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Cover Brachet J., Mirsky A.E. The cell. Biochemistry, Physiology, Morphology Cover Brachet J., Mirsky A.E. The cell. Biochemistry, Physiology, Morphology
Id: 136084
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The cell.
Biochemistry, Physiology, Morphology. Vol.1

816 pp. (English).
  • Hardcover




4. Quantitative Microscopical Techniques for Single Cells 91

P. M. В. Walker and В. M. Richards

I. Introduction........... 91

II. Methods............ 96

III. Individual Techniques......... 105

IV. Conclusions........... 130

References........... 133

5. Quantitative Microchemical Techniques of Histo- and

Cytochemistry........... 139

David Glick

I. Introduction........... 140

II. Preparation of Samples......... 140

III....(More) Measurement of Amount of Sample 143

IV. Titrimetric Techniques......... 146

V. Spectrophotometry Techniques....... 148

VI. Flame Photometric Techniques....... 150

VII. Fluoromctric Techniques........ 151

VIII. Gasometric Techniques......... 153

IX. Dilatometric Techniques........ 155

X. Microbiological Techniques........ 155

XI. Conclusions........... 156

References........... 151

6. Micrurgical Studies on Living Cells..... 161

M. J. Kopac

I. Historical............ 161

II. Instrumentation and Procedures....... 165

III. Application of Micrurgy to the Study of Living Cells . 169

IV. Subcellular Transplantation........ 169

V. Future Applications and Extensions of Micrurgy .... 183

References ........... 189

7. The Isolation of Subcellular Components .... 193

Vincent Allfrey

I. Introduction........... 194

II. Factors Influencing the Choice of Isolation Procedure 197

III. The Techniques of Cell Fractionation...... 212

IV. Some Representative Isolation Procedures..... 248

V. Standardization Procedures........ 263

VI. Some General Conclusions ........ 281

References........... 282

contents xi

8. The Cell as Organism, "Tissue Culture/' Cellular

Autonomy, and Cellular Interrelations .... 291 Philip R. White

I. Introduction........... 292

II. History............ 293

III. The Subject Matter.......... 295

IV. Methods............ 310

V. Conclusions........... 322

References........... 323


9. Fertilization............ 327

J. Runnstrom, В. E. Hagstrom, and P. Perlmann

I. General Aspects of Fertilization....... 327

II. Fertilization in Selected Cases....... 334

III. Conclusions........... 389

References........... 391

10. Sex Determination.......... 399

L. Gallien

I. Introduction........... 400

II. Cytogenetic Theory- of Sex Determination..... 401

III. Karyologic Basis of the Mechanisms of Sex Determination . . 402

IV. Experimental Verifications of the Cytogenetic Theory of Sex Determination........... 415

V. Genetic Bipotentiality of Sex........ 425

VI. Intersexuality and Genetic Interpretation of Sex: Genie Balance 426

VII. Epigamous Factors, Intersexuality and Sex Determination . 431

VIII. Conclusions........... 432

References........... 433

11. Differentiation of Vertebrate Cells..... 437

Clifford Grobstein

I. The Concept of Differentiation....... 439

II. Criteria of Differentiation........ 441

III. Properties of Cytodifferentiation....... 448

IV. Theoretical Considerations........ 486

References........... 491

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