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Cover Sukharev O. S. Institutional Economic Theory of Property and Economic Reforms Cover Sukharev O. S. Institutional Economic Theory of Property and Economic Reforms
Id: 200556
31.9 EUR

Institutional Economic Theory of Property and Economic Reforms

URSS. 128 pp. (English). ISBN 978-5-396-00688-1.
White offset paper
  • Paperback


Basic provisions, principles and criteria of institutional theory of privatization-nationalization and assets management in economy are introduced. Structural analysis of property in the aspect of its two basic elements, public and private property, is carried out and the model of interaction of public and private sectors is introduced. The main attention is paid to the efficiency estimation criteria of these property kinds functioning, and to expediency ...(More)substantiation of property privatization and nationalization. The optimum principle of property structure in economic system is suggested. Peculiarities of privatization and nationalization in economic systems are analyzed proceeding from substantiation of theoretical criteria of privatization and nationalization in economy.

The ability of institutional economic theory to explain various kinds of economic reforms (changes) on the basis of theoretical ideas about the dysfunction of institutions and systems are investigated. A number of classifications of reforms and dysfunctions is introduced and kinds of institutional efficiency of economic systems are defined. Qualitative regularities of various reforms of the twentieth century in different countries are generalized. A number of criteria of effective institutional reforms, capable to lower the depth and the scale of dysfunctions of the functioning economic subsystems is formed. System approach to the analysis of economic systems reforming with underlining the importance of reform “management” factor which defines productivity of economic development is elaborated. Life cycle of institution and economic system in the process of its reforming is presented and correction of J. Hellmann’s model, describing the reform-ing logic of economy is made.

Keywords: property, structure, privatization, nationalization, efficiency criteria, optimum principle, institutions, dysfunction, economic reform, dysfunctions types of institutions and systems, kinds of reforms

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Contents About the author

Section 1.Institutional Theory of Privatization-Nationalization Assets

 Chapter 1.Institutional Theory of Privatization and Nationalization
  1.1.Privatization Process: Possible Benefits and Costs
  1.2.Principles and Criteria of Privatization Efficiency
  1.3.Nationalization: Institutional Possibilities (Price Criterion)
  1.4.Interaction Model of Public and Private Sectors
 Chapter 2.Structural Analysis of the Property: Optimum Principle
  2.1.The Necessity of Structural Analysis of Property and Formations of Privatization and Nationalization Criteria
  2.2.Optimum Principle of the Property Structure and Criteria of Privatization and Nationalization Expediency
  2.3.Privatization in Transitive Economies: Errors and Consequences
Section 2.Institutional Theory of Economic Reforms: Dysfunction and Changes Models
 Chapter 3.General “Theory” of Reforms
 Chapter 4.Institutions and Dysfunction of the Systems
 Chapter 5.Dysfunction of the Systems and Institutions:  Economic Reforms
 Chapter 6.Typology of Economic Reforms

About the author
photoOleg S. Sukharev
Oleg S. Sukharev


Professor, Head of Laboratory of Institutional Economics at the Institute of Problems of Market of the Russian Academy of Science. Chief researcher of the Institute of Economy RAS. Author of more than 20 books and more than 300 papers on institutional economics, macroeconomics policy, innovation theory of companies and industry, theory of economic growth and institutional change. Oleg S. Sukharev is the author of the concept of dysfunction of institutions and economic systems, has developed a method for measuring dysfunctional states and evaluating the effectiveness of the system of economic organization, and proposed a model of neo-Shumpeterian competition “innovator–conservative” with correction of the findings for economic policy.

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