URSS.ru Online Bookstore. Editorial URSS Publishers. Moscow
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704 pp. (Spanish). Hardcover. 149.9 EUR

150 pp. (English). Paperback. 9.9 EUR

Editor in chief Evdokimov V.F., An International Jornal of Electrical, Electronic and other Physical Systems. Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (More)

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URSS. 376 pp. (English). Paperback. 29.9 EUR

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URSS. 440 pp. (English). Hardcover. 49.9 EUR

The present textbook deals with physical foundations of nanotechnologies. The book consists of three quite independent chapters. The first chapter is devoted to the plasma state of matter, its fundamental physical phenomena, their laws and regularities. The fundamental ideas related to physics micro-... (More)

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Bardzokas D.I., Kydryavtsev B.A., Senik N.A. Wave Propagation in Electromagnetoelastic Media
URSS. 304 pp. (English). Paperback. 29.9 EUR

The book focuses on the main characteristics of coupled electromagnetoelastic waves, surface Rayleigh waves in piezoelectric and magnetoelastic media, Lamb waves and shear waves in piezoelectrics. The authors discuss the criteria of dielectric and piezoelectric breakdown. All topics of the book receive... (More)

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URSS. 512 pp. (English). Hardcover. 39.9 EUR

This publication contains selected works of an outstanding scientist, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Stanislav Vasilyevich Emelyanov and gives a fairly complete impression of his work on control theory, mathematical systems theory and other related issues.

The publication includes... (More)

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Anisimova N.D., Venikov V.A., Ezhkov V.V., Zhukov L.A., Fiodorov D.A., Fokin Yu.A. Bajo la redaccion del doctor en ciencias tecnicas V.A. Venikov, laureado con el Premio Lenin. Calculos y analisis de regimenes de trabajo de redes electricas.
380 pp. (Spanish). Hardcover. Advance order is required  59.9 EUR

142 problemas detalladamente resueltos. (More)

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656 pp. (French). Hardcover. 125 EUR

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URSS. 272 pp. (Spanish). Paperback. 26.9 EUR

El libro que el lector tiene en sus manos es el primer tomo de la obra «LA FÍSICA en el cambio de milenio»

En el primer capítulo se estudian los principales conceptos de una nueva ciencia interdisciplinaria: LA FÍSICA DE LOS SISTEMAS ABIERTOS. Las bases para el surgimiento de la física de sistemas abiertos... (More)

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Сомов А.М., Старостин В.В. (Ed.). Распространение радиоволн
264 pp. (Russian). Hardcover. 16.9 EUR

На основе общих положений теории электромагнитного поля излагаются особенности отражения радиоволн от плоской земной поверхности, представлены выражения для расчета коэффициентов отражения Френеля, приведены поправочные коэффициенты, учитывающие сферическую форму земной поверхности. Рассмотрены особенности... (More)