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Обложка Popkov Yu.S. Dynamics of Non-homogeneous Systems Обложка Popkov Yu.S. Dynamics of Non-homogeneous Systems
Id: 296
775 р.

Dynamics of Non-homogeneous Systems Vol.1

URSS. 1997. 244 с. ISBN 5-88417-114-5.
  • Мягкая обложка


The Proceeding of ISA RAS presents some new theoretical results in the fields of macrosystem analysis, mathematical modelling, deterministic and stochastic dynamics, numerical methods, optimization, and games.

The book also contains articles dedicated to the solution of some applied problems in economic, technical, and biological systems, where the results of the mentioned fields can be used. (Подробнее)

 I. System Analysis
Afanasyev A. P. The Partial Differential Equations of Age Transition Model with Implications for Regional Migration Rates and their Influence on the Reproduction Structure of Population
Kanchaveli A. D., Kanchaveli L. D., Kartashov G. D. The Asymptotic Distribution of Minimum Values of Variational Series
Kichatov Yu. F. On the Common Reduction of Matrices to Block Diagonal form with Applications to Statistics
Kitaev O. V. Macrosystem Model of Population Dynamics: an Application for the Netherlands
Popkov Yu. S. Dynamic Systems with Entropy Operator (Analysis of their Properties and Applications)
Popkov Yu. S., Popkov A. Yu., Popkov E. Yu. New Methods of Entropy Maximization for Image Reconstruction from Projections
Shvetsov V. Qualitative Analysis of Nonlinear Migration Models: Macrosystem's Approach
 II. Optimization and Games
Abramov A. P. The Maximum Principle for "Rule of a Minimum" Processes
Afanasyev A. P. On the Dual Problem in the Optimal Trajectories Continuation and Maximal Principle for the Linear Controls Systems
Propoi A. I. Problems of Optimal Control of Distributions I. Learning Algorithm
Pukhlikov A. V. Euler Representations of Discrete Controlled Systems
Pukhlikov A. V. Computation of Euler Characteristic for Discrete Systems
Smoljakov E. R., Smoljakov V. E., Kichatov Yu. F., Boikov V. A. Analytical Methods for Search of Classical Equilibria in Differential Games
Smoljakov E. R., Smoljakov V. E. Saddle Point Existence Theorem over Non-Convex Sets
 III. Numerical Methods for Optimization
Dikoussar V., Sinyagin S. Solving of Linear Systems
Evtushenko Y. G. Fast Automatic Differentiation
Evtushenko Yu. G. and Zhadan V. G. Interior Point Methods Based on Space Transformation Technique
Propoi A. I. Problems of Optimal Control of Distributions II. Method of Potential Functions