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Обложка Resin V.I., Popkov Yu.S. Urban development in transitional economy Обложка Resin V.I., Popkov Yu.S. Urban development in transitional economy
Id: 10851
29.9 EUR

Urban development in transitional economy

URSS. 284 с. (English). ISBN 975-97496-0-2.
  • Мягкая обложка


The book is devoted to development of the ideas of system approach to the research and regulation of the space structure of the cities. It is methodical foundation is the concept of dynamic system analyses and system regulators orientated to the problems of urban development. It is realized with the help of the instruments comprising economic-mathematical and macro-system models of urban sub-systems and of the city on the whole, methods of optimal ...(Подробнее)planning and the procedure of making decisions in the field of functional-space development of the urban systems. Considerable part of the book is devoted to the application of the developed system approach to the solution of the problems of Moscow development. The analysis of the evolution of the town-planning concept of the city is accompanied by quite volumetric and multi-factor information about functional-space development of Moscow.

The material of the book is set forth on a good formal level, it is rich in content and is presented in a way easily understood by a wide range of readers that are interested in the problems of city development, as well as the students of architectural-construction and economic colleges.

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About authors

About authors
Vladimir I. Resin, Doctor of conomic Sciences, Professor, born in 1936, graduated from the Moscow Institute of Mines.

From 1991, V.I. Resin is the first deputy of the prime minister of the Moscow government and the manager of the Complex of architecture, building, development, and reconstruction of the city.

V.I. Resin is known as a prominent building engineer, a skilled scientist, and a public man, who has made a great contribution to the development and implementation of the General Layout of Moscow and the Moscow province. Possessing a unique scientific and practical experience, he became one of the creators of the engineering infrastructure of the city, unprecedented in importance, which determines the prospects of development of Moscow. The basis for these results is the complex systems approach developed by V.I. Resin to the city as the basic element of the territorial arrangement.

A distinguishing feature of V.I. Resin is the continuous striving for extending his knowledge, increasing the scientific potential, and mastering new approaches to the control of development of the city. They are reflected in more than 80 publications, among which there are 15 monographs.

In 1996, he maintained the thesis for the degree of Doctor on the economic subject "System regulation of the functional-spatial development of the city", and in the same year he organized and headed the department of economics and control of urban building in the Plekhanov Russian Economic Academy.

V.I. Resin is the laureate of State prizes of the USSR and Russia, the honored builder of the Russian Federation, and the academician of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Building Sciences, the Russian Engineering Academy, and the International Academy of Informatization.

Yuri S. Popkov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, born in 1937. He graduated from the Moscow Energy Institute, worked in the Institute of Control Problems. From 1976, he works in the Institute of Systems Analysis of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In the time of his activities, he worked his way up from engineer to assistant director of the scientific work. In 1964, he maintained the thesis for a Candidate's degree and in 1970, the thesis for the degree of Doctor.

His sphere of scientific interests centers on problems of the mathematical investigation of complex dynamic systems that have a dual nature -a stochastic and a deterministic one. He developed the methods of investigation of the so- called systems effects arising in multiple element systems. These results provided the basis for the development of methods of functional-spatial modeling of urban, transport, and regional systems. Many of these methods have found application in the practical activity for the formation and implementation of the Master Plan of Moscow development.

Yu. S. Popkov is the author of more than 120 scientific papers and 9 monographs.

In 1999 he was given the rank of the Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation. Yu. S. Popkov is a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Member of the New York Academy of Sciences and the International Academy of Information Processes and Technologies.

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