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Обложка Клещинов В.Н., Жиравов А.Е. Атлас монет Советского Хорезма. 1338-1340 гг.х. (1920-1922 гг.) Обложка Клещинов В.Н., Жиравов А.Е. Атлас монет Советского Хорезма. 1338-1340 гг.х. (1920-1922 гг.)
Id: 198050
2053 р.

Атлас монет Советского Хорезма.
1338-1340 гг.х. (1920-1922 гг.)

2015. 80 с. ISBN 978-5-9906499-0-3.
  • Мягкая обложка


Предлагаемый атлас является продолжением предыдущего «Атласа монет Хорезма 1337-1338 гг.х. (1918-1920 г.г.)», так как монеты Советского Хорезма чеканили, практически, те же работники на том же монетном дворе. Данная книга сложилась на основе исследования нескольких частных коллекций монет, разрозненных экземпляров, рассеянных по частным коллекциям и редким публикациям. В атласе описаны, наряду с подлинными монетами, и некоторое число поддельных... (Подробнее)

Аннотация (in English)

The offered atlas is continuation previous "The atlas of coins of Khwarezm of 1337-1338 x. (1918-1920)" as coins of the Soviet Khwarezm were minted, practically, by the same workers on the same mint. This book developed on the basis of research of several private collections of coins, the separate copies disseminated through private collections and rare publications. In the atlas are described, along with original coins, and some number of counterfeit coins.

The atlas includes two sections. The first consists of portrayals of all studied stamps front and the backs and schemes of communications of these coins. The second – from several honeycombs photos. Photos are picked up for the following principles: all pictures of the rare coins available to studying are presented; groups of widespread coins were selected with the purpose to show various safety of separate copies as the coins minted in the manual way seldom meet copies in good condition.

The present atlas is the first large edition in which a large number of coins of the Soviet Khwarezm is described, but it doesn't apply for the description of all coins of this short issue.