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Обложка Frank Schnidman, Lisle R.Baker Planning for platted lands: land use remedies for lot sale subdivisions Обложка Frank Schnidman, Lisle R.Baker Planning for platted lands: land use remedies for lot sale subdivisions
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Planning for platted lands:
land use remedies for lot sale subdivisions

598 с. (English). Букинист. Состояние: 4+.
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I. Introduction to the Platted Lands Issue

A. An Overview of Lot Sale Subdivisions in the Charlotte Harbor Area

B. Platted Lands Issues

1. Issues Associated with Maintenance of the Subdivisions in their Current State

2. Issues Associated with the Build-out of the Subdivisions

C. Action to Date

D. Problem Definition and Establishment of Goals—The Need for a Plan for the Platted Lands

II. An Overview of Public Responses to Platted Lands Problems Once the Goal Definition and Planning Effort Have Been Completed

A. Introduction

B. An Outline of the Range of Potential Responses

to Identified Platted Lands Problems

1. Continuing to Do What is Already Being Done

2. Limiting or Restricting the Use of Existing Platted Lands in Specific Areas for Specific Reasons

3. Timing, Locating and Paying for the Development of Platted Lands

4. Reassembly of Platted Lands

5. Restoring Some Areas in Whole or in Part to a Natural Condition

6. Government/Developer Negotiation

C. The Legal Context for the Public Response Options

1. The Power of Government Over Land Use

2. The Level of Government

3. Lots in Unitary Ownership versus Lots in Scattered Ownership

4. Lots Under Contract for Deed

A Detailed Analysis of Selected Public Responses

A. Continuing to Do What is Already Being Done

B. Limiting or Restricting the Use of Existing Platted Lands in Specific Areas for Specific Reasons

1. Rezoning to Lower Density

2. Special Permits

3. Moratoria

4. Eminent Domain

5. Selected Statutory Authority for State and Local Government Action

C. Timing, Locating and Paying for Development of Platted Lands

1. Capital Facilities and Development Phasing

2. Impact Fees

3. Taxation

4. Selected Statutory Authority for State or Local Government Action

D. Reassembly of Platted Lands

1. Reassembly of Lots in Unitary Ownership by Deplatting

2. Reassembly of Lots in Scattered Ownership by Deplatting

3. Reassembly by Eminent Domain

E. Restoring Some Areas in Whole or in Part to a Natural Condition

1. Partial Restoration

2. Full Restoration

3. Financing Restoration

F. Government/Developer Negotiation A Closing Comment

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