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Обложка Sardanashvily G.A. Handbook of Integrable Hamiltonian Systems Обложка Sardanashvily G.A. Handbook of Integrable Hamiltonian Systems
Id: 200561
37.9 EUR

Handbook of Integrable Hamiltonian Systems

URSS. 248 с. (English). ISBN 978-5-396-00689-8.
Белая офсетная бумага


This book provides a comprehensive exposition of completely integrable, partially integrable and superintegrable Hamiltonian systems in a general setting of invariant submanifolds which need not be compact. In particular, this is the case of non-autonomous integrable Hamiltonian systems and integrable systems with time-dependent parameters. The fundamental Liouville---Minuer---Arnold, Poincar\'e---Lyapunov---Nekhoroshev, and Mishchenko---Fomenko theorems ...(Подробнее)and their generalizations are presented in details. Global action-angle coordinate systems, including the Kepler one, are analyzed. Geometric quantization of integrable Hamiltonian systems with respect to action-angle variables is developed, and classical and quantum Berry phase phenomenon in completely integrable systems is described.

This book addresses to a wide audience of theoreticians and mathematicians of undergraduate, post-graduate and researcher levels. It aims to be a guide to advanced geometric methods in classical and quantum Hamiltonian mechanics. For the convenience of the reader, a number of relevant mathematical topics are compiled in Appendixes.

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Contents Об авторе



1. Non-autonomous mechanics

1.1     Geometry of fibre bundles over R

1.2     Dynamic equations

1.3     Reference frames

1.4     Integrals of motion

1.5     Lagrangian mechanics

1.6     Lagrangian conservation laws

2. Hamiltonian mechanics

2.1 Geometry of Poisson manifolds

2.1.1      Symplectic manifolds

2.1.2      Poisson manifolds

2.1.3      Symplectic foliations

2.1.4      Group action on Poisson manifolds

2.2     Hamiltonian systems on Poisson manifolds

2.3     Non-autonomous Hamiltonian mechanics

2.4     Associated Lagrangian and Hamiltonian systems

2.5     Hamiltonian conservation laws

3. Partially integrable systems

3.1     Poisson partially integrable systems

3.2     Bi-Hamiltonian systems

3.3     Partial action-angle coordinates

3.4     Symplectic partially integrable systems

3.5     Global partially integrable systems

3.6     Completely integrable systems

3.7     KAM theorem for partially integrable systems

4. Superintegrable systems

4.1     Symplectic superintegrable systems

4.2     Global superintegrable systems

4.3     Superintegrable Hamiltonian systems

5. Superintegrable Kepler system

5.1     Lagrangian Kepler system

5.2     Hamiltonian Kepler system

5.3     Global Kepler system

6. Integrable non-autonomous systems

6.1     Completely integrable systems

6.2     Superintegrable systems

7. Quantized superintegrable systems

7.1     Symplectic geometric quantization

7.2     Leafwise geometric quantization

7.3     Quantization in action-angle variables

7.4     Quantized superintegrable so(3) system

8. Mechanics with parameters

8.1 Hamiltonian mechanics with parameters

8.2     Quantum mechanics with classical parameters

8.3     Berry phase in action-angle variables

8.3.1      Berry phase factor

8.3.2      Classical non-adiabatic holonomy operator

8.3.3      Quantum holonomy operator

9. Appendixes

9.1. Geometry of fibre bundles

9.1.1      Fibred manifolds and fibre bundles

9.1.2      Vector and affine bundles

9.1.3      Vector and multivector fields

9.1.4      Exterior and tangent-valued forms

9.2. Jet manifolds

9.2.1      First order jet manifolds

9.2.2      Higher order jet manifolds

9.2.3      Differential operators and equations

9.3. Connections on fibre bundles

9.3.1      Connections

9.3.2      Flat connections

9.3.3      Composite connections

9.4. Commutative geometry

9.4.1      Commutative algebra

9.4.2      Differential operators and connections on modules

9.4.3      Differential calculus over a commutative ring

9.5     Geometry of foliations

9.6     Differential geometry of Lie groups



Об авторе
photoSardanashvily G.A.
Theoretical and mathematical physicist, Ph.D. and D.Sc. in physics and mathematics, a principal research scientist at the Department of Theoretical Physics of Moscow State University (Russia). His research area covers geometric methods in field theory, quantum theory, mechanics and gravitation theory. He has published over 350 scientific works, including 26 books.
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