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Cover Комова Т.А. // Komova T.A. Введение в сопоставительную лингвокультурологию: Великобритания---Россия: Курс лекций // Introduction to Comparative Studies of Language and Culture: Great Britain --- Russia Cover Комова Т.А. // Komova T.A. Введение в сопоставительную лингвокультурологию: Великобритания---Россия: Курс лекций // Introduction to Comparative Studies of Language and Culture: Great Britain --- Russia
Id: 203579
13.9 EUR

Введение в сопоставительную лингвокультурологию:
Великобритания—Россия: Курс лекций // Introduction to Comparative Studies of Language and Culture: Great Britain — Russia. Изд. 4, испр.

URSS. 128 pp. (Russian). ISBN 978-5-9710-2513-9.


Автор настоящей книги рассматривает концепты языка как способ и средство раскрытия языковой и понятийной картины мира современного человека. Его знание о мире, предрассудки и предпочтения во всем, что касается межкультурной коммуникации на современном английском языке, находят прямое и непосредственное выражение как в ментальном лексиконе, так и в речевом узусе.

Книга может быть полезной студентам, магистрам, аспирантам филологических ...(More)специальностей, а также смежных наук: истории, психологии, культурологии, этнографии.

Komova Tatiana Andreevna. Introduction to Comparative Studies of Language and Culture: Great Britain --- Russia. A Course of Lectures. Fourth revised edition. --- Moscow: LENAND, 2016. --- 128 p.

The course of lectures is designed to supplement A General Course of Introduction to English as a major for the students of language and culture at large. The materials of the book help the learners to focus their attention on the most topical problem of modern cognitive sciences --- the concept of self- and national identity. This concept is construed on the basis of the Russian and English prose and poetry, proverbs and folk songs.

The book meets the needs of those learners who are willing to know more about shared cultural roots of Russians, Americans and Englishmen, and even more about the individuality, creativity and uniqueness of their minds.

PART 1.On identity
 Lecture 1. From personal identity to national identity
 Lecture 2. The country and the countrymen
 Lecture 3. Power and People as concepts of language and culture
 Lecture 4. Name of a man versus name of a country
 Lecture 5. The language of a man and the language of a country
PART 2.People and their character
 Lecture 6. The English Humour as an individual and national feature of character
 Lecture 7. Food and drink as cultural phenomena
 Lecture 8. What do people drink when they feel thirsty?
 Lecture 9. Name of a city as a national symbol
 Lecture 10. The concept of dream in Russian and English culture
PART 3.People and the world of nature
 Lecture 11. The British Isles: the dichotomy of land and water
 Lecture 12. The Islands
 Lecture 13. "Wood"and "forest" in language and culture
 Lecture 14. Fauna and Flora of the world we live in
 Lecture 15. Animals and beasts as the object of linguoculturology
 Lecture 16. England, my England. (W. E. Henley)
Reference books
Final Term Test


V poslednee vremya vse bol'she interesa i vnimaniya poluchayut raboti, napravlennie na preodolenie razobschennosti nauchnogo znaniya, vizvannogo vse bolee uslozhnyayuschejsya spetsializatsiej znaniya, novimi potrebnostyami tekhnologicheskogo razvitiya, novimi "vizovami" vremeni. Odnovremenno realizuet sebya i drugaya tendentsiya – k integratsii znaniya, tendentsiya k obscheniyu cherez bol'shie rasstoyaniya, tendentsiya k globalizatsii politiki, ekonomiki, chelovecheskikh otnoshenij. V etom slozhnom obschestvenno-istoricheskom kontekste osobaya rol' otvoditsya kul'turnomu znaniyu, kul'turnim tsennostyam i tem provodnikam kul'turi, kotorimi mi segodnya obladaem. Sredi nikh pervoe mesto otdano yazikam – khranitelyam kul'turi i samim nadezhnim provodnikam kul'turi. Filologiya kak nauka o yazike i vsem, chto na nem i s pomosch'yu nego sozdaetsya, okazivaetsya ne prosto nuzhnoj, no i osobenno vostrebovannoj, ponyatnoj vsem sloyam naseleniya. Lingvokul'turologiya, ob'ektom izucheniya kotoroj stano- vyatsya edinitsi yazika, kotorie priobretayut simvolicheskoe, etalonnoe, obrazno-metaforicheskoe znachenie v kul'ture dannogo naroda ili vsego chelovechestva, predstavlyayut dlya nas osobij interes poskol'ku v nikh obobschaetsya, zakreplyaetsya i sokhranyaetsya kollektivnoe znanie, kollektivnij opit i mudrost'. Lingvokul'turologiya soedinyaet nashi znaniya o yazike s nashim znaniem o cheloveke, nositele yazika, s osobennostyami otrazheniya v ego soz- nanii i lingvisticheskoj kompetentsii kul'turno znachimikh fenomenov – poslovits, pogovorok, obryadov, traditsij, pravil etiketa, stereotipov i zabluzhdenij. V nastoyaschee vremya napisano mnogo ser'eznikh issledovanij, opublikovano mnogo rabot, raskrivayuschikh integratsionnij kharakter lingvokul'turologii i ee svyaz' s drugimi naukami: psikhologiej, etnografiej, sotsiologiej i politologiej, istoriej i kul'turologiej prezhde vsego. Dlya tselej dannogo uchebnogo kursa bilo vazhno pokazat' lingvokul'turologiyu skoree iznutri, pokazat' ee yazikovuyu i obschefilologicheskuyu prirodu, ostanovit'sya na metode issledovaniya kul'- turno znachimikh kontseptov yazika s uchetom togo znaniya, kotoroe mi mozhem poluchit', opirayas' na yazik, tekst, diskurs. Kogda mi govorim yazik, to predpolagaem izuchenie vsej sovokupnosti imen, pokrivayuschikh "mislitel'noe" prostranstvo togo ili inogo kon- tsepta, pomogayuschego nam organizovat' raznoobraznij material, ikh sochetaemost' i sopryazhennost' s imenami drugikh kontseptual'nikh prostranstv. No dlya nas vazhno znat', kak skladivayutsya te ili inie otnosheniya vnutri prostranstva, i mi obraschaemsya k istorii slov, poskol'ku cherez nikh mi postigaem puti integratsii yazikov i kul'tur. Sochetaemost' viyavlyaet razlichiya v tom, kak mi vidim mir dannogo prostranstva, derivatsiya raskrivaet sposob rasshireniya smislov, metaforicheskikh perenosov, stilisticheskikh smeschenij. Kontekstual'noe (vneshnee) bitovanie slov i slovosochetanij raskrivayut dlya nas sam mekhanizm pereklyucheniya iz yazika kak sistemi v rech' kak sposob suschestvovaniya yazika, i chto osobenno vazhno – sposob realizatsii poluchennogo znaniya nositelem yazika o mire i vozmozhnostyakh vzaimnogo obogascheniya i obmena etimi znaniyami s chlenami svoego yazikovogo sotsiuma ili drugikh sotsiumov. Obraschenie k poezii, drame, proze pokazivaet tvorcheskij potentsial otdel'nogo cheloveka, i vselyaet v nas nadezhdu na vozmozhnost' realizatsii nashikh sobstvennikh lingvisticheskikh v tom chisle darovanij. Takova logika postroeniya kursa: ot abstraktnogo ponyatiya k slovu i dalee cherez ryad nepremennikh urovnej analiza k sozdavaemomu s pomosch'yu slova obrazu, zakreplennomu vo frazeologii, stereotipe, situatsii, imeni sozdavshego ego avtora. Vse temi kursa ob'edinyayutsya odnim slovom – IDENTITY, smisl kotorogo raskrivaetsya postepenno, vklyuchaya takie aspekti, kak mesto, gde mi zhivem; imya, kotoroe daetsya nam ot rozhdeniya; yazik, kotorij mi schitaem rodnim, milie nashemu serdtsu privichki i traditsii. Uspeshnoj Vam raboti so slovom, dorogie druz'ya!


The main objective of the course has been outlined and designed for the readers and for the learners of English in the earlier publication of the author: "On British-American Cultural Studies: An introductory course"(2000). The subject of language studies in the space of history and culture is enormously vast and to carry it out is the whole life's consuming venture. The programme of the course is limited by time and by the particular targets of the teaching process; the chosen concepts cover a number of fundamental aspects of life, thinking and communication. We hope that we have presented the topics in terms of method, material and interpretation clearly enough. Now we would like to express our gratitude to our colleages whose encouragement and support made the whole project realizable.

I express my sincere thanks to prof. M.Remneva, dean of the philological faculty at MSU, Olga Alexandrova, head of the department of English linguistics. I feel obliged to my friends in Kolomna Pedagogical University, Kiev International University where I have given lectures on the subjects of this course and received a very warm support from administration and from the audience. I am thankful to my reviewers: prof. O.V. Aleksandrova and V.A. Levashova for helpful suggestions and practical recommendations in the course of preparing the text for publication.

After thirty years of pedagogical practice I became absolutely confirmed that what we need mostly is culture, and the more the better, language without cultural background, language without a historical retrospection turns out to be "art for art's sake". This course was meant for the young people, to make them involved without being confused in the process of discovering the beauty and richness of human speech, to make them read books, open dictionaries and encyclopedias, enjoy poetry and literature – highest forms of our soul.


The central concept of this part of the general course of comparative-contrastive study of culture through the prism of language,

with the help of language and for the better knowledge of language – is the concept of identity. Identity can be understood as a total sum of our accumulative knowledge about ourselves, where we come from and where we do belong now, the language we speak, the habits of the heart we share with others, our vision of the past and our hopes for the better future, etc. Thus structurally the mental lexicon of IDENTITY can be represented as identity by the land, idenity by the state, identity by the personal and family name, identity by the language. At the same time – these are very general parameters of identification. Any individual can be additionally specified in terms of temper, sense of humour, pragmatically oriented cleverness or intellectualism. More than that. As nationally shared and individually specific there are such traits as our predilection for particular national food and drink, our love for music or cats, our fear of foreigners, or our admiration for everything from remote corners of the world.

True, the picture thus outlined may seem to be rather mosaic. Still we hope that the very idea of identity will help us to unite all kinds of knowledge the students of philology get from other general and special courses to build up IDENTITY as a concept of language and culture.

The context of culture we live now in is deeply rooted in the cultural habits, traditions, knowledge of the previous generations and to study culture `horizontally' means to learn something very important about how to live in peace with those " next door". To study culture `vertically' means to learn how to live in peace with the past of your country and people, how to learn to become merciful and forgiving without being forgetful.

In his study of Christian symbolism ("Khristianskaya simvolika") first published in 1908, reprint of 2001, the count A.S. Uvarov (1825 – 1884) writes about the importance of name acknowledged by early Christians: v epokhu rannego khristianstva imya lichnoe sluzhilo yarkim otpechatkom polozheniya litsa, nosivshego ego i vmeste s tem bilo vernim otgoloskom tekh predanij i dazhe predubezhdenij, kotorie kharakterizovali yazicheskoe obschestvo pervikh vekov khristianstva. Drevnie rimlyane gordilis' imenami kak prezhde zaslugami....Prezrenie k khristianam otrazilos' v nadgrobnikh i drugikh nadpisyakh: Importunus, Malus, Fugitivus, Calumniosus, Stercotius, etc. Otsyuda voznikla traditsiya ukrivatel'stva ot yazichnikov vazhnejshikh pravil, kasayuschikhsya 8 predmetov: tainstvo krescheniya, tainstvo miropomazaniya, tainstvo rukopolozheniya, tainstvo prichascheniya, liturgiyu, uchenie o svyatoj Troitse, Simvol Veri i molitvu Gospodnyu. (C.1 – 6). As a result of those practices there appeared new names and special forms of self- and group identification – the whole system of signs and symbols to be decoded by many generations to come.

Ob avtore
dop Tat'yana Andreevna KOMOVA (rod. v 1944 g.)

Filolog-germanist. Okonchila romano-germanskoe otdelenie filologicheskogo fakul'teta MGU im. M. V. Lomonosova v 1967 g. Rabotaet v MGU s 1973 g.: doktor filologicheskikh nauk (1990), professor (1994) kafedri anglijskogo yazikoznaniya filologicheskogo fakul'teta MGU.

Avtor bolee 60 pechatnikh rabot po teoreticheskoj grammatike anglijskogo yazika, istorii anglijskogo yazika, po problemam sopostavitel'nogo izucheniya yazikov i kul'tur, po razlichnim problemam prepodavaniya anglijskogo yazika.

Chitaet lektsii v MGU i drugikh vuzakh Rossii. V poslednie godi udelyaet osoboe vnimanie takim problemam, kak anglijskij onomastikon v rechi i khudozhestvennom diskurse, mesto otritsaniya v yazikovoj i ponyatijnoj kartine mira (avtorskij diskurs B. Shou, B. Rassela); chasterechnaya kategorizatsiya i stilisticheskij potentsial razlichnikh chastej rechi, grammaticheskaya semantika i grammaticheskaya stilistika, yazikovaya lichnost' i rechevoe povedenie. Problematika nauchnikh issledovanij nashla otrazhenie v publikatsiyakh: "Modern English Grammar: Morphology and Syntax" (v soavt. s O. V. Aleksandrovoj; M., 1998, 2007); "Imya lichnoe v istorii i kul'ture Velikobritanii i SShA" (v soavt. s S. I. Garagulej; Belgorod, 1998); "On British-American Cultural Studies: an introductory course" (Moscow University Press, 1999) "Modal'nij glagol v yazike i rechi" (2-e izd. URSS, 2009) i dr.

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