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Обложка Шульц Э.Э. От Веймарской республики к Третьему рейху: Электоральная история Германии 1920-х – начала 1930-х гг. Обложка Шульц Э.Э. От Веймарской республики к Третьему рейху: Электоральная история Германии 1920-х – начала 1930-х гг.
Id: 214447
999 р.

От Веймарской республики к Третьему рейху:
Электоральная история Германии 1920-х – начала 1930-х гг.

URSS. 2016. 272 с. ISBN 978-5-9710-3372-1. Уценка. Состояние: 5-. Блок текста: 5. Обложка: 5- (потертости облоки). Все последующие издания — стереотипные.
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История Германии конца 20-х – начала 30-х  гг. XX в. оставила много исследовательских вопросов, среди которых феномен прихода к власти нацистов занимает, пожалуй, центральное место, и ключ к пониманию истории Германии конца 20-х – 30-х  гг. во многом лежит в избирательных кампаниях 1928–1932  гг. Данная работа является первым специальным и обстоятельным исследованием в отечественной науке статистических данных результатов выборов... (Подробнее)

Eduard Shults
From the Weimar republic to the Third Reich: German electoral history in the 1920th – the beginning of the 1930th

German history of the end of the 20th – the beginning of the 30th of the XXth century has left many questions for researchers, among which the phenomenon of Nazis’ coming to power takes, perhaps, the central place. A key for understanding of German history in many respects lies in the electoral campaigns of 1928-1932. The author made review of statistical data of the Weimar republic’s electoral history from the point of view of: 1) percent of a voting turnout on Reichstag elections in 1928-1932, 2) the number of the valid and invalid bulletins on these elections and 3) amendments of quantity and percent of votes of the voters given for the main parties. The analysis of six key questions which, in the author's opinion, allow to understand 1928-1933 electoral results in Germany and which have no definite answers among researchers is the basis for a research: 1) whether electoral growth of NSDAP on elections to a Reichstag in July 1932 was exhausted; 2) what classes and social groups voted for various parties, first of all NSDAP; 3) what was a mobilization role of earlier non-voting electorate, and also 4) young voters; 5) whether there was a difference in gender vote and whether that vote played a serious role in political raising and fall of the main parties; 6) why various social groups voted for NSDAP.

The first part of the research is devoted to features of the Weimar republic’s political architecture. The basis of the second part of the research – electoral dynamics (the periods of growth and fall in the rating of the main parties) and electoral mapping. Multiple-factor indicators are involved in this research: not just what party has got the maximum number of votes in this or that constituency, and 1) dynamics of these results throughout Reichstag’s elections of 1928-1932; 2) a ratio to an average value about the country; 3) a ratio and dependence of set, falling and stability of votes’ number for the main parties – SPD, KPG and NSDAP – and in pairs. In electoral dynamics were considered not just change of data, and 1) scenarios of each elections for three parties: SPD, NSDAP, KPG; 2) correlation of their results, a ratio to averages about the country and to each other; 3) influence in certain lands of other parties on the partition of voices. The third part of the research is the analysis of social composition of voters of parties, first of all – NSDAP: the research of social composition of NSDAP’s electorate and other main parties of the republic from the point of view of a class association or belonging to big social groups, age and gender strata. Why these or those groups voted for NSDAP, support of certain groups, quantitative index of this support give a part of the answer to a question of the reasons of Nazis’ arrival to the power – that has made the fourth part of the research.

Weimar Germany, Weimar Republic, 1928 elections in Germany, 1928-32 elections in Germany, elections 1928-33 in Germany, elections 1928-33 in Germany, 1930 elections in Germany, election of 1932 in Germany, elections in Weimar Germany, elections in Germany of 1928, elections in Germany 1928-32, elections in Germany 1928-33, elections in Germany in 1930, elections in Germany 1932, the Reichstag elections in 1928, Reichstag elections 1928-33, the Reichstag elections in 1930, the Reichstag elections in 1932, the Reichstag elections in 1933, Germany 1918-1933, Germany 1928-1933, history of Nazism in Germany, sources on the history of elections in Germany, sources on electoral history of Germany, the crisis of the Weimar Republic, who voted for Hitler, who voted for the Nazi party, national socialism in Germany, the beginning of the Third Reich, November revolution of 1918, November revolution in Germany, from the Weimar Republic to the Nazi dictatorship, the fall of the Weimar Republic, parliamentary elections in Germany, why the Germans voted for Hitler, Hitler's coming to power, Nazis coming to power, reasons of the Weimar Republic's fall, reasons of the Nazis victory in Germany, causes of the Nazis’ coming to power, results of the NSDAP on the elections in Germany, birth of the Third Reich, social base of Nazism, Nazi's social base, sociology of the elections in Germany, sociology of Nazism, sociology of the political history of Germany, statistics of elections in Germany, electoral history of Germany, German electoral statistics


Содержание Вступление.................................................................................................6 Глава 1. Изучение проблемы (истоки и историография).............17 Глава 2. Политическая архитектура Веймарской республики.......................................................................49 Глава 3. Выборы в Германии, 1928-1932 гг.: анализ электоральной статистики.....................................................87 Глава 4. Социальная база основных партий..................................118 Глава 5. От Веймара к Третьему рейху............................................150 Список литературы.............................................................................181 Приложения Список таблиц и графиков ................................................................219 Таблицы ..................................................................................................222 Список сокращений............................................................................265 5

Об авторе
photoШульц Эдуард Эдуардович
Родился в 1972 году. Выпускник исторического факультета МГУ имени М. В. Ломоносова. Кандидат исторических наук. Автор семи научных монографий и более шестидесяти научных статей. Руководитель Центра политических и социальных технологий (www.ЦПСТ.РФ).