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Обложка Frolov Ivan Man — Science — Humanism: A New Synthesis Обложка Frolov Ivan Man — Science — Humanism: A New Synthesis
Id: 173532
21.9 EUR

Man — Science — Humanism:
A New Synthesis

Человек --- Наука --- Гуманизм: новый синтез. (На английском языке).
Hombre --- Ciencia --- Humanismo: Una Nueva Síntesis. (En inglés)
URSS. 2013. 304 с. ISBN 978-5-397-04096-9.
Белая офсетная бумага
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What are the problems and dilemmas that confront man in the age of science? Will he be able to control the rapid course of scientific and technological progress or will he become a victim of scientistic manipulations? How does science relate to humanistic principles.

The author examines the problems of the ethics of science and the socio-ethical and humanistic principles governing man’s scientific cognition with reference to modern biology (especially ...(Подробнее)genetic engineering, experiments on man and psychophysiology).

The moral and philosophical meaning of human life, death and immortality constitute a distinct theme. Aside from considering scientific evidence the author also examines the relevant traditions in the history of Russian culture in approaching these “eternal” questions (Lev Tolstoy, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Vladimir Soloviev, Nikolay Fedorov). He anticipates a new synthesis of man, science and humanism within the culture of the human race in the future.

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Contents About author

Introduction. Man in the Age of Science and the Science of Man: Problems and Opinions
Chapter One. Science at the Service of Man and Man as the "Measure of All Sciences" Scientific Cognition and Humanistic Values; the Ethics of Science
 1.Science in the Present World and the Present World of Science: Its Transformation info a Direct Productive and Social Force; the Emergence and Intensification of Global Threats and Problems; the Dilemma of Scientism and Anthropologism; Alarmism, Utopian Optimism and Scientific Humane Realism
 2.New Social and Human Problems at the New Stage in the Revolution in Science and Technology: the Need for "High Touch" Relations; Man as the Centre, Subject, and Object of Integrated Forms of Interaction among Scientific Disciplines; Scientific Cognition and Humanistic Values; a New Type of Science in the "Age of Man" Science and Ethics: an Alternative or Interdependence?
 3.Discussions on Science vs. Ethics: an Alternative or Interdependence? Freedom to Engage in Scientific Research and the Responsibility of Scientists; the Ethics of Science, Its Origins, Specific Characteristics, and Relation to Mankind's General Socio-Ethical Values
Chapter Two. Socio-Ethical and Humanistic Principles (Regulators) of the Scientific Cognition of Man
 1.Humanism and Ethics in the Context of Modern Biology; Evolutionary-Genetic Foundations of Ethics? Experimentation on Man: Socio-Ethical Evaluations and Solutions
 2.A Scientific Search for Man's New Potentials vs. Neo-Eugenics; New Medicine and Bionic Technologies; the Development of Psycho-physiological Abilities and the Designing of "Artificial Intellect" the Problem of the Unconscious and Parapsychology: Myths vs. Reality
 3.Humanistic Problems of Human Genetics; Genetic Engineering: Unlimited Possibilities and Possible Limitations
Chapter Three. Real Humanism as a New Moral Philosophy of Human Life
 1.Why Live? The Biological, Social and Moral-Humanistic Meaning of Human Life; the Evolution of Its Length, and Approaches to Its Artificial Prolongation
 2.Illusions of "Eternal Life" and "Universal Resurrection". The Moral-Philosophical Meaning of Death and of Human Immortality (Examples from the History of Russian and World Thought)
 3.The Idea of Man's Life, Death and Immortality in the Light of Modern Science: Advances of Reanimatology and Myths about "Life after Life" Humanistic Problems of Thanatology: "the Right to Die" and "the Culture of Dying" Man's Uniqueness and the Scientific Search for Extraterrestrial Forms of Life and Intelligence; the Immortality of Man's Mind and Humaneness – the Immortality of the Human Race
Conclusion. A New Synthesis of Man, Nature and Humanism in an Integral Culture of the Human Race
Name Index

About author

Professor, Doctor of Philosophy and a Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, is a member of the European Society of Culture (SEC). Born in Department of Philosophy at Moscow University. From 1968 to 1977 he was Editor-in-Chief of Voprosy filosofii. He is currently Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR for Philosophical and Social Problems of Science and Technology. His major works include Philosiphical Problems in Contemporary Biology (1961); Essays on the Methodology of Biological Research (1965); Genetics and Dialectics (1968); Contemporary Science and Humanism (1974); Scientific Progress and the Future of Mankind (1975); Human Perspectives (1979; 1983); Global Problems and the Future of Mankind (in English, Hindi, and Finnish Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1982, 1984).

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