URSS.ru Editorial URSS, Moscú. Librería on-line
Encuadernación Чусь Г.Н. Пословица недаром молвится; Нема приповідки без правди; A good maxim is never out of season; Proverbe ne peut mentir: более 5000 русских, украинских, английских и французских пословиц Encuadernación Чусь Г.Н. Пословица недаром молвится; Нема приповідки без правди; A good maxim is never out of season; Proverbe ne peut mentir: более 5000 русских, украинских, английских и французских пословиц
Id: 260309
12.9 EUR

Пословица недаром молвится; Нема приповідки без правди; A good maxim is never out of season; Proverbe ne peut mentir. Изд. стереотип.

Пословица недаром молвится; Нема приповідки без правди; A good maxim is never out of season; Proverbe ne peut mentir: более 5000 русских, украинских, английских и французских пословиц URSS. 256 pp. (Russian). ISBN 978-5-397-07347-9.
  • Rústica

Resumen del libro

Настоящий сборник является результатом семилетних исследований автора и содержит более 5000 пословиц на четырех языках: русском, украинском, английском и французском. Сборник имеет практическую направленность, в нем собраны те пословицы и поговорки, которые имеют эквиваленты в указанных языках.

Данный сборник заинтересует не только профессионалов --- переводчиков, филологов и преподавателей, но также учеников и студентов. Он может пригодиться ...(Información más detallada)и многим деловым людям, сделает их речь ярче, богаче и будет способствовать повышению эффективности общения, делая беседу на иностранном языке более живой и свободной.


Dannij sbornik yavlyaetsya rezul'tatom semiletnikh issledovanij, provodimikh na dosuge; v nёm soderzhitsya bolee 5000 poslovits na chetirёkh yazikakh: 1276 na russkom, 1707 na ukrainskom, 1250 na anglijskom i 1210 na frantsuzskom.

Le présent recueil de proverbes est le résultat d'une recherche de 7 ans fait aux heures de loisir; il constitue une collection de 5000 proverbes en quatre langues: 1250 proverbes anglais, 1210 français, 1276 russes et 1707 ukrainiens.

The present volume constitutes a collection of more that 5000 proverbs in four languages: 1250 English proverbs, 1210 French, 1276 Russian and 1707 Ukrainian proverbs. I have been compiling proverbs for seven years during in-tervals of business.

Danij zbіrnik є rezul'tatom semirіchnikh doslіdzhen', yakі provodilisya na dozvіllі; u n'omu znakhodit'sya bіl'she 5 000 prislіv'їv: 1276 rosіjs'koyu, 1707 ukraїns'koyu, 1250 anglіjs'koyu ta 1210 frantsuz'koyu movami.

Ot sostavitelya
Vid avtora
Note from the compiler
Pr'eface de l'auteur

A good maxim is never out of season
Proverbe ne peut mentir
Poslovitsa nedarom molvitsya
Nema pripovidki bez pravdi

 Proverbs for businessmen
 Proverbes a l'intention des homes d'affaires
 Poslovitsi dlya delovikh lyudej
 Prisliv'ya dlya dilovikh lyudej

Alphabetical index
Index alphab'etique
Alfavitnij ukazatel'
Alfavitnij pokazchik

Ot sostavitelya
Poslovitsi i pogovorki – eto korotkie izrecheniya, vobravshie v sebya narodnuyu mudrost'. Oni imeyut yarkuyu emotsional'nuyu okrasku, legko i prochno zapominayutsya blagodarya rifme. Eto khodyachie aforizmi. Vozniknovenie poslovits otnositsya k glubokoj drevnosti; oni zakreplyayut nakoplennij narodom trudovoj, zhitejskij, sotsial'nij opit i peredayut ego posleduyuschim pokoleniyam. Istochniki poyavleniya poslovits dovol'no raznoobrazni. Glavnie iz nikh – neposredstvennie zhiznennie nablyudeniya lyudej; chast' poslovits i pogovorok, bituyuschikh v narode, voskhodit k knizhnim istochnikam. Zapisyami poslovits zanimalis' grecheskie, aleksandrijskie i rimskie uchenie. Esche Aristotelyu pripisivali pervie zapisi poslovits. V 1500 g. Erazm Rotterdamskij izdaet svod antichnikh poslovits "Adagia". Pervoe nauchnoe sobranie russkikh poslovits prinadlezhit Snegirevu, prodolzhatelyami ego yavilis' Buslaev i Dal'.

Dannij sbornik yavlyaetsya rezul'tatom semiletnikh issledovanij, provodimikh na dosuge; v nёm soderzhitsya bolee 5000 poslovits na chetirёkh yazikakh: 1276 na russkom, 1707 na ukrainskom, 1250 na anglijskom i 1210 na frantsuzskom. Ideya sozdaniya dannogo sbornika frazeologicheskikh ekvivalentov zarodilas' u menya davno. Predlagaemij chitatelyu sbornik imeet prakticheskuyu napravlennost', v nёm sobrani te poslovitsi i pogovorki, kotorie obladayut ekvivalentami v sootvetstvuyuschikh trёkh yazikakh. Vi sprosite, pochemu ya vibrala imenno eti yaziki? Vo-pervikh, ya kubanskaya kazachka po proiskhozhdeniyu i virosla v mnogonatsional'noj srede, a imenno v russkoj i ukrainskoj, s detskikh let vpitivaya krasotu, bogatstvo i melodichnost' etikh dvukh yazikov cherez skazki i narodnie pesni. Vo-vtorikh, ya filolog po obrazovaniyu i izuchala anglijskij i fratsuzskij yaziki na fakul'tete romano-germanskoj filologii v Krasnodare. V-tret'ikh, mne predstavilas' zamechatel'naya vozmozhnost' zhit' i rabotat' v anglo- i frankogovoryaschikh stranakh.

Dannoe issledovanie provodilos' na osnove sopostavitel'nogo analiza. IzNza mnozhestva sinonimov dlya kazhdoj iz sobrannikh poslovits ikh klassifitsikatsiya ni v alfavitnom poryadke, ni po tematicheskim gruppam okazalos' nevozmozhnoj. V rezul'tate chego vse poslovitsi bili klassifitsirovani po sinonimicheskim gruppam s ekvivalentami na trёkh drugikh yazikakh; obratite vnimanie, chto eto ne doslovnij perevod kazhdoj iz poslovits na drugoj yazik, a nabor sinonimov na kazhdom iz chetirёkh yazikov. Poslovitsi, identichno sformulirovannie na dvukh, trёkh ili chetirёkh yazikakh, videleni zhirnim shriftom. Kazhdaya sinonimicheskaya gruppa imeet svoj poryadkovij nomer, chto oblegchaet poisk v baze dannikh. Alfavitnij ukazatel' prilagaetsya.

Rien n'est bon comme fruit d'efendu
Zapretnij plod vsegda sladokZaboronenij plid – solodkijForbidden fruit is sweet
Na zapretnij tovar ves' bazar Stolen pleasures are sweetestChose prohib'ee, est d'autant plus d'esir'ee
Zapretnij plod sladok, a chelovek padokPain d'efendu r'eveille l'appetit

Uverena, chto dannij sbornik zainteresuet ne tol'ko professionalov, a imenno perevodchikov, filologov i prepodavatelej, no takzhe uchenikov i studentov, kotorie, k moemu velikomu sozhaleniyu, ne ispol'zuyut v svoej obikhodnoj rechi poslovitsi. A ved' oni soderzhat v sebe mudrost' nashikh predkov, dayut vozmozhnost' tochno i lakonichno peredat' chuvstva, obogaschaya nashu rech'. Poslovitsi igrayut vazhnuyu rol' i pri izuchenii inostrannogo yazika, tak kak proiskhodit soprikosnovenie s kul'turoj naroda, fol'klorom, v tom chisle poslovitsami i pogovorkami.

V zaklyuchenie khotelos' bi otmetit', chto dannij sbornik prigoditsya i mnogim delovim lyudyam, sdelaet ikh rech' yarche, bogache i budet sposobstvovat' povisheniyu effektivnosti obscheniya, delaya besedu na inostrannom yazike bolee zhivoj i svobodnoj. Oni smogut blesnut' poznaniyami inostrannogo yazika, ispol'zuya poslovitsi iz prilozheniya v kontse dannogo sbornika.

Note from the compiler

Proverbs have long history; its function is to teach and advise people. They guide people to adopt a correct attitude towards life and to take a proper way to get along well with others. Proverb is defined by Mieder as "a short sentence of wisdom" and by Wander "like butterflies, some are caught, some fly away". They are born, live, die and preserve the poetical and vital treasury for future generations. "Among the Ibo the art of conversation is regarded very highly, and proverbs are the palm-oil with which words are eaten". (Things Fall Apart, Chinua Achebe, Nigeria.)

Due to their simple sentence structure, rhythm and rhyme, proverbs are fairly easy to memorize and easily retrievable from memory. In fact, many typical British proverbs were handed over from French in medieval times as equivalents, and often as direct translations. At the same time, there are a few that have the same implied meaning but are expressed in a totally different way in each language. Just as many French proverbs derive from Latin, very many British proverbs derive from French ones due to much contact. It is important to note that Bible is essential for British and American cultures and influences every aspect of its life. Consequently, many sayings and sentences in Bible have been popularly accepted. With the development of society, a language cannot avoid contacting with other languages. English language absorbed a large number of proverbs from other languages including Greek, Latin, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Hebrew, Arabic, and other languages. Finally, many English proverbs involve events or characters of English literature, Shakespeare's works are probably the most colorful literature origin of proverbs.

Proverbs deal with various aspects of life and are said to constitute an encyclopedia of popular wisdom. A great way to improve your understanding of a foreign language, culture, people and history is to study proverbs. Often proverbs run in pairs: every proverb seems to be contradicted by another proverb with an opposed message, such as "many hands make light work" and "too many cooks spoil the broth".

The present volume constitutes a collection of more that 5000 proverbs in four languages: 1250 English proverbs, 1210 French, 1276 Russian and 1707 Ukrainian proverbs. I have been compiling proverbs for seven years during intervals of business. Why these four particular languages? First, I am originally Cossack and was brought up in a multicultural environment, i.e. Russian and Ukrainian. Second, I am a linguist and studied English and French at the Kuban University in Krasnodar. Moreover, I have been working in French and English-speaking countries for years. Finally, I master all the four languages that made easier my research.

Due to multitude of synonyms for each proverb, it turned out impossible to classify the proverbs either in alphabetic order or in thematic groups. Therefore, the proverbs were classified in synonymic groups with their equivalents in the other three languages. Take note that it is not a mere translation of proverbs but a set of synonyms in each of the four languages (see the below example). The proverbs that are worded the same way in several languages are highlighted. Each synonymic group is numbered that facilitates search in the database. Moreover, an alphabetical index is enclosed.

Rien n'est bon comme fruit d'efendu
Zapretnij plod vsegda sladokZaboronenij plid – solodkijForbidden fruit is sweet
Na zapretnij tovar ves' bazar Stolen pleasures are sweetestChose prohib'ee, est d'autant plus d'esir'ee
Zapretnij plod sladok, a chelovek padokPain d'efendu r'eveille l'appetit

I am sure that this volume will be of use not only for linguists but also for students who unfortunately are rapidly loosing their father's memory of and taste for proverbs and do not make good use of proverbs in their everyday speech. In addition, the enclosed supplement of proverbs will be of great use for businessmen and businesswoman. Using proverbs gives spice to conversation, moreover the person quoting clever sayings knows that he gains in the estimation of his fellows for showing himself as well read. Without proverbs our language would be tasteless like rainwater.

El autor
photoChus' Galina Nikolaevna
Rodilas' v Semipalatinske (Kazakhstan). Zakonchila fakul'tet romano-germanskoj filologii v KGU v Krasnodare i Mezhdunarodnij atlanticheskij universitet na Gavajyakh po spetsial'nosti «okhrana okruzhayuschej sredi». Zanimalas' pedagogicheskoj i perevodcheskoj deyatel'nost'yu. S 1996 g. rabotaet v oblasti razvitiya v Organizatsii Ob'edinennikh Natsij v razvivayuschikhsya stranakh.

Galina CHUS

Born in Kazakhstan. Graduated with the Master's degree in philology from the Kuban State University. Got the Master of Science in environment from the Atlantic International University in Hawaii. Worked as a teacher and translator. From 1995 she has been working on development issues with the United Nations in developing countries.

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