URSS.ru Online Bookstore. Editorial URSS Publishers. Moscow
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49.9 EUR

URSS. 440 pp. (English).
  • Hardcover

The present textbook deals with physical foundations of nanotechnologies. The book consists of three quite independent chapters. The first chapter is devoted to the plasma state of matter, its fundamental physical phenomena, their laws and regularities. The fundamental ideas related to physics micro-... (More)

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32.9 EUR

Кузнецов В.А., Долгов В.А. и др. // Kuznetsov V.A., Dolgov V.A. and others.
Измерения в электронике: Справочник // Measurements in Electronics: A Handbook. (In Russian)
512 pp. (Russian). Second-hand. Condition: 4+. Увеличенный формат (175мм x 265мм).
  • Hardcover

Рассмотрены методы и средства измерения параметров и характеристик (напряжения, тока, мощности, частоты, сопротивления, добротности, интервалов времени, ослабления шума и др.) электронных устройств в целом, отдельных узлов, блоков в процессе изготовления и эксплуатации, а также отдельных электронных... (More)

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Advance order is required  Rare book.

180 pp. (French).
  • Paperback
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Advance order is required  Rare book.

Townes C.H., Schawlow A.L. // Таунс Ч.Х., Шавлов А.
Microwave spectroscopy // Микроволновая спектроскопия. (In English)
698 pp. (English).
  • Hardcover
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Advance order is required  Rare book.

712 pp. (English).
  • Paperback
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Rare book.

696 pp. (English).
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Advance order is required  Rare book.

Klimontowicz J.L.
Lasery i optika nieliniowa
176 pp. (Polish).
  • Paperback
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119.9 EUR

514 pp. (English).
  • Hardcover

T. 1: Crystal for Magnetic Applications.

T. 2: Growth and Properties.

T. 3: III-V Semiconductors (More)

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Rare book.

150 pp. (English).
  • Paperback

Editor in chief Evdokimov V.F., An International Jornal of Electrical, Electronic and other Physical Systems. Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (More)

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Advance order is required  Rare book.

288 pp. (English).
  • Hardcover

This book contains 12 review articles reflecting the present status of the physics and technology of semiconductor heterostructures. The problems discussed in these articles are of prime importance in the development of microelectronics, optoelectronics, and integrated optics, as well as of the photoelectric... (More)

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Rare book.

Ovechkin Yu.
240 pp. (English).
  • Hardcover
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Rare book.

456 pp. (English).
  • Hardcover
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Rare book.

Stupelman V., Filaretov G.
Semiconductor devices.
274 pp. (English).

The book discusses the principles of most widely used semiconductor devices and physical processes determining their characteristics. The coverage also includes the design, electric parameters and fields of application of semiconductors. Much consideration is given to the design features and principles... (More)

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Rare book.

322 pp. (English).
  • Hardcover
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Rare book.

432 pp. (English). The book is new but the effect of the years is evident. The state is rated 9- (out of 10). The state of the dustcovers of the books is rated 8.5.
  • Hardcover

Professor G. I. Yepifanov, Doc. Sc. (Phys. Math.), was for a long time associated with the USSR Academy of Sciences in the fields of deformation and failure of solids, and friction and boundary lubrication. His many publications in these fields have won him renown and praise both in the Soviet Union... (More)

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19.9 EUR

492 pp. (English).
  • Paperback
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Rare book.

688 pp. (French). The book is new but the effect of the years is evident. The state is rated 9 (out of 10). The state of the dustcovers of the books is rated 8.
  • Hardcover
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69.9 EUR

354 pp. (French). The book is new but the effect of the years is evident. The state is rated 8.75 (out of 10): Text: 9.5; Dustcovers: 8.65.
  • Hardcover
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Rare book.

Migouline V., Medvedev V., Moustel E., Paryguine V.
Fondements de la théorie des oscillations
408 pp. (French). The state is rated 8.75 (out of 10): Text: 9.5; Dustcovers: 7.5.
  • Hardcover

Cet ouvrage étudie les propriétés générales des processus oscillatoires se déroulant dans les systàmes radiotechniques, mécaniques et autres ainsi que les méthodes qualitatives et quantitatives utilisées dans l'étude de ces processus. Une grande attention est accordée a la description des systàmes oscillatoires... (More)

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Rare book.

Migulin V., Medvedev V., Mustel E., Paryguin V.
Basic theory of oscillations.
400 pp. (English). The book is new but the effect of the years is evident. The state is rated 8.75 (out of 10): Text: 9.5; Dustcovers: 8.
  • Hardcover

The book is concerned with the general properties of oscillation processes in radio, optical, mechanical, and other systems as well as with various techniques in this field of research. Much attention is given to the study of parametric. self-oscillating, and other nonlinear oscillatory systems The systems... (More)

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19.9 EUR

242 pp. (English). The book is new but the effect of the years is evident. The state is rated 9+ (out of 10): Text and cover: 9+.
  • Hardcover
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Rare book.

464 pp. (French).
  • Hardcover
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Rare book.

450 pp. (English).
  • Hardcover
Total 23
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288 pp. (Russian). Paperback. 15.9 EUR New!

Особенности 20-го выпуска:

- исправили предыдущие ошибки

- Добавлены разновидности в раздел разновидностей юбилейных монет СССР

- В раздел 50 копеек 2006-2015 добавлены немагнитные 50 копеек

10 копеек 2005 М (ввел доп. разворот)

- Добавлена информация о 1 рубле 2010 СПМД немагнитный... (More)

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URSS. 224 pp. (Spanish). Paperback. 16.9 EUR

De forma viva y amena, el autor expone una diversa información sobre el héroe del libro, la famosa constante matemática que aparece en los lugares más inesperados, obteniendo de este modo una especie de "pequeña enciclopedia" del número pi. La parte principal del libro es de carácter recreativo,... (More)

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URSS. 80 pp. (Russian). Paperback. 5.9 EUR

Коллекция забавных историй и легенд, шуточных дефиниций и остроумных высказываний химиков и о химиках. (More)

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URSS. 144 pp. (Spanish). Paperback. 12.9 EUR

En el libro se describe de manera accesible y amena un sistema de ejercicios para el rejuvenecimiento facial. Los ejercicios se ilustran mediante fotografías que facilitan la comprensión del texto y permiten realizar individualmente la gimnasia. Los resultados alcanzados tras la realización del curso... (More)

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URSS. 136 pp. (Spanish). Paperback. 12.9 EUR

En el libro se presenta de una manera clara y amena un sistema de ejercicios que contribuyen al rejuvenecimiento del rostro sin necesidad de recurrir a una intervención quirúrgica. El sistema es accesible a todos, no exige gastos materiales complementarios y es extraordinariamente efectivo. Todo el que... (More)

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URSS. 224 pp. (Spanish). Paperback. 19.9 EUR

La presente edición de la obra Matemática en el tablero de ajedrez, del conocido ajedrecista y escritor Yevgueni Guik, consta de tres tomos, a lo largo de los cuales se describen diversos puntos de contacto entre estas dos actividades del intelecto humano. Se resuelven diversos tipos de problemas matemáticos... (More)

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Sheliepin L.A. La coherencia. №09
URSS. 160 pp. (Spanish). Paperback. 14.9 EUR

El concepto de coherencia surgió en la óptica clásica. Hoy este concepto no sólo se ha convertido en un concepto general de la física, sino que se ha salido del marco de esta ciencia. En este libro el problema de la coherencia se estudia desde diferentes posiciones. Se examinan, además, las propiedades... (More)

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URSS. 144 pp. (Spanish). Paperback. 12.9 EUR

En el presente libro se exponen un curso rápido de estiramiento facial natural y un curso intensivo de masaje puntual de la cabeza y el rostro, los cuales le ayudarán a rejuvenecer diez o más años.

Durante la elaboración de los cursos, el autor tuvo en cuenta el alto grado de ocupación de las mujeres... (More)

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URSS. 152 pp. (Spanish). Paperback. 14.9 EUR

Tras una breve introducción a la termodinámica de los procesos reversibles, el autor expone de forma amena y detallada los postulados fundamentales de la termodinámica de los procesos irreversibles. Se presta una atención especial a los efectos de la termodinámica no lineal, a la autoorganización en... (More)

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URSS. 184 pp. (Russian). Paperback. 13.9 EUR

Автор настоящей книги рассказов --- современная швейцарская писательница Элен Ришар-Фавр, лингвист по образованию, преподававшая в Женевском университете. Ее герои --- почти всегда --- люди, попавшие в беду в какой-то момент жизни, чаще всего --- старики, никому не нужные и неспособные... (More)