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Обложка Bolibruch A.A., S. Osipov, Ya G. Sinai Mathematical Events of the Twentieth Century Обложка Bolibruch A.A., S. Osipov, Ya G. Sinai Mathematical Events of the Twentieth Century
Id: 263016
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Mathematical Events of the Twentieth Century

546 с. (English).
  • Твердый переплет


This book contains several contributions on the most outstanding events in the development of twentieth century mathematics, representing a wide variety of specialities in which Russian and Soviet mathematicians played a considerable role. The articles are written in an informal style, from mathematical philosophy to the description of the development of ideas, personal memories and give a unique account of personal meetings with famous representatives ...(Подробнее)of twentieth century mathematics who exerted great influence in its development.This book will be of great interest to mathematicians, who will enjoy seeing their own specialities described with some historical perspective. Historians will read it with the same motive, and perhaps also to select topics for future investigation.

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