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Обложка Guillen, Adrian Gonzalez Cuba the landshells paradise // Cuba el paraíso de los moluscos (Bilingua: English-Spanish) // // Куба-- Рай моллюсков (Билингва: Английский-Испанкий) Обложка Guillen, Adrian Gonzalez Cuba the landshells paradise // Cuba el paraíso de los moluscos (Bilingua: English-Spanish) // // Куба-- Рай моллюсков (Билингва: Английский-Испанкий)
Id: 108209
4799 р.

Cuba the landshells paradise // Cuba el paraíso de los moluscos (Bilingua:
English-Spanish) // // Куба-- Рай моллюсков (Билингва: Английский-Испанкий)

2008. 308 с.
Полноцветная печать
Мелованная бумага
  • Мягкая обложка
EDICION A TODO COLOR EN PAPEL ESTUCADO Photografie: Adrián González Guillén. Photos: Julio Larramenti.


For the first time, a comprehensive book on the land molluscs of Cuba has been published. This challenging and engrossing volume, filled with beautiful color images of Cuban molluscs in their native habitat, examines a wealth of biological and ecological topics while it encourages environmental literacy and promotes actions aimed at the preservation of these species. Cuban land molluscs stand out for their diversity and the remarkable color and pattering... (Подробнее)

Summary / Sumario

Prologue / Prologo

Introduction / Introduccion

Chapter 1. Conquering the Land / Capitulo 1. La conquista de la tierra

Chapter 2. The Diversity of Cuban Molluscs / Capitulo 2. Malacodiversidad cubana

Chapter 3. An approach to the ground-dweller cuban landsnails / Capitulo 3. Un acercamiento a los moluscos terrkolas cubanos

Chapter 4. Rock-dwelling Molluscs / Capitulo 4. Moluscos petricolas

Chapter 5. Arboreal Molluscs and Natural Forests / Capitulo 5. Moluscos arboricolas у bosques tropicales

Chapter 6. Polymita, Multi-coloured Fragility / Capitulo 6. Polymita: fragilidad multicolor

Chapter 7. S.O.S Liguus / Capitulo 7. Liguus S.O.S

Chapter 8. Predators and Survival Strategies / Capitula 8. Depredadores у estrategias de supervivencia

Chapter 9. Threatened or Endangered / Capitulo 9. Amenazas y extinciones

Plates / Laminas

Bibliographic sources used for Tables / Fuentes bibliograficas usadas en las Tablas

General Reference for readers / Referencia General para lectores.