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Encuadernación -- Hothersall. Some Notes on the Effects of Hydrogen on Coppen Encuadernación -- Hothersall. Some Notes on the Effects of Hydrogen on Coppen
Id: 153459
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Some Notes on the Effects of Hydrogen on Coppen


Octj^niUIi Advakcb Copt (subject to revision) of a Paper to be read at

I Meeting of the Institute of Metals intended to be held on March 12, 1020, a" \ \ Storey's Gate, Westminster, london, S.W. 1, between the hours of 10.30 a.m.

and 1 pm- This Paper most not be published wholly or in part until after it has actually been read at the Meeting, when ...(Información más detallada)due acknowledgment must be given. It is issued by the Council primarily to stimulate discussion, either verbal (at the Meeting) or written (for the Journal). In the latter case April '2,1926, is the last date for the receipt of Communications. These should/ be ddressed to The Secretary of the Institute of Metals, 36 Victoria, Street, London, B.W. 1. _ Qi




M.Sc.Tech. (Manchester), and E. L. RHEA: F.I.c., Member (Manchester).


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Tub present notes deal with experiments carried out in the rt of 1914 to determine the effect produced by the passage rogen through molten copper, on the properties- of- the when cast. The work was interrupted^^ the war, but ught that the publication of the rfsu^i^K^BglaAiifer ay be" of interest.

Copper Used.

r types of copper were used in these experiments :

Copper containing a comparatively high percentage of arsenic ((F5 per cent.) and a low percentage of sulphur (0-04 per cent,). Copper containing a comparatively low percentage of 'arsenic (O05 per cent.) and high percentage of sulphur (0"1 per cent.).

Copper as in " 2," but with additions of various amounts of arsenic (up to 0-4 per cent.) and sulphur (up to 0-4 per cent.). t—j^,,,, _ Electrolytic copper. | *uSS2S8IZ&^ i J'&

Method of Tkkathent with Hydrogen.

The copper was melted down in a closely covered fireclay crucible in a wind furnace to avoid oxidation, about 1 lb. of copper being used for each melt.

The hydrogen used was the commercial product sent out in cylinders, and was bubbled through the molten copper for fifteen minutes by means of a silica tube passing through the lid of the crucible. The amount of gas passed was not measured.

The temperature of the copper was taken immediately before treatment by means of a carefully standardized Fery pyrometer clamped about 8 ft. directly above the crucible.


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