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Обложка Gankin V.Yu., Gankin Yu.V. Electromagnetism. Physics of the XXI century. (Bilingual edition in Russian and English) Обложка Gankin V.Yu., Gankin Yu.V. Electromagnetism. Physics of the XXI century. (Bilingual edition in Russian and English)
Id: 288991
16.9 EUR

Physics of the XXI century. (Bilingual edition in Russian and English)

Ганкин В.Ю., Ганкин Ю.В. «Электромагнетизм. Физика XXI века». На русском и английском языках.
176 с. (English).
  • Мягкая обложка


New textbooks must be based on a new principle: there is as much science in natural science as there is science actually in it, in chemistry — chemistry, in physics — physics. There are many roads in science. In order to compare different approaches to the study of physics, we will use the popular Russian textbook “The Feynman Lectures on Physics” [1]. It is one of the best courses of elementary physics and has enormous popularity.

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