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Cover Spitzy К.H., Brunner R. Biochemistry of antibiotics. Symposium V Cover Spitzy К.H., Brunner R. Biochemistry of antibiotics. Symposium V
Id: 136091
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Biochemistry of antibiotics.
Symposium V. Vol.5

240 pp. (English).
  • Hardcover




Einleitende Worte von R. Brunner ....... xi

The Classification of Actinomycetes with Special Reference to Antibiotic

Production .......... 1

Selman A. Waksman Discussion .......... 18

Natural Substances in Relation to Germination ..... 20 Chr. Van Sumere and L. Massart

Coumarins and Phenolic Acids in Relation to Inhibition and Activation

of Germination .......... 33

R. Despois

Discussion .......... 35

Untersuchungen ...(More)iiber den Einfluss einiger Phenolcarbonsauren auf das Wachstum und den Stoffwechsel von hoheren Pflanzen und Mikro-organismen .......... 37

E. Saai.bach und E. Kcster

Biogenetic and Structural Relationships among the Antibiotics . . 42 E. P. Abraham and G. G. F. Newton Discussion .......... 60

Biochemical Interpretation of Antibiotic Resistance of Micro-organisms 64 A. di Marco

Discussion .......... 80

Cross-resistance among Four Antibiotics: Neomycin, Paromomycin,

Kanamycin and Streptomycin ....... 85

M. Finland

Combined Antibiotic Action ........ 91

Ernest Jawetz

Modes of Action of Antibiotics.......104

Fred E. Hahn

Discussion .......... 121

Studien zur Pharmakologie und Toxikologie der basischen Streptomyces-


H. Mickter, G. Osterloh und F. Lagler

Interaction of Antibiotics........134

Antonio Gallego

Les Associations dAntibiotiques.......166

P. Rentchnick

Kinetik der antibakteriellen Wirkung......168

T. Tamartt

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