Emotions in Language and Style
 Emotions in Semantics
 Status of Emotive Semantics
 Emotions in Literature and Style
5.Emotional Language Personality in Communicative Acts
6.Stylistics of Functional Styles: Problems, Definitions and Classification
 Functional Style
 The Belles-lettres Style
 Language of Poetry
 Emotive Prose
 Language of the Drama
 Publicistic Style
 Oratory and Speeches
 The Essay
 Newspaper Style
 Brief-news Items
 Advertisements and Announcements
 The Style of Scientific Prose
7.Expressive Means and Stylistic Devices: the Stylistics of English Lexis
 The Nature of Expressive Means and Stylistic Devices
 Lexical Expressive Means and Stylistic Devices
8.Expressive Means and Stylistic Devices: the Stylistics of English Morphology
9.Expressive Means and Stylistic Devices: the Stylistics of English Syntax
 Syntactical Devices Based on Peculiar Syntactical Arrangement of Utterances
 Syntactical Devices Based on Peculiar Lexico-Syntactical Arrangement of Utterances
 Syntactical Devices Based on Peculiar Syntactical Means of Connection in Utterances
 Syntactical Devices Based on Peculiar Use of Syntactical (Structural) Meanings
10.Stylistic Categorization of the Text: Unity in Diversity. Principles of Text Analysis in Stylistics
 Text as the Object of Linguistic Analysis in Stylistics
 What is a Text then?
 Text as an Integral Whole: Unity in Diversity
 Principles of Text Analysis in Stylistics
II. Seminars
1.Stylistics as a Branch of Linguistics
2.Sociolinguistic and Pragmatic Aspects of Stylistics
3.Classification of Styles. Types of Stylistic Meanings
4.Language and Stylistic Norms
5.The Problem of Word Choice
6.Stylistically Differentiated Lexis
7.Stylistic Characteristics of Set Expressions
8.Stylistic Aspects of Morphology, Syntax, Lexis and Word Building
9.Phonostylistics, Micro- and Macro Stylistics
10.Stylistic Interpretation of a Text
Reading Matters
 Reading Matters in Stylistics
 Reference List of Dissertations on Stylistics
III. Appendixes
Appendix 1.
 Functional Styles and Stylistic Means and Devices Convergency in Fiction
Appendix 2.
 Varieties of the English Language
Appendix 3.
 Scheme of Stylistic Layers of the Vocabulary
Appendix 4.
 Scheme of the Word Meaning Structure (to Lecture 2)
 The Table of Combinability of Evaluation, Expressiveness, Emotivity (to Lecture 3)
 Models of Semantic Structure of Connotation
 Final Version of Lexical Meaning Structure (to Lecture 3)
Appendix 5.
 Illustrative Material to Lecture 8
  Morphological Aspect of Stylistics (Part Of Speech)
  Stylistics of Word Building
Appendix 6.
 Examples of Linguistic Play
  1. English Spelling
 List of Key Terms of Stylistics and Illustrative Examples


This textbook is aimed at beginners in the study of English Stylistics. Following the course in English Lexicology, it treats all major essentials of Stylistics and deals with the general categories and terms of it. Furthermore, it presents commonly shared approaches to Stylistics as a branch of Linguistics and goes deep into understanding the nature of communicative, informative, emotive aspects of language functioning. Of special concern is the opinion of the author on the word meaning structure and its stylistic potentials, his own understanding of connotation and on word functioning and stylistic convergency in the text.

The theoretical points are linked with the practical classroom applications as it outlines the expressive means and stylistic devices and specifies their imaginary and pragmatic potentials.

The author hopes that work with this textbook will help to develop communicative competence and performance of future specialists in Linguistics, Interpretation and translation, Language teaching, as it is aimed at improving the skills of adequate comprehension and accurate interpretation of texts used in different sphere of human communication (mass media editorials, brief news, feature and analytical articles, scientific prose, emotive prose, poetry, drama, etc.).

The book contains three parts: a) ten lectures; b) extended outlines of ten seminars with key words, definitions of essential terms, questions to revise the topic, reading matters; c) some appendices which might be handy for both students and teachers as they are comprised of schemes of stylistic layers of the English vocabulary, the English language varieties, word meaning structure with a special focus on a stylistic part of word meaning, a list of key terms of Stylistics (expressive means and stylistic devices) followed by some commentaries and illustrative examples. Some seminars are dedicated to the problems not lectured.

If the readers are interested in Stylistics they may find it useful to read an extra lecture on stylistic convergency in the text (see Appendix 1).

The materials in this textbook synthesizes the author's experience gained through many-years' work as a professor of Volgograd State Pedagogical University (classes for the students of the Teachers' training, Translation and Information technologies departments) and at the faculty of Philosophy at the Technical university (Karl-Marx-Staadt, Germany). While composing it the author used books and students' manuals on Stylistics of English, German, French, Bulgarian and some other languages, read the works by colleagues from English Lexicology and Stylistics Chairs of Moscow State Linguistic University (former Moscow State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages named after Morris Torez). This textbooks differs from its predecessors by showing Stylistics not only as a compendium of rhetorical tropes and devices, but as an ever-living and constantly changing phenomenon engaged in transporting meanings of personalities, in making speech ornamental, evaluative and emotionally charged. It deals with the world of personalized meanings and interpretations.

Об авторе
photoШаховский Виктор Иванович
Доктор филологических наук, профессор, заслуженный деятель науки Российской Федерации. Почетный доктор Волгоградского государственного социально-педагогического университета, заведующий научно-исследовательской лабораторией "Язык и личность", руководитель научной школы эмотиологии (лингвистика эмоций). Под его руководством защищено 33 кандидатских и 11 докторских диссертаций.

Около 400 работ В. И. Шаховского посвящены основам теории эмотивности языка и ее национально-лингвальным особенностям. Данные работы опубликованы в научных изданиях России, США, ФРГ, Болгарии, Польши, Словении, Украины, Китая, Испании. Наиболее известные монографии ученого: «Эмотивный компонент значения и методы его описания», «Эмоции в деловом общении», «Лингвокультурология эмоций» (три издания), «Текст и его когнитивно-эмотивные метаморфозы» (в соавт. с Ю. А. Сорокиным и И. В. Томашевой), «Die Amerikanizierung Russlands und seiner Sprache» (в соавт. c H. Fink, L. Fijas), «Стилистика английского языка» (М.: URSS; на русском и английском языках), «Категоризация эмоций в лексико-семантической системе языка» (М.: URSS), «Эмоции: Долингвистика, лингвистика, лингвокультурология» (М.: URSS) и другие.

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