URSS.ru Online Bookstore. Editorial URSS Publishers. Moscow

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29.9 EUR

URSS. 200 pp. (English).
  • Paperback

Some non-traditional phenomenological approaches and methods are suggested for reconstruction of the analytical structure of observed processes and signals. These are, in particular, a family of methods for revealing latent periodicities, further generalization of the classic weighted least-squares method,... (More)

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53.9 EUR

302 pp. (English).
  • Paperback

The book describes spectral luminescent properties of a large group of minerals. This is the first publication of the kind that has no analogues in the scientific literature on the subject.

Part I presents classification of luminescent substances in nature at several systematic levels: global luminescent... (More)

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79.9 EUR

336 pp. (French).
  • Hardcover
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Rare book.

Mirolyubov I.N., Engalychev S.A., Sergievsky N.D.
An aid to solving problems in strength of materials.
482 pp. (English).
  • Hardcover
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15.9 EUR

URSS. 152 pp. (Spanish).
  • Paperback

Los métodos de control de la calidad de la producción desempeñan un papel esencial en la economía a nivel mundial. Estos métodos se utilizan para controlar el proceso de producción en su totalidad, evaluar la competitividad de una empresa y comparar la calidad de los artículos que ella produce.

En este... (More)

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Rare book.

Danilina N.I., Dubrovskaya N.S., Kvasha O.P., Smirnov G.L.
Matematica de calculo
454 pp. (Spanish).
  • Hardcover
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13.9 EUR

URSS. 232 pp. (English).
  • Paperback

Современная печатная книга (More)

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Rare book.

240 pp. (English).
  • Hardcover
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29.9 EUR

URSS. 376 pp. (English). With dust cover.
  • Paperback
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Kréménetski N., Schtérenliht D., Alychev Y., Yakovléva L.
326 pp. (French). The book is new but the effect of the years is evident. The state is rated 8.75 (out of 10): Text: 9.5; Dustcovers: 7.5.
  • Hardcover
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37.9 EUR

URSS. 104 pp. (English).
  • Hardcover

Whilst reading this book you would learn to:

- Use line-helps to draw the main parts of a tooth;

- Portray different teeth step by step in a variety of overlays;

- Achieve realistic impression with a help of correct reproducing of fissures, cusps, pits;

- Reproduce natural view of teeth using either... (More)

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Rare book.

Prives M., Lisenkov N., Bushkovich V.
Anatomía humana. Generalidades aparato locomotor
400 pp. (Spanish).
  • Hardcover
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79.9 EUR

Tyupa V., Turaev V.
Running at maximum speed
502 pp. (English).

This publication is intended to form a comprehensive, systematic presentation of

the material, which is quite complex in some places. The authors tried to present the

material in the most accessible form, actually doing at the same time the popularization

of scientific research. This explains... (More)

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69.9 EUR

304 pp. (English).

The mechanical roles of tendon and muscle contractile elements are often considered independently of each other, but functionally these elements are closely integrated.

The authors tried to present the material in the most accessible form, as they always do in their works, actually... (More)

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14.9 EUR

324 pp. (Spanish).
  • Hardcover

В настоящей коллективной монографии российскихи испанских авторов анализируются ключевые проблемы текущей экономической политики в обеих странах. Каждый из авторов привносит своё видение национальных ситуаций в глобальном контексте. (More)

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32.9 EUR

130 pp. (English).
  • Paperback

Written by the science supervisor of the Institute of High Pressure Physics of Russian Academy of Sciences, the ABCs of High Pressure Science contains brief information explaining the terms and concepts adopted by professionals involved in research in the field of high pressure, be it physics, geology,... (More)

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Rare book.

472 pp. (Spanish). Second-hand. Condition: 5-.

Настоящий словарь содержит 12000 наиболее употребительных слов русского языка. К русским словам даны необходимые грамматические сведения, а также индексы, отсылающие к таблицам склонения и спряжения, помещенные в конце словаря. Словарь предназначен для лиц, владеющих испанским языком и... (More)

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37.9 EUR

URSS. 104 pp. (French).
  • Hardcover

Ayant lu ce livre vous apprendrez:

– Vous servir des lignes-soufflées pour dessiner les élèments essenciels de la dent.

– Reproduire succesivement les dents différentes en leurs appliquations multitudes.

– Atteindre l’impression réalistique à l’àide de reflexion juste: les fissures, tubercules, focettes... (More)

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37.9 EUR

URSS. 104 pp. (Polish).
  • Hardcover

Przeczytawszy tę książkę, nauczycie się:

— Wykorzystywać linie-pomocnicze do rysowania głównych elementów zęba.

— Przedstawiać kolejno zęby w różnych położeniach.

— Osiągać wrażenie realistyczności przy prawidłowym odzwierciedlaniu szczelin, guzków i zagłębień.

— Przekazywać wrażenie naturalności... (More)

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12.9 EUR

60 pp. (English).
  • Paperback

The manual is destined for students studying the course "Finite Element Method" on the problems of nonlinear analysis of reinforced concrete structures. It is directed on the formation of the student's integrity view on nonlinear behavior of such structures and singularities of their design. Manual considers... (More)

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Rare book.

Ramachandran Vilayanur S. (MBBS PhD Hon.) (Ed.).
Encyclopedia of the Human Brain. (Four-Volume Set). Vol.1—4
3600 pp. (English). Second-hand book. It looks as new, but the effect of the years is evident. The general state is rated 9 (out of 10): Text: 9+; Cover: 9;.
  • Hardcover

In the past decade, enormous strides have been made in understanding the human brain. The advent of sophisticated new imaging techniques (e.g. PET, MRI, MEG, etc.) and new behavioral testing procedures have revolutionized our understanding of the brain, and we now know more about the anatomy, functions,... (More)

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69.9 EUR

URSS. 544 pp. (English).
  • Hardcover

The monography offers a detailed analysis of the methods for constructing mathematical models of transient non-isothermal flows of gas mixtures, multicomponent fluids, and gas–liquid fluids through systems of long branched pipelines including annular sections. To enhance the presentation clarity,... (More)

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120 pp. (Spanish).
  • Paperback
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49.9 EUR

304 pp. (English).
  • Hardcover

The monography is devoted to the research of the processes of disturbance and propagation of the internal gravity waves within the vertically stratified horizontally non-uniform and non-stationary mediums, to development of the asymptotic methods being by the generalization of the space-time ray-tracing... (More)

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23.9 EUR

URSS. 176 pp. (English).
  • Paperback

This book, comprising two volumes, presents current research and original investigations in the theory of large cracks capable of propagating and initiating partial or complete fracture in deformable solids. The book covers a wide variety of problems relating to the behavior of bodies with cracks, and... (More)

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34.9 EUR

URSS. 400 pp. (English).
  • Paperback

This book, comprising two volumes, presents current research and original investigations in the theory of large cracks capable of propagating and initiating partial or complete fracture in deformable solids. The book covers a wide variety of problems relating to the behavior of bodies with cracks, and... (More)

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34.9 EUR

174 pp. (English).
  • Hardcover

A new approach to the theory of the small-scale dissipative turbulence based on non-equilibrium thermodynamics,

continuum-mechanics and the statistical physics is developed in the monograph. The classical expression for the macroscopic kinetic energy of a small fl uid particle in classical non-equilibrium... (More)

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69.9 EUR

URSS. 720 pp. (English).
  • Hardcover

The book considers computation technologies and methods for numerical simulation intended for solving the problems of improving the operational safety and the efficiency of industrial gas pipeline networks. This approach is based on modern methods of computational mechanics and mathematical optimization.

The... (More)

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Rare book.

Brushtein B., Dementyev V.
Elements of Lathe Work
612 pp. (Arabian).
  • Hardcover
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288 pp. (Russian). Paperback. 15.9 EUR New!

Особенности 20-го выпуска:

- исправили предыдущие ошибки

- Добавлены разновидности в раздел разновидностей юбилейных монет СССР

- В раздел 50 копеек 2006-2015 добавлены немагнитные 50 копеек

10 копеек 2005 М (ввел доп. разворот)

- Добавлена информация о 1 рубле 2010 СПМД немагнитный... (More)

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416 pp. (French). Paperback. 19.9 EUR

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URSS. 272 pp. (Spanish). Paperback. 26.9 EUR

El libro que el lector tiene en sus manos es el primer tomo de la obra «LA FÍSICA en el cambio de milenio»

En el primer capítulo se estudian los principales conceptos de una nueva ciencia interdisciplinaria: LA FÍSICA DE LOS SISTEMAS ABIERTOS. Las bases para el surgimiento de la física de sistemas abiertos... (More)

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84 pp. (Russian). Hardcover. 24.9 EUR

Труды центрального аэро гидродинамического института им. Жуковского. Выпуск 2691.

Представлены результаты экспериментального исследования взаимодействия звука с дозвуковыми и сверхзвуковыми турбулентными струями. На приводимых в альбоме теневых фотографиях рассматривается широкий круг вопросов,... (More)

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URSS. 232 pp. (Spanish). Paperback. 9.9 EUR

En la presente obra se ha recogido y analizado desde el punto de vista de la cienciometría un material estadístico sumamente rico relacionado con los resultados de los partidos jugados por las selecciones nacionales en todas las Copas Mundiales de Fútbol jugadas hasta el día de hoy. A la atención del... (More)

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Ivanov-Smolenski A.V. Máquinas eléctricas. 3 tomos
1200 pp. (Spanish). Hardcover. 149.9 EUR

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URSS. 224 pp. (Spanish). Paperback. 19.9 EUR

La presente edición de la obra Matemática en el tablero de ajedrez, del conocido ajedrecista y escritor Yevgueni Guik, consta de tres tomos, a lo largo de los cuales se describen diversos puntos de contacto entre estas dos actividades del intelecto humano. Se resuelven diversos tipos de problemas matemáticos... (More)

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Krasnov M.L., Kiseliov A.I., Makárenko G.I., Shikin E.V., Zaliapin V.I. Curso de matemáticas superiores. Métodos numéricos. Programación lineal. Teoría de splines. T.9
URSS. 272 pp. (Spanish). Hardcover. 21.9 EUR

El texto de estudio que proponemos al lector fue publicado por primera vez en dos tomos, en inglés y español en el año 1990, y posteriormente en francés.

En el año 1999 este libro fue premiado en el concurso Nuevos libros de texto organizado por el Ministerio de Educación de Rusia, con la consiguiente... (More)

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URSS. 144 pp. (Spanish). Paperback. 12.9 EUR

En el presente libro se exponen un curso rápido de estiramiento facial natural y un curso intensivo de masaje puntual de la cabeza y el rostro, los cuales le ayudarán a rejuvenecer diez o más años.

Durante la elaboración de los cursos, el autor tuvo en cuenta el alto grado de ocupación de las mujeres... (More)

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1542 pp. (Spanish). Hardcover. 99.9 EUR